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Posts posted by THE GASH STATION

  1. I can't say that I've ever met a non-AFCE ant-Bills fan. Most people view meeting a Bills fan as meeting someone living with a terminal disease. It's a reception of pity, respect, general good will and a distinct feeling of "I'm glad I'm not that guy." Of course I speak mainly of people in my age group whose casual knowledge of the Bills starts with "0-4" and ends with Flutie.


    Man, you hit the nail on the head with that statement.

    I have traveled extensively around the world, everytime you meet up with a contact or business associate

    and the conversation comes up...where ya from ? I say Buffalo , NY...9 out of 10 times the person gets this stupid smile

    that you are describing...after that they bust on the weather.

  2. #1 I hate the Cowboys and Giants for obvious reasons...

    I remember going to UB when the Bills lost to the Giants and hearing all the kids from Long Island loving it..

    Side note, I met Emmitt Smith a few years ago when he was with Arizona, he was staying at the Marriott with the team

    while they were in town to play the Bills. I was at the Marriott bar and my friend spotted him..and thought he was Thurman Thomas. We went up to him and he shook our hands and gave us his autograph, really classy guy. I told him that I thought he was great but that I still had to hate his guts for the Superbowl thing..he laughed and said I don't blame ya.



    #2 I hate the Pittsburgh Steelers...I know..weird but I have a friend who is from Buffalo and owns a local chain of

    hot dog restaurants...He makes his living from Buffalo and hates the Bills ( I think Jim Kelly's brother nailed his old girlfriend along time ago ). Anyway, He is Mr. Steelers..and I argue with him that he cannot be a real Steelers fan cuz he was born here lives here, makes his living off the area....he brushes it off and tells me how bad the Bills suck all the time..sad part is he is right about it..


    I know these aren't teams but I really enjoy hating on :

    Dan Dierdorf

    Randy Cross

    Boomer Esiason


    Soloman Wilcox

    I dislike Dan Marino too but the guy is about as smart as a rock, hating on him would be like picking on a disabled person.

  3. That would be a terrific idea. Heck I could see a Super Bowl in NF,ON. Border crossing is a drag but they do have Nexxus passes, basically a pre-screening with an ID card, that would make it easier. If you're a season ticket holder you just get one. Maybe park on the US side and walk over the Rainbow Bridge.




    With all your poignant uplifting reasoning PTR..I'm shocked that you haven't mentioned that, infact

    Canada, bombed the Baldwins.

  4. Yeah, we haven't been great over the last ten years. But this guy is completely ridiculous. I thought it was great when Berman put him in his place last year at the draft. I cannot recall a person in sports journalism acting like such an anus towards a franchise since I've followed sports. Some were opinionated, but not needed to be handed a roll of toilet paper every time their mouth opened.

    "Buffalo is circling the wagons on at a time Mort."

    ~Chris Berman

  5. He was gonna do good on the wonderlic until he got high

    he was going to run 4.4 in the 40 until he got high

    he was going to learn the playbook until he got high

    he was going to be a first round pick until he got high

    until he got high, until he got high, until he got high


    Da Da Da Da Da Da dot

  6. Easy son, easy...Westbrook has already said he's giving it back. The reason they have to file a grievance is because that money will count against this year's salary cap. It's not Westbrook's fault at all. Calling him a jackass and saying he should be suspended is rediculous. It's their front office that should be called jackass's.

    Hey, Quayle...

    I think you meant to call them jackasses ya jackass :lol:

  7. My best friend, who is the Warden at a "prestigous" State prison, will tell me over and over again that the determining factor is not as much the color of the inmates skin, but whether he was raised by just one parent (Usually the Mom). The odds are much harder for children brought up in a socially bad environment, especially if they have to raise themselves because the parents aren't around and/or don't meet all of their needs. Naturally, it is not a Universal that children in a good situation will live lives without trouble nor if someone has adversity in their lives will they fail... but the odds are stacked against the latter.

    It takes tremendous character to overcome such odds. From personal experience, my mother was killed when I was three, and I (thru the Grace of God, and my Sports coaches) was the only one of the four children in our family to graduate High School. Further, I am the only one without a criminal record. If it wasn't for mentors , I don't doubt that I could have ended the same way.

