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Everything posted by damj

  1. He's got a point though ... but if he wants to be the highest paid TE in the league ... I don't know ... maybe he should BE THE BEST TE IN THE LEAGUE!!!! Houston, we have a problem.
  2. So Jauron can have another ivy leaguer around to talk to.
  3. People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along? Can we stop making it, making it horrible for the older people and the kids?...It’s just not right. It’s not right. It’s not, it’s not going to change anything. We’ll, we’ll get our justice....Please, we can get along here. We all can get along. I mean, we’re all stuck here for a while. Let’s try to work it out. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to work it out.
  4. Fantasy Nerd ?!? I resemble that remark! AP
  5. I wasn't there, but was coming home from a weekend in D.C. and was dricing past the stadium on the 219 and listening on the radio when it happened. Two plays always remind me of the difference between a QB like Kelly and a passer like Marino. For Kelly, it's the Phillips play ... for Marino, it was a game against the Jets that I was watching. Marino threw a pick and the DB ran right past Marino and he just stood there and didn't try and make the tackle.
  6. We would've won SB27 if Marv put him in the 4th quarter ... no doubt about it ... put the crystals in the time machine and let's go!
  7. Thank you for keeping me real SJBF ... Humbley I beseech you, oh Chroisen One, please forgive me my trespasses and restore me to the glory of your Chroise. I will do my penenance ... what will you have me do oh Chroisen One?
  8. Trading up for a franchise QB at 5 ... that's what you have to pay ... Who knows how he is going to turn out ... even at #1/#2, QBs are a risky pick (ie; P. Manning vs. R. Leaf)
  9. BTW A-Hole ... what was it about about my commenting about /dev/null's use of "®" that pissed you off. Couldn't go find a dog to kick?
  10. Yeah, but most top WRs are ... the nature of the beast
  11. Why?!? The K-Gun wasn't named after Kelly?!?
  12. Mine once belonged to a Canadian Environmental Scientist who worked in our office. When he took a job, I called dibs on his Flutie Flakes and hockey pucks ... I got a box and 2 goat Head Sabres pucks out of it ... sweeeeet!
  13. Because it's false hope by inferior coaches who have run out of original ideas. The No-Huddle worked in the 90s because we had the collection of talent that could run it. If we had that level of talent now and it would work, fine, then run it ... but don't just try and sell me "We're going to run it now and we'll be good because it worked before". It's like politicians today ... these guys (and gals) are so brain dead and out of ideas on how to lead that they have 2 stock answers to every problem: 1.) We need economic development ... build a casino 2.) We need more revenue ... raise taxes.
  14. I shook the box ... there's reason to believe it might still be edible.
  15. I was cleaning out my office and found an unopened box of Flutie Flakes from 1999. Bidding starts at $1.00
  16. Ummmmm .... speaking for those who watched 83 play ... DUH!
  17. Coach Jauron: Damj, why are you all wet? Damj: It's sandwich day. Every Wednesday I take Hamdan and his chroise a peanut butter sandwich... Coach Jauron: "Hamdan" has chroise? Damj: And today we were out of peanut butter. So I asked my sister what to give him, and she said "a chroise sandwich". I can't give Hamdan chroise! [whispering] Damj: Do you know what chroise *is*? Coach Jauron: Hamdan? Damj: [hysterical] It's Hamdan! If I give Hamdan chroise, I'd be an abomination! I'm late because I had to go to the store and get peanut butter 'cause all we have is... is... stinkin' chroise! Coach Jauron: Damj, Damj, why is this so important to you? Damj: [calm] Hamdan controls the weather.
  18. My apologies Mr. F. Lee Bailey, and in my opinion, your client was not guilty
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