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Everything posted by damj

  1. I agree ... I can't see that point anymore in my rearview mirror.
  2. Wrong again ... Woody ans4e64 meant to say Ruth Buzzy. Common mistake.
  3. Wrong Woody ... he died ... I know it probably got missed in all the hoopla over Michael Jackson, but died. Farrah too.
  4. BTW ... what is the TSW record for most view/replies? Barring the mods closing this, we should blow that record away.
  5. The 70s was also the era of disco music and polyester.
  6. fghijklmnopqrstuvwxy ... and z I win!
  7. Sheik Yerbouti ... what a fine CD.
  8. I just met the guy that just met the guy who photoed the allman brothers --that famous fillmore east in front of the equipment pic
  9. Me too ... I prefer aluminum
  10. My wife has already given me permission to get my mid-life crisis car ... a Dodge Challenger ... now I'm just waiting for my daughter to get old enough to get out of a car seat and buckle herself in.
  11. Run ... RUN while you still have a chance!!! Oh no ... too late ... it sucked you in too. Did the guy have a grin and was he wiping his chin?
  12. You just made the list, buddy ... everybody calls me Psycho! So just keep your meat hooks off. If I catch any of you guys in my stuff, I'll kill you. Also, I don't like nobody touching me. Now, if any of you homos ... touch me, I'll kill you.
  13. Blah blah blah ... Give it up guys ... I've got this nailed ... I win!
  14. That's how it would work in we lived in a normal world. Everybody is a victim ... "It's not our fault we forgot our kid ... it's the cabbie's fault for not checking the cab ... we're victims".
  15. One thing I've noticed with my wireless is that there are so many wireless networks in my neighborhood that sometimes my laptop will take a while to recognize my router. Check the preferred order of wireless networks ... maybe your computer is trying to connect to a different router.
  16. My attorney has advised me not to comment further on this matter. He will be in touch.
  17. Oh no ... I can see where this one will probably go ...
  18. Glad to hear that CJ is doing well ... He was always one of my favorites. Link
  19. You are indeed brave, Sir knight, but the fight is mine. I am the black Knight! I am invincible! The Black Knight always triumphs!
  20. Nope! I win! You guys are losers ... LOSERS! I win!
  21. Craniums doing donuts and blowing pea soup chunks is hot!
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