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Posts posted by THE GASH STATION

  1. Ralph's ranting and raving about WNY being poor is just posturing for more taxpayer dollars...Hey Ralph, thank you for the Bills, I love them...but just like

    any product or service, if yours is continually bad and I mean from Ownership / managament on down your business suffers. Be it automobiles (see GM & FORD's woes v. growing rivals TOYOTA & NISSAN) retailers (see KMART v WALMART & TARGET) DUNKIN DONUTS v STRARBUCKS & TIM HORTON the list goes on and on of businesses that once did well and then lost marketshare due to lackluster performances & products....why should the rule not be valid for your business the BUFFALO BILS ?? **NOTE**not blaming autoworkers for GM suffering..blaming management of their company.


    Simply put, your product isnt very good and has not been where others (SABRES) are very good..or getting better one season and improving the next.

    While I feel privledged to have an NFL franchise in my town I remind you

    Mr. Wilson..it is not a license to step on my face while I kiss your feet..and a few wins in yet another hapless season does not fix six going on seven years of a product that is subpar....In many companies todays CEOs are ousted for such poor performance...good thing your the king.


    Give me a great product..or one that is impoved for next yesr and I will renew my seasons tix...hell I will anyway but beware Ralph...the time where you can lipstick up your pig have tantrums when wny's call it a pig with lipstick & refuse to spend their money on it are gone.

  2. If they stand pat, lose more talent or go back to the scrap heap Ralph will be skewered like never before.


    I dont't want to get off on a rant here but:


    Its a team and a business...There is no perfect recipe...if there was everyone would have the perfect team....right ?


    Heres an idea...LIGHTEN THE F**k UP.....You have an NFL franchise

    Not many places have that destinction....Ya our team sucks and loses and tears

    your heart out every sunday but for the love of GOD....sit back be thankful

    have a brew...take your midol and change that flippin dirty rag your on...


    Now, as a person who loves a team that blows and knows what its like to get your ass kicked all over the field...Haynesworth...MOFO was havin' one of those days

    he acted out...I'm sure if your honest with yourself...you can think of a time where you did something wrong..something bad..and you knew it...but your still not a complete douche for the rest of your life right ??


    HARD COLD fact...TAMPA & the TAMPA 2 had Warren Sapp who could stop the rum and get up field ON A CONSISTENT basis...the BILLS dont have a player like that....

    Can Haynesworth be that guy.???? If you can get him for the right price are you willing to give the guy a second chance ?


    It could be worse...Al Davis could be the owner of the Bills...i

  3. I realize having no calls made after a play when a ref is looking the other way or a bad call being reversed by the "booth" upstairs would slow down the game but, I just dont understand why having somrthing like this in place has never even been mentioned by the leagues competition committee..?????


    Some things are reviewable..others not...the whistle being blown, push offs etc etc

    I just hate seeing the outcome of a game being decided by a bad or non call.


    In the end, I guess it wouldn't matter anyway..just look at the NE OAK game where the "suck" rule came about...I believe things are this way so that the NFL

    can infuence games as they see fit.


    Here is hoping we dont lose today on a crappy or non call!

  4. Someone say SAM GASH ????

    That punk wouldn't go into business with me..I offered him 15% ownership just for the use of his name and a few apperances at my would be club on chippewa called

    THE GASH STATION..said he didn't want his name being synonomous with

    a place that stinks come morning time....I do miss him playing for the Bills though.

  5. According to Bummer Esiason..it was a "garbage touchdown,"

    he then added..another poor performance from JP Losman...

    Why is he so critical of the Bills.....I wonder if maybe his wife tossed JP's salad last year or something????

    I wonder if he remembers the year he guaranteed the buttholes would go to the Superbowl & win it and then missed the playooffs..or when he got fired from MNF...and got replaced by a comedian.

    Or the fact that he has a job broadcasting is a result of his father being a big time old school TV man...the kind without the set of ultimate tools...just a tool name Boomer.


    As the Diceman would say "HERES TO YOU BOOMER...SUCKIN MY DICK."

  6. Just reading the the ESPN power rankings. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/powerranking...son=2006&week=5


    Bills at #21 Vikings at #20 ?? WTF... How is that possible..well I know ESPN's slant

    and Pastabelly's dislike for the Bills but man..this aggrevates me.


    I dont think anyone will pick the Bills to win this week...I hope every player on the team is aware of that and plays with a chip on his shoulder.


    Go Bills..

  7. The 2006 NFL Draft On SIRIUS

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