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Posts posted by darkman

  1. you have got to be kidding me with that statement...have you watched the saints play at all these two games?


    the Saints have scored 48 and 45 points their first two games and you think there is a chance the Bills defense can take the saints offense out of the equation...if a comment ever deserverd a :rolleyes: its that one


    i think you are putting a little too much into the Bills win today over a bad Tampa team


    No I haven't watched the Saints. I'm a Bills fan, remember? I'm not putting my faith in any game. I'm putting my faith in the secondary.


    If you don't think we have a chance, why don't you let the Bills know that so that Ralph can save the costs of having the team play next week.


    If a response to a comment ever deserved a B-) it's yours. I respect the team, maybe not old Dick, but the team itself. I don't see a blow out with a one dimensional team. Don't you think that teams won't get wise to the Saints passing game and plan for it, with little or no run to speak of? It's week freakin two here. Of course an explosive offense will shine, but were moving into another week. The Saints are blowing loads all over the place and giving up their entire playbook two weeks in.


    It's just like Miami and the WildCat. It eventually get's figured out. Maybe not by the Bills this week, who knows, but their Offense is exploitable. The Eagles put up 391 yards on them. They have no defense. We might not have the *BEST* defense, but we do have some play makers. We also have a hell of a good back in Jackson. Were not one dimensional.


    We're banged up, but we continue onward. If you really don't think we have a chance then bet on the Saints with your life savings. Win big, then buy the damn team yourself.


    *EDIT* to say: Whom really have the Saints played thus far? Detroit...no comment need and Eagles - usually a very serviceable team, this year they have a rookie QB. Both put up a heck of a lot of yards on the Saints defense. We're better defensively then both teams, banged up and all. Anyone with a reasonable sense knows this. Let's use the same example, in two games against one good and one lacking but still decent opponent, we've been there every stretch of the way. We lost game one on a bad mistake, but a VERY good overall outing. We won game 2 with a VERY good overall outing. Neither were perfect, but definately something to build upon.

  2. the Saints biggest problem the last couple years has been their defense and that hasnt changed, even with the overrated Greg Williams as their DC this year...Detroit was able to score against them as well


    the Saints offense is unreal right now and will cause problems for whoever they play


    If our secondary stays moderately heathly there's a decent chance of taking the Saints Offense out of the equation. It's a definately a winable game.

  3. Cadillac Williams runs for 150+, Trent throws 3 picks, McKelvin coughs up another.

    Bills lose big.

    Bucs 28

    Bills 6

    Or maybe...

    Jackson runs for 150+, Trent throws 3 TD, McKelvin scores another.

    Bills win big.

    Bills 28

    Bucs 6

    Either way it won't be close.

    Boy you sure did blow that first part:


    D. Ward 9 32 0 13

    E. Graham 2 16 0 13

    C. Williams 7 9 0 5


    Second part you had right:


    Rushing CAR YDS TD LG

    F. Jackson 28 163 0 43

  4. Bills should be up 23/27 to 7. Here is my problem with the fumble. Good coaches put their players in positions to win. Clearly Jacksonn should have held on to the ball, but there was no need to run the ball that many times consecutively. It makes 0 sense.


    If I had 2-3 downs with less than a minute left (knowing that I was going to get the ball back after the half, I would try the endzone 3 times). Makes no sense to me.


    If the running game is working, you stick with it. All I have to say. It was and is still working, we'll see what happens though. Bummer for the fumble, but Roscoe chasing him down was awesome!

  5. Agreed, the difference this year, is that I'm not so sure that they have the horses around him to keep him going all year long. I think as Brady enters this stage of his career, they have to solidify the RB position and commit to it. If they can do that, I think he can still be a greatly effective QB for a long time...But if he has to throw 60 times a game for the next 5-7 years of his career, It's not going to be good for them.


    He's half way to 60 today. I don't know what the heck happened to their run game, but he's 16/29. He could very well go for 60 attempts today, which would be a REALLY bad thing for him.


    I'm kinda lost as to what happened to Taylor? It's pretty wierd how the team just took a crap over the off-season and all anyone would talk about was how Brady would make it all better.


    Thus far, he really hasn't. A mistake last week caught us. Jet's won't make the same mistake. Teams have gotten smarter and smarter against the Pats. Without a run game, they can pick apart the secondary and thus Brady will be throwing 60 or more attempts a game just to manage it.

  6. indeed...once they start losing games because of Brady, then I'll celebrate.


    Dink and dunk get's it done, for sure. The only thing I can say is that all those attempts, both historically and in todays game, have to be wearing down that arm.


