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Everything posted by darkman

  1. Again...5 and 1 never felt so good
  2. Were better than that! Less than a minute to go.
  3. T. Edwards 25/30 261 1
  4. 5-1 never felt so good. Too bad most of the country didn't get to see most of it because of the blackout.
  5. FIRST DOWN! GAME ALMOST OVER! 2:00 Warning.
  6. The real reason for us beating San Diego will be that they had too many injuries. Same as before, no different now. LT's big toe cost them the game. San Diego beat up Buffalo if not for LT's big toe. Damn, they ought to make a new NFL rule regarding LT's big toe.
  7. with the challenge they waste another time out.
  8. Now we need at least 3 more and time off the clock.
  10. and a excellent picture I must say. You photograph exceptionally well.
  11. FG is GOOD. 2 SCORE game!
  12. About as goofy as your avatar!
  13. LYNCH! Great Run!
  14. It looks like we got some pass rush. That was a hurried throw.
  15. INTERCEPTION! I knew it had to happen sometime!
  16. good pass rush there...
  17. It hasn't rebooted yet..
  18. Lee, first down.
  19. NFL.com says it was reversed and rekicked. They were wrong..
  20. Making up for lost time, they want the revenue. Too bad they owe us more than revenue. CBS is a large company. I'm still stuck on why they did not have the generators running or generators at all. ESPECIALLY when they new there was an issue BEFORE the GAME!
  21. He's not stupid, nor is he going to risk the game changer...
  22. Rams are beating up Dallas...
  23. and the Bills are two quarters from winning the game. It's a case of the beer bong either being half empty or half full. Your choice.
  24. Yeah me too, even if I had to go out to the car and listen to the phone call on Satellite radio.
  25. The Refs will either: 1. Close their eyes and replay the play in their heads or 2. Take a vote at the stadium to decide on the call. On those who have had three beers or less can participate. NFL Rule Book Rules 666 and 667
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