    However, not to belittle your point of view, because I agree with much of it, having a good upbringing, with loving parents who are involved in their children's lives is a big advantage and maybe you didn't learn the statistics in your psychology class but the reality is that the odds are that the better the upbringing, the better the chance to stay out of trouble and live a productive life.

    To the point and you didn't insult anyone..You must be a Dale Carnigie grad..

    Great post.

  8. I felt as if I had a great addittion to this post until I read PACMAN's bio..

    On one hand you have a guy with a hard time growing up and when he gets some cash he

    goes crazy...then you have a story like Lebron James, hard life and a prefect gentlemen..

    Hard to say than really what someone will do once they find success...


    I always loved this quote from the movie WALL STREET from Gekko regarding the kind of people he likes to hire..


    ~Most of these Harvard MBA types - they don't add up to dogsh*t. Give me guys that are poor, smart, hungry - and no feelings. when you feel, you lose a few, but you keep on fighting.


    Maybe this is the what the NFL looks for ???

  9. Why would he sell the team now? He's almost 90. He would have sold a long time ago if he had wanted to.


    I have to call shenanignas on the whole "Ralph is looking to sell propaganda."

    I am no genius by far but...I am a salesman. In attempting to sell my customers widget x, I try to convince them that they need it and it is superior

    to any other widget out there...

    How is it that Mort & co reasoned that Ralph is giving away everything of value the team has and purposely running it in to the ground as a prelude to a sale ???

    I mean, wouldnt he want to make it look better than it is ala Rosenhous Maghee Draft day as a pre-sale Mcguillicutty ????


    Im suprised ESPN didnt run an April fools day joke that the Bills were moving to Toronto..

    Either way, a winning season would do wonders to shut them up...too bad they will just jump on the bandwagon instead.

  10. Its an idiotic argument. People sit around and clamour for Turner then the other faction comes in with the backlash, "oh hes gonna cost too much", maybe, but then you cant support us drafting peterson, even if he fell to 12 hed likely be asking for a lot more $$$ than Ngata got last year bc hes an offensive playmaker. I know that its structred but that doesnt stop peoples demands and to be honest if you were ADs agent, wouldnt you try to squeeze the most out of that lemon as possible before another bone snaps without contact.


    THe 2nd argument against turner is: "lets get a rookie with no miles on his tires". This is the one that bothers me, TUrner has a total of 3 years in the league, very light workload, but enough to tell if talent is there. We dont know if he can play every down but as a poster stated the other day he will definatley be part of a 2 back system, so its not like all the weight would be on him. The biggest problem with the argument is that come september these are a lot of the same folks who willb e saying, "oh but we're going with a rookie RB, he could use time to work on blocking, routes etc". Turner has had this time, hes studied behind THE BEST DAMN GUY IN THE GAME for 3 years.


    I support trading for turner very much, but not if it involves giving up more than a 2nd round pick(IMO a swap of firsts is too much because we would not then be able to select one of the last elite prospects on the board). The idea is that it would likely be hard to draft a back better than turner in the 2nd round and I cant help but agree with that thinking. A lot of people on here have been saying, "well this is a deep RB class and there are plenty of guys to choose from". I disagree. Last year was a very deep draft at RB. 2 years ago, the draft was deep at RB. This year there are 2 near-elite prospects and about 5-7 more guys who grade out as day 1 picks. Could I be wrong? definately. The one thing that bodes well if we draft a late first day RB to start is that our OL should resemble a steamroller.


    I really like your analysis, but it hinges on wheather or not SD lets go of Turner for a 2nd or the swap of 2nd's and a TBD pick in a later round.

    If that deal can be had I really doubt anyone would not want to pull the trigger and do it.

    It does sound win win for the Bills and SD I just wonder if AJ Smith lets his ego make the decision instead of what is best for his team ????

    Questions Questions Quesions..

  11. There are a few things about Turner that could/dissuade a team from going after him...

    1) he's always been a backup to LT. So, can he be an every down back? Is his 6.3 yards per touch more a result of subbing in for LT and opposing defenses letting down just enough to get burned by a very good change-of pace back?

