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Posts posted by THE GASH STATION

  1. Disclaimer #1: Although I focus on blockers 10x more than the average person watching a football game, I am not trying to purport myself as an actual "expert."


    Disclaimer #2: The only college team I spend a considerable amount of time watching is the Crimson Tide. I am basing the following comments ONLY on what I have seen on youtube. So, take them with a large grain of salt.


    Now, the following comments are based upon Orlando Pace being the best LT I have ever seen in a lifetime of watching football. In other words, he is the model, perfect LT, or so I see it. And btw, my dear friend R.Rich thinks Ogden was better so there ya go. :)


    1) Reiff


    When Bulaga came out, I was on the phone with R.Rich telling him that Bulaga is a Right Tackle. Reiff, imo, is a potentially great GUARD. There are running plays where he even rolls out like one. He is game, and in good shape. Could he be a dominant LT? I suppose, but it's hard for me to see how. He uses his hands very well, but even with the wrestling background, I didn't see extrordinary agility. If he could play at a slightly above average level for 10 years, it would work out well for him, like it did for Jeff Backus. But again, I am missing where he will be a dominant LT.


    2) Glenn:


    If the Bills draft Glenn at 10, I will be supportive of the fact that they are finally devoting early draft resources to the OL. That said, I hope they steer clear of him. In college, huge, strong players such as Glenn, can at times dominate defenders. Mike Williams did. It's as if they engulf them. Not so easy in the NFL. Imo there had to be reasons why this kid was a guard until his senior season. I don't like his balance at all. And while he is strong enough to take down defenders from scrimage ala Pace, I can't see him being able to take it upfield (ala Pace). A frequent poster likened drafting Glenn to "swinging for the home run." He is correct. But there is a very long drop. I am not 100% convinced that Glenn will even be a very good RT. He looks like something of a plodder to me. And we already have 2 players (Pears and Hairston) who I think are more than enough for the RT position. I will go out on a limb and label Glenn a "poor man's Hairston."


    3) Martin:


    I am concerned that he benefitted from playing in front of a qb with a superb quick release (which Fitz has imo), and next to a top LG. And, I am not liking the 19 reps with 225. BUT, he is very agile. And his combine bench was more than twice what Bell did (19 vs. 9). I would like him to gain weight and get stronger. And I think that he can. The Stanford factor impresses me as well. He is a smart kid and hopefully will be easier to coach than Bell. Will he ever be as strong as Pace or Cordy Glenn? No. But his agility could elevate him to the status of Levi Lones (a #10 pick), or D'Brick imo. How bad is that?


    So obviously, of the 3, my choice is Martin. Again, my opinion means little if anything, but I just thought that I would toss it out there.


    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Always love your humble opinions Bill. Talk about your plenty, talk about your ills, one man gathers what another man spills.

  2. Have to think it was at least partially torn already and went the rest of the way...otherwise, it had to be a freak accident. Tough to imagine a tendon tearing during a workout for any other reason.


    The answer is running. I bet he was training on hills, great for cardio, hell on your achilles tendons.

    320lbs, plus an incline multiplys the force on your achilles big time.

  3. This guy is from GT and was in an option based system that didn't pass much and didn't have a great QB. That being said. After hearing about his stellar combine performance, a few weeks later I decided to look for some video on the guy. What I found was quite surprising. Does anyone know anything about this kid besides him blowing up the combine? His measureables are awesome and in the highlights I'm seeing the guy looks like he could be something special.




    Just read about him today. Looks like he is going to make it to the 1st rd and may shake up the order.

    He has everything we need IMO, but if we select him we will be accused of reaching.

  4. NE has Welker (tag), Gronk & Hernandez, have signed Lloyd & A Gonzo and now a 1 yr with Dante Stallworth.

    Ocho is bound to be cut. I know his production is down, but he is better than all of our potential #2's.

    Thoughts ?

  5. Some players take time to mature and develop, lots of players have had only 1 great yr at the CFB level and go on to have a great career in the pro`s. Al Smith and JPP are to of the more recent players to be labeled with the 1yr wonders. Look what these 2 players have been able to do with there current teams,


    Whitney Mericulus is a Beast, 6-4 268 long arms very strong at the POA, has an array of moves from the bullrush to speed rush the man is an all round talent. I would love to see this guy line up next to Dareus and Williams and if Merriman can get healthy. Who knows we might end up in the top 10 in sacks next season... LET`s go Bills. Make it happen BUDDY!!!

