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Everything posted by darkman

  1. +1 for the Jets +1000 for the Raiders
  2. Byrd and Harris for me are the only dark picks. Byrd as a saftey intrigues me, but if they don't use him it's pointless. I hope they do. Harris as a LB prospect is also intriguing, except that they list him as a pure CB. If he can transition and not play solely ST, then it's all good. I still give an A- on the top end if they can transition into their projected positions and play this year. A+ would be reserved for an exceptional trade / pick, something like getting Nelson in the 6th (would not have happened, I'm happy where they got the steal and it was an exceptional value at that pick). If they could have taken him lower, A+ draft easily, not that I rated him that low. I just believe some D or O line backups would have put us over the top. Given that we can get a good LB in FA. Personally, all but the harris pick is AWESOME to me.
  3. Draft grade (regardless of 7th round). B+ IMHO. Could be an A- depending on how things play out. Could we have done better, yes and no. Did we get most of what we needed, yes. Are 4 of 5 going to be starters, yes. Will they make an impact, yes.
  4. and 35 guys that can play ST
  5. Corner might be a goner. How many STers do we need? We can have a whole 52man ST offense.
  6. To each his own I guess. It seemed like they lost steam in the second round and just got plain lazy.
  7. I think ESPN had better coverage this year all the way around. I watched NFL Network yesterday and thought it was pretty horrible coverage for all the teams.
  8. Post of the draft! We just have to name it. WildJauron defense DeTard defense hmm...
  9. I agree, outstanding draft. 6th round, who cares. But we could have gotten some depth at needed positions. As someone else pointed out, Mcgee may not be here next year, so this could be okay.
  10. except that we don't need more st'ers..
  11. He's still holding Peter's peter and won't let go. Common sense is not something he has much of. Peters did not want to be here. We could've kept him, but he would've held out until the last few games, so what's the point? Get a guy that can contribute this year, or keep a guy that doesn't want to be here and won't play anyway until he has to.
  12. Your 2nd post, and you still continue to call the FO a bunch of monkeys. Go root for the Raiders.
  13. If you two are so much better, why not lend your mad skillz to the FO? I hear so many people complaining about the FO all the time, makes you wonder why you don't get a position over there?
  14. No comment other than to say you should go swish your mouth out.
  15. I watch every game. He's been out of position a lot. He was a reach at 8, plain and simple. Is he serviceable? Yes, without a doubt. Is he elite enough to be a number 8 pick? No way in hell. You said he was a hell of a football player. I call him an above average backup with flashes of glory. I'm so sorry your sick and tired of hearing the truth. edited to add: I watch every game I can, though I do miss a few. I'm not in the war room, so I can't tell you anything more than my personal opinion. That opinion stands on him being trade bait or released before September.
  16. I asked about this in another thread, I think he's a good late rounder as well (as mentioned by another in the other thread), which was why I asked. Good depth if you ask me.
  17. I gotta agree...tell us what makes him a hell of a football player. He was moved around a lot, but a hell of a footballl player should have been able to put up some damn good stats.
  18. I just had to be a naysayer... Miami did pick alot of WR's though. White looks okay, but that depends on who's going to be throwing him the ball. Miami's Wildcat is going to get found out more so than it did last year.
  19. Hey wait... I'm walking! This draft stinks, we should have taken all the good players the raiders took! They did so much better than us. Miami's WR core is going to kill us next year with all those SWEET WR's. We should have drafted more CB's to compensate.. ah... Just kidding.
  20. We don't need many more of those..
  21. I like the Keiaho talk, so I'll consider this a good pick.
  22. So we got two new safties? FS and SS? edit: or LB?
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