    2) SD has guaranteed him 2.5M this season... therefore that's the minumum starting point for any team that wants him... that, plus a player, draft pick, or both.


    So, a team trading for him either rents him for a year and in the process gives up something of value... and unless they sign him to a long term deal, they end up with nothing. Do you really want to hitch your wagon to this guy knowing that next year's draaft is rich in the RB category? Will he really be a top 6 or 7 back in this league?


    Turner would have to be a clear cut difference maker for any team to give up draft picks and the salary that he now commands. I'm not saying he is or he isn't because there is no clear cut answer. But, it is something to consider.


    There are always good backs that a team can grab in Rd. 2 or Rd. 3. Thurman was a 2nd Rounder, Travis was a 2nd rounder, and last year M. Jones-Drew was a 2nd rounder... and I'd love for the Bills to pick up a back like that.


    My take on the Bills is that they are clearly continuing their re-shaping and makeover of this team. Playoffs aren't out of the questiuon this year, but, in reality, it's no slam dunk either. Darby, Irons, and a few others can be had for much less than it would cost them for Turner. If it were up to me, I'd stay the course and say no to Turner... no offense to the guy or his accomplishments, I just think the Bills have to invest in guys like JP, Evans, ect. while continuing to add value to the team through the draft this year, and perhaps next season too.


    Great analysis Doc, I couldn't agree with you more.

    I hope Marv & Co stay the course and build via the draft..

    Besides, I just cant take the smugness that AJ Smith comes with..hate to let him

    take us to the cleaners on too many unknowns (as you mentioned) surrounding Turner.


    That said, any chance you can refill my ritalin prescription early this month..Doc ?

  12. ok here wats going to go down round 1.. if willis is there will take him.. if peterson is there will take him but if they are both not will be taking leon hall CB .. we are not trading down or trading any pick for turner get it out of ur heads .. AJ smith GM of the chargers is to ignorant and thinks to high of himself to let turner go for cheap sh--.. ok so there it is guyz welcome to the real word.. and to go with our standings.. will be the same as last year mybe 8-8 nuting better unless tom brady has a season ending injury.. ok sry to say it .. i love the bills .. but we gotta come down to real world.. our d is below average all we have on offense is lee evans and mybe JP.. mcgee is setup to have a horribe year we dont have a #2 cb's and unless our draft picks players have incredible years u will be seeing us 2nd in the divison behind the stinkin patriots.. GOO BILLS!!


    Honorable Granfaddar say : Good Ruck

  13. So sorry. Didn't know some people were so touchy about dude's name. LOL!!! Anyway, you can't tell me he wouldn't be a decent addition if he comes in for less than a mill a year for a couple of seasons. I'd sign him whether he was Dominick Davis, Dominick Williams, or Saint Dominick if the price was right given the numbers he has put up before in the recent past.


    I agree with you. He will probably be cheap (sorry everyone) and lets not forget..

    The TEXANS passed on Reggie Bush partly cuz they had Dominic DaLLiams...

    Dont get me wrong I know the TEXANS dumped genius Charley Casserly afterwards..

    I'm not sayin' but I'm sayin'...he could do something for us this year and let us focus more

    on LB and CB in the draft.

  14. The OL additions were certainly needed and will help, but even there the Bills could still stand an upgrade at both C and RG.


    In the end, I think they have too many players offensively who are just adequate starters. One injury to the wrong guy (Evans) and I think an already mediocre offense will be floating belly up. He doesn't have to be an all-pro or even a 1st round pick, but the Bills definitely need to find another solid, reliable, consistent weapon whether its a RB, TE, or WR who is good enough to carry the offense if necessary.


    I'm with you on that especially since we lost the only option we had in McGayknee.

    NOT....but we do need another certified threat...that said I still bet Marv takes someone

    no one is projecting at #12. I'd like to see Willis at #12 and Pittman in the 2nd round...

    My hope is that you can line up the A-train and a decent rookie RB behind this new line and have more success than last year. With that I am going to drink my self silly at the parade.

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