    Personally, I don't think Brady lasts all year. I get the feeling that his peak days are behind him, and he's entering the backside of his career and will always be a game manager, able to keep them in it, but a high powered offense that get's ahead early will certainly tear them apart.


    Those field goals would come back to haunt them against teams like the Saints..

  7. Good to see that Bob Kraft's check cleared again this week. Two garbage calls against the Jets on that drive. The Sheppard penalty and a 15 yarder on Bart Scott for a phantom kick of Edelman that the replay showed really didn't happen. Typical stuff.....


    Bellifat and Kraft know how to spread the cheese around, that's for sure. Strange enough, the calls always seem to benefit them. Maybe mckelvin got a little sumthin in his check too?

  8. Name calling is for first graders. Are you a first grader?


    A rookie is a rookie is a rookie is a rookie is a rookie. Being a rookie means that if you float along not knowing what you're doing, its expected. if you make an impact, it's a wonderful surprise.


    You know, you're probably right, the unproven Wood or Levitre will be better than Dockery. No doubt. i'm sure you've seen tons of film of them pounding NFL nosetackles. Right? Dockery was definitely not better than a rookie. Right. That's why we paid him what we did, and its why the Skins are paying him that way now. All rookies are better than Dockery. ok.


    Hangengartner is a backup, Wood is ... a Rookie. Can we say they upgrade from Folwer/Preston, no. We certainly hope so, but we really don't know anything about Wood in the NFL, and Hangegartner is a BAAACCKKKUPPP Buffalo!


    Who are we getting to replace Crowell? Please, enlighten me. List for me the available talented OLBs we're scouting and willing to pay for. Son, sit down, I'm going to tell you something. In the old days, we would have a problem like this and the old man woudl sit down with his checkbook and make it go away. In case you haven't noticed, we haven't been to the playoffs in a DECADE, and those days are over. Ellison is probably our starter this year. Nevertheless, I agree that since we had Ellison last year, and we'll have him again this year, its even. I'm just disappointed we didn't resign Crowell.


    McKelvin WAS ALREADY GOING TO REPLACE GREER...Hello... McFLYYY...So who is replacing Greer as our #3? Don't know? Neither does anyone else who has posted here. Don't be so gullible Mcfly.


    You have to be about 14-16 years old. I have to ask you, as you asked me. Have you watched any games lately? In previous posts you state that our dominate line was getting dismantled. I know you're not talking about the Bills.


    Given your 8 post and statements to date, I don't think you are in any position or even think you know about football operations or players outside of Madden. Not that I know anything about it either, other than attempting to enjoy the game itself.

  9. Lets talk here and now 2009-2010


    Certain people on this board have been drinking the kool aid in Buffalo.


    There is absolutey no way Walker is an upgrade over Peters. Further, there is absolutely no way that whatever unproven, late round draft pick the Bills plug in at RT will be an upgrade over Walker, who I thought looked pretty good last year at RT (if he hadn't he wouldn't be getting moved).


    At center, what you HAD, was a below average center in Fowler. He sucked, especially against Jenkins. HOWEVER, what you HAVE now is a college kid who has never seen an NFL DT. He MAY be an EVENTUAL upgrade, but TODAY, he's an athletic college kid who set down his beer long enough to show up on draft day. Sorry, but he's a DOWNGRADE for THIS season.


    No one THIS YEAR will even come close to replacing Dockery. He was not worth the money, but our next best alternative, (which is what a responsible FO looks at) was ... you guessed it another college kid...who oh by the way...you reached for high in the draft...so now you get to pay him top flight money, kind of like Dockery, but without the experience.


    So, for THIS YEAR, despite COMPLETELY losing our OL, We DID upgrade for ONE YEAR at WR, a backup QB, and 3rd string RB. So yeah, right...our Front office did a truly brilliant job....of dismantaling one of the better O-lines in the game and replacing them with college kids who MIGHT be good someday... :thumbsup:



    Aww.. we missed you. Here's your exit: http://www.theraidernation.com/


    Don't let the door hurt your little tooshy on the way out.

  10. I give it a B. I would have gone higher if they didn't waste the last 3 picks.


    All teams start with a C, even the Raiders.


    I give it a B+ (A- depending on Maybin).


    Who cares about meaningless DB's. I know I poke fun, but really who cares. If anything maybe we get a diamond in the rough with them.


    We got holes filled, which bumps us to a B - regardless of how good he or anyone thinks they are. We get the plus for the Nelson pick.

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