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Everything posted by THE GASH STATION

  1. I heard Ron Edwards once was blown off the Los from a blast of wind out of Howard Stern's A$$. Afterward Sanjaya picked him up and gave him a hug and Randy Jackson drafted him to the dog pound.
  2. I'm glad we didnt get June. BTW, Why do you wear that bunny suit ?
  3. [ challenge: come up with a creative nickname for Kiwaukee Thomas* K-TEL Its mediocre and cheap...play it over and over...
  4. Contract terms: "We got him for a skid of hot dog buns, 10 bags of Cment, a box of rocks and a signed letter that he won't try to move the team to Canada." ~Marv Levy
  5. Its a good thing I have you to point that out to me...call me crazy but regardsless of the parties involved I still believe that a deal is a deal. Now that you straightend the harsh reality that is pro sports out for me, can you set me straight on the whole world is round thing ?
  6. Naive ? Maybe...but for most people a deal is a deal and a contract is a legal enforcement of that agreement between two parties. I was commenting that its a sad state of affiars that contracts aren't honored. You, on the other hand really showed me! Please dazzle me more with your stunning analysis.
  7. Sure, I see it happening...does that make it ok ?
  8. A contract is a contract. He signed it and should live by it...maybe in the last year of it it can be addressed but not after just two years.
  9. Willis You Killed Henry You bastards!! no not your kids
  10. Two fantastic quotes from the article 1st The NFL is examining 10 separate incidents in which Jones has been questioned by police since being drafted, including a Feb. 19 triple shooting at a Las Vegas strip club. ~I guess it takes 10 incidents with the police to get a top 10 pick maybe tossed from the league. 2nd (this is the one that will make me laugh all day) Fisher was clearly upset that Jones failed to inform team officials about two arrests in Fayette County, Ga., last year, including one related to a search for drugs at the home Jones bought for his mother. Buying a house for your mom and hiding drugs there (allegedly) This guy is dark comedy gold..I'll bet pacman has tried the old file in a cake trick for his dad doin 20 at the pokey.
  11. The Baltimore press conference is hilarious... I feel bad for them, Willis will just take their lunch money and not perform like they think he can. Better them than us.
  12. From the Jim Rome Show...enjoy The Baltimore Ravens worked a deal for Buffalo running back Willis McGahee and acting like they’re bringing in Jim Brown in his prime. While, he might be an upgrade over Jamal Lewis, if McGahee really were all that, do you think Buffalo would have given up on him in the first place? Especially, since they don’t even have his replacement yet? Then again, easy to see why they did cut him loose, he wasn’t happy there, he has only broken 4 per carry once in his career, he was trying to get the team moved to Toronto, and he thinks he’s the best back in the NFL, his words, not mine. You have to love all these teams that watch other teams run their backs right into the ground and think that if they bring them in, throw ridiculous jack at them, that somehow they’re getting something that they’re not. Slapping a coat of new paint on a beater isn’t going to make it a high performance rig. Changing the paint has no effect on the odometer, the engine or the tires. I’m not saying it can’t work. For instance, I think the Jets worked the Bears in getting Thomas Jones, a proven back, who runs hard, who doesn’t have a lot of mileage on him, who I know will help the Jets. But he might be the only guy.
  13. I think Brady made some sort of deal with the Devil..I mean for cryin out loud!! 6th rounder that becomes 3x SB winning QB then tears up hot model a$$ all over the world.. Its a lock if he goes on to a big political career.. Even though I hate you Brady, I goota tip my hat to ya.. me too
  14. You would think Willis would at the very least not bad mouth the team that spent a 1st round pick on him and paid him to rehab and not play for a year. I've met watermellons that have more class and intellegence than Willis. Cant wait to see this turd slip slide his way down the toilet for good. By Willisa, keep in touch with yourself.
  15. Bye Willis, try not to get more baby mamas in Baltimore.
  16. Ya, that and he looks like he just sucked on a box of lemons
  17. I think Nate had more big plays but due to his gambling got torched more and missed more tackles than Winfield..than again, he got more pics ...and 80Grrrr. Two words for you San Fran...JONAS JENNINGS.hahahah That said, I'm sorry to lose Clements, MoFo could bring it. I was going to say most athletic pound for pound, Thurman Thomas but as the otherguy said..OJ..hard to argue with the Juice, hell the juice could still probably get a starting job KILLIN' it on or off the field in the NFL today.
  18. Man what a rant..I thought this thread was about whether we should tag his A$$? Personally, I dont see why Ralph would care about the moral issue (to tag or not to tag) in the court of public opinion or at the Supreme Court...He is gonna screw WNY and Buffalo out of a team sooner or later...who cares if he makes Buffalo a worse destination than it is now for top Fa's ? Fact, tagging him would make us look worse and get fewer top Fa's and our record will get worse and that with the poor attendence due to a poor product will finally give RW the moral justification to move. Im not sayin' but I'm sayin'. Then again, I'm just a cave man..what do I know.
  19. I'm with you..plus you metioned the Barnes firm (They gonna be Cellino & Barnes again??) and you said MoFo !
  20. Do you really think Daniel Snyder, Jerry Jones, Bob Kraft, et al would think about honor and a verbal promise made if it were their decision to francise Clements and get some pics or turn the tables in their favor?? Ralph cries that no one plays by the rules but insists on playing by them himself then wonders why he cant put a winning team on the field. Rabble Rabble Rabble....
  21. I'm with you, think Dan Snyder, Bob Kraft, J Jones would think twice about letting Clements walk..its a business..and the rules of honor are out the window when it comes to $'s and winning in the new NFL. Only thing is, Marv made this promise..if he lives up to it..he will be skewered for being stupid...if he breaks the promise..he will be skewered for being stupid....
  22. Hey..did you have Jim Rome's balls stuffed in your mouth along with his rod when you replied..real original. I doubt you can follow finalcial analysis..buy low sell high is probably advanced for you...its all about $$$$$'s bonehead...your so dumb you buy what the guy is telling you without question.. As for the real issues...its all posturing so WNY does not hate on Ralphie when he tries to move the team...there is more money available..TIX prices, naming rights, $'s from the county and the possibility of a new stadium..but for some reason Ralph turns them down or says they aren't enough so he prefers to just sit on his hands and do nothing????? Come on dummy...use your brains for once...read between the lines.
  23. Oh come on now Eastbrady...your just mad cuz Ralph's daughter preffered to date Donahoe and autoworkers..not you. As for Ralph..sorry..it starts at the top..I give him credit for taking the blame and getting rid of Donahoe...but it was his decision to hire him and stand by while the guy screwed your mom. Ralph believes that owning an NFL franchise be it good or bad is a license to make money...and when the market disagrees with him...he cries and drops hints about moving the team...I dont feel bad for him.
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