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Everything posted by stang21

  1. You have got to be kidding me. All three of his previous teams had way better QBs than us that could get him the ball. Buffalo does not fail in every aspect of football, they just need to get a few players in the right positions. T.O. would have been fine, and as I said before, I hope he stays and gets a chance to make the playoffs in the next year or two.
  2. Hey, we got T.O. last year when everyone was saying no way he would come, no one wants him, he would be a distraction, etc. How did that work out??? The only reason he didn't have a great season was because "Check-Down" Trent couldn't get him the ball. Let's see what happens with the coach, and if things do pan out, we will all be looking for your apology online.
  3. T. O. was not the problem in Buffalo. We finally exposed to everyone in the front office that our QB situation needs to be resolved. I for one would love to see T.O. back next year, but I don't know why he would want to stick around with our current QBs or even stick around if we draft someone good as it will take the new person a little while to get up to speed, and T.O. doesn't have a lot of time left to try and win a ring. We did similar things with Eric Moulds, and now Lee Evans is getting short-changed. 3 great receivers and we didn't get them hardly any playoff games, let alone Superbowl shots. (Moulds got in the playoffs way backon the 1999 team and that was it).
  4. Well Nostradamus, what else are you so sure about? Maybe you can be sure that we won't make the playoffs too? We Bills fans accept your apology, and you can look forward to a playoff year. Thank you very much.
  5. Perhaps you can now predict that we won't make the playoffs or the Superbowl too?
  6. Really? Then I guess all the higher-ups at 1 Bills drive are heavy into the fantasy leagues, because it looks like we have him for at least 1 year. Enjoy your crow.
  7. We hope you also now predict that we won't make the playoffs or the superbowl. We Bills fans accept your apology, and you can look forward to a playoff year. Thank you very much.
  8. Well Nostradamus, what else are you so sure about? We Bills fans accept your apology, and you can look forward to a playoff year. Thank you very much. Please don't forget to purchase your T.O. jersey when they go on sale.
  9. Well Nostradamus, what else are you so sure about? I accept your apology, and you can look forward to a playoff year. Thank you very much.
  10. No who is laughin.....
  11. Can you hear me now.....
  12. Todd, make sure no paint chips fall in your bowl of crow....
  13. Nice call. Looks like that is exactly what happened, and I like it.
  14. Hmmm, now who is the bonehead? Bills fans accept your apology, and you can look forward to a playoff year. Please make sure you buy a T.O. jersey when they go on sale. Thank you very much.
  15. So now who is so stupid Todd? On behalf of all Bills fans, we accept your apology, and you can look forward to a playoff year. Make sure you get your T.O. jersey as soon as they go on sale. Thank you very much.
  16. Well now, it looks like someone is probably sitting by himself, feeding himself a nice big pile of crow. Looks like never going to happen just happened. On behalf of all Bills fans, we accept your apology, and you can look forward to a playoff year. Thank you very much.
  17. Really? Well, it looks like you were wrong. Bills fans accept your apology, and you can look forward to a playoff year. Thank you very much.
  18. Well, it looks like posts and threads like this will now end, because now we have him. I accept your apology, and you can look forward to a playoff year. Thank you very much.
  19. I accept your apology, and you can look forward to a playoff year. Thank you very much.
  20. That was a great guarantee you gave us. Perhaps you can also guarantee we won't make the playoffs now?? I accept your apology, and you can look forward to a playoff year. Thank you very much.
  21. Now why should this be deleted? Looks like someone was wrong. I accept you apology, and you can look forward to a playoff year. Thank you very much.
  22. Well Nostradamus, what else are you exactly 0% sure about? I accept you apology, and you can look forward to a playoff year. Thank you very much.
  23. Former great? T.O. is in awesome shape, doesn't get in trouble with the law, and would make other teams stand up and take notice. Him and Evans is a great 1-2.
  24. Here we go again. Heaven forbid that we take a chance on a high profile free agent or two. We have not had a playoff appearance since 1999, the team is starting to play games in Canada, but lets keep everything on an even keel so as to not upset anyone. Come on, Terrell Owens to the Bills, for even just a season, would probably get us to the playoffs, or at least get us a lot closer than before. Would he be a distraction? Maybe, maybe not. He'll have to know this is his last shot to do something good, and it could help his legacy. Trent is a big boy, he'll be able to take care of himself against T.O. Why, when there are some great free agents that can still play, must people play the "oh they used to be good, but not now" card or the "he got released from a team that can usually handle big names, so we won't want him here" card? Last time we got a big name was when we signed Drew, and he was boring as hell and didn't do anything for us. And he should have had a big chip on his shoulder to lead this team to the Superbowl by going right thru New England. But he didn't. T.O. won't do the same thing.
  25. Tim, What are the chances that Buffalo would try and bring in Terrell Owens for a visit? I think they should take a chance on him for a year as he is exactly what is needed to get us into the playoffs.
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