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Everything posted by damj

  1. I had the same choice to make in '87 ... I really wanted to go to Syracuse ... I had financial assistance, but was still facing $15K/year in loans ... vs. UB which was free ...
  2. I liked the part where he is the grumpy old man saying "Get off my lawn", only he is a bad-ass holding a rifle.
  3. It really showed his acting and directing skills ... There's some talk that this might have been his last acting role ... if so, he'll have gone out on a high note, unlike some other Hollywood legends.
  4. Just saw it last night on DVD ... great flick! This man has come so far from "Anywhich way but loose". I never expected the ending ... well done.
  5. When we adopted the second time, my wife wanted another boy, but I talked her into a girl. It's a whole differennt relationship between father and daughter, and I didn't want to miss out on that. My wife came around is glad that we got a girl.
  6. I need to improvise, adapt, overcome ... my wife won't let me keep my guns in the house, so the MCO sword is the next best idea.
  7. That must be quite an adventure, especially the morning after. {groan} Now you'll have that song stuck in your head all day, wish you luck with that {mwah ha ha}
  8. Pooj ... it's not you ... I know what you're talking about it ... I just recently starting seeing that happen in Excel 2003 ... sucks and is aggravating. I have no idea why ... It always to change formulas to "text" format, so you have to reset the format to general, then hit "F2" and enter to reset. I'm a MicroCrap hater!
  9. Good thing you're not taking about my daughter ... I already want to fight you ... lol. My daughter is 5 and I'm already teaching "Boys are bad, they're stinky and rotten". I know I'll ultimately lose this battle, but I've gotta fight it ... lol. I'm already pitying her boyfriends ... I plan on cleaning my Marine NCO sword whenever they come over
  10. Congrats! Nothing beats "Daddy's Little Girl" ... I love both my kids, but it's different with my daughter. The day we picked her up (she's adopted), she had me wrapped around her finger and in a jewlery store buying her stuff ... lol. She bonded to me instantly.
  11. Do they check pulses on coaches? Jauron looks dead to me.
  12. Not at all ... I was in college during my time in the reserves ... I lost 2 years (1 for boot camp/school & 1 for Desert Storm). I was irresponsible and immature when I was younger, so the Corps helped me grow up alot. I didn't graduate college and start working until I was 25, but I have no regrets.
  13. Eddie is still there ... not much of the neighborhood left ... still serves up great Polish food ... I highly recommend it.
  14. Marine Reserves 1987-1990; Active Duty - Persian Gulf 90/91. Was E-4 when I got out. Awesome experience, glad I did it
  15. Do we care when players play death race 2000 on Chippewa or pistol whip old dad? No. Then who cares about a little doobage.
  16. I accept that you have one frickin' awesome avatar ...
  17. Your avatar is just crap Lurker ... do you know that?!?
  18. Why Are We Having Another Thread About This? Seriously, I think we have enough.
  19. Who the f_ _ _ cares about next year ... let's see how this one goes.
  20. Ok, I'm clearing my mind ... I'm visualizing ... here it comes ... Yes! 7-9! Great job Quint calling out the hypocrisy ...
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