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Everything posted by THE GASH STATION

  1. I like to think that Marshawn probably wants a liquor that isn't carried by the establishments in Buffalo.. Could be a high end Tequilla, something like Patron Gran Burdeos....its about $500 a bottle...not too many bars would carry it...I am sure he could arrange to bring it and pay a corkage fee or something...I mean the guy makes sick $$$'s. Now, if he is bringing a bottle of Stoli in with him...that's a diferent story..but given his upbringing..still understandable. Very rich, successful people that struggled most of their lives keep whats called "poverty consciousness." Could be the same with ML. Either way, I still think the guy is the man...
  2. It was published in the Buffalo News, articles that have potentially slanderous information are fact checked to protect the paper which is owned by Berkshire Hathaway from lawsuits. I would not be surprised if a copy of the a police report was needed to publish the statement.
  3. Yo Cincy..Don't get your undies in a bunch. First off, this is a message board...not a court of law. Secondly, Its a quote from the Buffalo News, If you have a problem with it why not take it up with the author of the article, or the Policeman whom made the statement. Geesh, who came down to where you work and knocked the d*ick out of your mouth today?
  4. Fred Jackson ( Some believe the Ontario girl is his girlfriend..nudge, nudge, wink, wink) Jabari Greer Kyle Williams
  5. Honestly, I can see salient points for Peters and the Bills..there is no black and white answer here. I just wish, seeing the potential that the team holds for the coming season that we wouldn't see this situation.
  6. Lynch was tossed out of two Chippewa Street bars in recent months because he brought in his own bottle of liquor, which is illegal under state alcohol laws, according to three law enforcement officials. “[buffalo police] have been told by bar owners that he’ll walk in, order a glass of pop and pour his own liquor into it,” one officer said. “He was told that you can’t do that, and it doesn’t matter if you’re Marshawn Lynch.” I say its Seagram's Gin & juice Blue BEAST. http://www.winechateau.com/vsku1040387.html What do you think he brings with him ?
  7. You hit the nail on the head... Plus..Evans...0 pro bowls Peters...1 pro bowl (just barely) 0 playoff apperances. Evans, his rookie deal is finishing...he had some flashes of greatness and didn't demand a new deal..played his contract and is due a new deal...Lets make it fair and take care of him..he deserves it. Peters...you still have somethings to prove, plus next year the cap will be higher and you can get even more $$.. Get us to the playoffs, make the probowl again and you will be the highest paid LT in the league next year.
  8. F*ck him....get to camp, play the game and shut up
  9. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-g...p&type=lgns Basically, he is 3yrs into a 6yr deal where he is being underpaid (6yrs 25mil).. Now, where I dont like renegociation in the middle of a deal this is a guy that deserves it..played hurt all year and caught the Superbowl winning TD..Hey Jason...you readin' this??? Thats what you need to do to re-do your deal in the middle. PS..if you ever see me, please dont give me a beat down for writing this.
  10. Hey, thats great Mr. Peters..now get your fat ass into camp.
  11. I imagine your jokes go a little like this Cheers F*ckface http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IuTKgR4f8I...feature=related
  12. Jauron is a dead ringer for Mr. Burns from the Simpsons... "Smithers, throw another girl in front of Marshawns car."
  13. Kind of ironic..Patsies have a Patsy. The best part is Kaczur saying to the press.."Bro, I don't know what you are talking about." Must be the std. company line he learned from Belicheat.
  14. Bruce was so good..he could go out, get drunk and fall asleep behind the wheel at a red light...then have the balls to say he suffers from narcolepsy and get off with a parking ticket....Hey, maybe Marshawn should call him up for some advice.
  15. I hear Cox bites on the deep post.
  16. I dont doubt his skills, I have watched his play closely back to when he was the wedge buster on ST...He just knocked people the "F" out. Truly he is a gifted athlete. My point is that, to renegocitate two years in is too soon. Give me one more great year, progress from last year and you have your bank breaker contract.
  17. No doubt he came from nowhere and is now a top 10-15 LT but one year does not make a "an elite LT." He was not a blue chip top 5 draft pick, no pedigree. He earned his position and was happy to sign a deal paying him 3 Mil/yr. Teams that bring along a player like this are supposed to be rewarded with loyalty and to have them for a time at lower than market price. Now, if he improves on last year I would say he deserves top 10 money but until then he needs to dominate and do his talking on the field... But what do I know, I'm just a caveman.
  18. Well, given the place..ya..Take a look at Godzilla, the Chinese treat him as a hero. Maybe they were just placating him so he didn't step on their houses...
  19. Douchy AM sports guy in Buffalo
  20. Dont drop the Schoap
  21. Only slightly better than Schoap.
  22. I hear ya, I flipped over to AM the other day to hear a little sports talk..maybe a tidbit about camp or something about the up coming season and heard Schoop dumping his doom & gloom..same as the last time I tuned in to GR. Basically, I just fliped back to FM.
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