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Everything posted by damj

  1. Why did this last to post 5? - French Quarter in New Orleans
  2. I ate at a Mexican Restaurant in Tijuana ... not only am I still alive to talk about it, but I didn't get ameobic dystentary. The food was very good. La Galera in Nia Falls has good mexican food made by mexicans. Now try Russian chicken soup ... bones, gristle and all ... Didn't eat much that trip! Interesting side story ... I went to a McDonalds in Moscow ... I can't speak Russian, they couldn't speak English ... but I ordered cheesburgers, fries and apple pie (nyet), cherry pie (da) and cokes ... and wouldn't you know it ... they got the order RIGHT!!! I go to a McD's around here and they fug up the order EVERY time ... It doesn't take Einstein to know that fries go in a happy meal!
  3. People who smell butt-cracks ABBA War
  4. You're ex-girlfriends might disagree ...
  5. Eating wings at a chain place in Buffalo is like going to a tanning booth in So-Cal to get a tan. Duffs ... mmmm I haven't had Buzzy's wings lately ... but I love their 'za. Ever try the Barbeque grilled wings at Goodfellas in the falls? We have good wings in the falls too ...
  6. Kung Pao Chicken (if you like spicy food) Orange Chicken I think Thai food is even better
  7. Double avian mono-paleo-homicide.
  8. I did have to keep after him a bit. What I liked about Jazz is dustless sanding and water based varnish. He worked 2 days, and we were able to get on the floors 2-3 hours each day after he was done. We did most of the ground floor, so we couldn't get anywhere around the house. Jazz wasn't the cheapest, but I liked them.
  9. My wife watches this crap, I personally couldn't give a damn ... She's a B word, so much that if hauled off and dotted her dead in the face, no one would hold it against him. They're getting a divorce ... the brain dead tabloid crowd is eating this up until the next "Big Story" comes ... now ask any of these idiots what's going with North Korea and enjoy the dumb look on their face. BTW ... I'm not angry, just honest ... lol
  10. I used Jazz Hardwood and I was satisfied with their work.
  11. Swarma wrap from the Falafel Bar ... mmm ...
  12. Peta needs to find something better to do with their time ...
  13. Good point Bullpen ... When I look back at my service in Desert Storm, what I experienced is nothing compared to what guys are facing in Iraq/Kuwait, or faced in 'Nam, Korea, WW II, etc ...
  14. Guess I'm the stupid one for not thinking this wouldn't get thrown back to me.
  15. This morning I ran out of gas. Yes, that's stupid in itself, but I can a piece of s#$t Chevy truck with a wildly innacurate gas gauge, so my stupidity isn't the point. I went and got gas and was walking back to put it in. Mind you, the 4-ways are on ... I could see my truck for about 2 minutes as I walked back. The whole time, there is a woman stopped behind it, just waiting ... PLENTY of room to go around it ... 4-ways on. Ok, so I get to my truck and as I'm POURING THE GAS IN ... people continued to pull up behind me and just sit there ... WHY?!? Ok ... what's your stupid person of the day story ...
  16. Further proof of what wacko idiots PETA are! Somebody actually invented the "Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher"?!? WTF
  17. Sounds like Niagara Falls Barbie ... Comes with optional diploma or GED option.
  18. For me, it was that I needed to do something with my life. After I high school, I went to a community college for one semester. I skipped classes for 2 months, but still had an A average ... I realized I wasn't ready for college so I quit. I figured that I needed to do something and I like airplanes, so I decided to join the Air National Guard. While I was talking to the recruiter, 2 buddies of mine came home from Marine boot camp, and I was blown away by the difference in made in them, so I went in the Marine Reserves instead. When I went back to college, it gave me more discipline to work harder. I was more disciplined and more mature, especially after I came back from Desert Storm.
  19. Come on Russ ... git er done ... sign 'em all!!!
  20. I'm not an expert, but have done some web development ... it's not too dificult once you learn the basics ... I've done that all before ... expect for the online payments part ... there's pre-canned php based programs to do all this. How big of a site are you talking?
  21. Shooting outdoors won't be so bad ... for $200, you can get a good point and shoot.
  22. I miss my old truck ... it was a stick, so I could downshift to slow down without my tail lights going on ... that would get their attention ... {mwah ha ha} Worked great for tailgaters too! Yes, I am a bastard, but I hate having to pay for the stupidity of others ... every since I got herniated and bulging disks in my neck courtesy of some stupid little chicky gabbing with her friend and slamming into the back of me.
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