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Everything posted by damj

  1. He's going to work on his slashing attack style.
  2. Good call on MP ... but I was thinking about the "Charlie the Unicorn" video on youtube. Check it out ... I would post a link but I can't get access it at work. Make sure that you watch until the very end ...
  3. I'm not being mean ... I'm being honest. Seriously, after camp starts and we start to see some of these guys, sure, it's cool to have an underdog to root for ... but during OTA's?!? $$$ and Strip clubs?!? Yeah, there's something that we can all agree on! LOL
  4. Unbeliever! Shun the unbeliever! Shun the unbeliever! Shun! Shun! Shun!
  5. Yeah, I guess people are like opinions ... most of them are stupid. lol
  6. Yeah, but it's a "what have you done for me lately league" ... Lindell hasn't kicked a FG like in over 7 months ... get him outta here! Wait, no TDs from Trent, Lee, Marshawn either in over 7 months ... WTF?!?
  7. I tried the "threaten to change" route with Dish Network and they wouldn't budge, so I switched to DTV. After it was installed, I called Dish to cancel and THEN they promised me the moon and the stars ... Bozos!
  8. Why do Bills fans fall madly in love with every scrub, undrafted FA, draft pick (especially the low round ones) and training camp piece-of-soon-to-be-working-at-Walmart-crap fodder that the Bills bring in?!? Sure some of the work out (Jason Peters), but the other 99.94% of them don't ...
  9. Chroise is a concatenation of "Charisma" and "Poise" ... of which, Gibran is massively imbued with ... no ... he is the embodiment of Charisma and Poise ... Chroise ... Hamdam is Chroise made flesh We are not worthy ... We are not worthy ... We are not worthy ...
  10. Sorry Mrs. Urrego, your son will be working at Walmart by September.
  11. chroise, chroise, chroise, chroise, chroise, chroise, chroise, chroise, chroise. There's nothing you can do that can't be done. Nothing you can sing that can't be sung. Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game It's easy. There's nothing you can make that can't be made. No one you can save that can't be saved. Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time - It's easy. All you need is chroise, all you need is chroise, All you need is chroise, chroise, chroise is all you need. chroise, chroise, chroise, chroise, chroise, chroise, chroise, chroise, chroise. All you need is chroise, all you need is chroise, All you need is chroise, chroise, chroise is all you need. There's nothing you can know that isn't known. Nothing you can see that isn't shown. Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be. It's easy. All you need is chroise, all you need is chroise, All you need is chroise, chroise, chroise is all you need. All you need is chroise (all together now) All you need is chroise (everybody) All you need is chroise, chroise, chroise is all you need.
  12. It's the chroise man ... can't you feel it? Can't you bask in the radiance?
  13. Good point ... one game, Kelly had a concussion and kept calling the same play over and over again. Nobody realized because the play worked every time. It was only after he put his helmet to talk to the coaches on the sideline during a timeout, then took it off and ran back on the field that someone realized that he might not have been all there. The point is, the no huddle worked because of the players, not the scheme. The no huddle put these players in a position to succeed.
  14. No ... Teddy Bruschi parted the water and Brady walked out ... Damn you Archimedes ... damn you! lol
  15. Hmmm .... obviously someone willing to pony up $13.5 mil has alot of money and presumably is smart and worked hard for it ... so what is sadder ... 1.) That Dan Marino thinks that by throwing in an autographed ball that will convince someone to buy it, or 2.) That it would be the deciding factor for the buyer?
  16. Why do we always think that just running the no huddle will solve all of our offensive woes. The K-Gun had the perfect mix of coaching and players to run it ... That offense was loaded with Pro-Bowlers and Hall of Famers. Sure, it was exciting and fun, but since then, every time our offense struggles, everybody always calls for the No Huddle as if they expect that to fix everything. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig ... though I think with T.O. and if Trent keeps developing, we could have a pretty hot looking pig.
  17. Yeah, he'll make alot of noise this year. I was at Stereo Advantage and I saw him getting a new stereo for his car ... man, that thing cranks! Just one question, when he goes in the HOF, will they make him wait the minimum 5 years or just make an exception and let him in right away?
  18. Thanks for bringing that up Finkle and undoing 15 years of very expensive therapy ... thanks alot!
  19. Who is Chang? Never heard of him before. Is he any good?
  20. I have a headache and I don't feel like some using sarcasm, so I'll just get to the point. YOU ARE A MORON!!!!!!!!
  21. Or the "Tiny Tot of the Kilowatt", Art Wander.
  22. You obviously weren't around then in the late 80s/early 90s ... As the Bills were rising to prominence, Berman was one of the first national media guys to back the team ... He was as much a part of the Bills heyday as any one. I think this is an awesome choice!
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