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Everything posted by THE GASH STATION

  1. Nah..I think ole cotton rocks
  2. I am cotton's poisoned liver
  3. I seriously need to get then name of your dealer
  4. http://msn.careerbuilder.com/custom/msn/ca...-269085265-wk-6
  5. MR. ANDERSON.... My name is NEO!!!!
  6. a lot better run through the Yoda translator Hey, end up taking a schitt at work or not, did you, hmm? Yeesssssss.
  7. SAM GASH Honorable mention to his cousin Stinky Gash
  8. I have to agree..based on draft order (MW was #4 overall) and $$'s paid out MIKE WILLIAMS...was the player they should have named. JP could go on as maybe a starter or a great back up somewhere after BUF.. WILLIAMS is out of football...didn't even make the team when he went to Jacksonville.
  9. They said you was hung ? They was right!
  10. alot has been made of lynche
  11. Allota Fagina
  12. I love to get pie
  13. Given their body of work..Limited as it has been for both..and irrespective of the spot they were drafted.. Would you rather have taken Patrick Willis or POZ ? I have a felling POZ will have the better career when its all said and done.
  14. The only 2 sure things I got from reading this thread is that: 1) I want the two minutes of my life back for reading this worthless turd. 2) I now get why you chose your name...you are easily as annoying as elegantelliotoffen.
  15. Hes not a member Grandma..hes a caddy...
  16. Norwood just called and said get off your soap box..
  17. This just in, the bump and run play to be renamed the SHPELEY.. Blue 38, red 76. SHPELEY 23..Set hut hut hike
  18. Well, if I remember the commercial, Bruce Sniff sweats gatorade....no hydration problem there. On X, back when it was cool to wear Neon...I had a lot of experience..with the X not the Neon...trust me til the cows come home and go back to the farm and then back again.
  19. Sir, please...by your estimation a 137.50lb muscular man could then drink 1.5 bottles of booze and be ok... Its pure chemistry....I dont care if he was 500lbs of muscle...you cannot drink 3 entire bottles of booze and stand up....Use Coke, Meth, E etc (not advocating it) and you can drink til the cows come home..or the girls give it up, or you call the local hookers...ha
  20. Good ol' Bruce SNIFF... How easy you can drink like crazy when you have amphetamines to keep ya awake!
  21. If its total made up crap..Marshawn has the $$ to pay to litigate the slanderous statement and win big easy $$$'s. The proof will need to be substantiated, witnesses called, policeman, bar owners, bar tenders, patrons etc.. If it is true, he wont say anything or refute the claim.
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