    I like the Mericulus pick, but Merriman is lights out over, closed, no bulb in the fixture.

    Paying that guy to come back is basically the same waste of 100m that Ralph is demanding to improve the stadium.

  6. So what is it? You said he is under contract right?


    To honor his contract he technically should play it out and re-nogotiate it when completed.


    What honor are you talking about? The fact that Fred has even asked to re-negotiate his contract suggests that he might not to honor the one he has.


    I am not saying that he is not worth a new contract at a higher salary but please get your story straight.


    If the Bills made a verbal committment to re-do his contract after the season then yes, they should come to the table. Lets take Freddy off the pedestal for acting like a normal person should act. He has a contract today that he has no legal choice but to honor.


    Yes Bob, I am talking about a verbal commitment that I would like to see honored.

    I agree, technically he should play out the deal that he signed which includes next year.

    That being said, most players that out play a current contract ask for a new one before the old is up

    which I do not agree with. Many players hold out and play games, Jason Peters comes to mind.

    FJ is on a pedestal in my book as he didn't go that route and was given a verbal commitment that his contract

    would be redone to reflect his excellent performance.

    Interestingly enough, the reason most given by an athlete demanding a new deal while the current one is in force

    in the NFL is injury. FJ sustaining the injury he has makes that promised new deal less likely, and it would have been to

    his best interest to hold out until that new deal was in hand. FJ is on a pedestal because he knew that and the risks,

    and still played like each game could be his last. Given that he held his part, I want to see The Bills hold up their part

    despite the contract, despite the wrong side of 30, despite the injury.

  7. What drama. Fred is under contract for another season. True or false?




    So are many other players that outplay their current contract.

    Many of those hold out, stir the turds via twitter, the net and the media.

    FJ did none, and was promised a new deal at season end.

    Yes, I get it..too old, injury, blah blah flippin blah, but the man honored the contract he signed

    and was prmoised something in return this offseason. Backing out of a deal like that, while being smart "business wise"

    shows a lack of charactor IMO. Time was a man's word was his honor, I would just like to see

    that in action in the face of the circumstance. FJ has earned it.

  8. Fred played his heart out this year, has been a model player on the field and off, and was promised

    a new deal after this season. Please Ralph, be true to your word and pay Mr. Jackson his due.

    I know he is an aging RB, I know he will be coming off an injury, I also know he didn't hold out.

    If I hear that "its just business" with regards to not paying FJ next year I am finished as a Bills fan.


    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  9. Corey always looks like he is having fun. He is a monster on special teams. That block on Kyle Love (#74) last week should be in a highlight reel. Too bad it wasn't Wilfork that he hit that time. I remember they used to pass to Sam Gash out in the flats every so often and it almost always got them a first down. I wonder if they could try that with Corey.

    We have a special place for Corey at THE GASH STATION!

  10. A lot of people here are not seeing that I was making a joke. It was supposed to be funny. A lot of you took it personally like I was making fun of your child or spouse.

    Lighten up people, it was a joke. It made me laugh so I thought I would share. I didn't know that there was so many people here who are incredibly sensitive. Sorry for hurting your feelings.


    Don't take it personally, I thought it was hilarious.

    I do believe Vagisil could find many new customers here.

  11. And Adam Morrison has two rings with the LA Lakers even though he played about 12 minutes for both seasons.


    It's a team sport, all participants get a ring. Not all contributions are equal, not all ring distributions are equal either.


    Rob Johnson got a ring with Tampa.

  12. This is possible. They said last night that Carolina's owner really likes Clausen and is happy w him for now and wouldn't spend the #1 on another QB. They also said that Elway is a huge Tebow guy and now that he has his position in Denver, the only thing from Stanford he wants is Harbaugh. This would leave Luck there at number 3 for Buffalo, so the Bills could go ahead and draft another DB.

    DB ? no way, they will take the best available running back at the #3 spot.

  13. Stop it and grow up.


    Do you go out of your way to find this crap?


    I would like to see a website of Rex pounding the daylights out of you.


    Funny Bob, I'd like to see Rex pounding you, from behind in that tight Azz of yours.

    Sheesh pal lighten up.

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