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Everything posted by THE GASH STATION

  1. That is the way statistics are calculated, same is true for each team on a bye week. If you wish you can throw them off the list and move each team up a notch..it still keeps NE at # 8
  2. Top D ?? C'mon.. First off they lost Samuel & Gay & Wilson + Vrabel & Pooski have seen better days.. Statistically, they are actually the # 9 D..far off # 1 who by the way is Baltimore...Buffalo is #5.. http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?tab...mp;d-447263-n=1 Here is the top 10 (total D) BALTIMORE TENNESSEE NY GIANTS PITTSBURGH BUFFALO CHI TOWN ARIZONA ??? NY JETS *ATRIOTS COWBOYS
  3. Bro...that McLovin jersey is strong!! ~F@#kin' Quintana... that creep can roll, man.
  4. From Jamaroo (DEADSPIN) http://deadspin.com/5048029/cheering-for-i...jamboroo-week-2 Hilarious take on the NFL "Fantasy Player That Deserves To Die A Slow, Painful Death Willis McGahee. Oh, so you can knock up 50 women in three minutes, but you can’t suit up for the f^^king opener? DIE." This wasn't bad either: Five Potential Key Injuries -Matt Hasselbeck (back) -Deion Branch (testicular goiter) -Nate Burleson (petrified hand disease) -Bobby Engram (refried prostate) -Another Other Seahawk Receiver (trapped under falling piano)
  5. He made D Hall look like Monty Hall out there Atlanta was right to dump him
  6. Greenburg sounds a lot like Super Dave Osborn Haven't heard someone go on about nothing like him since Dennis Miller.
  7. Wilfork was hurt by it...his team went from excellent to avg.. When karma comes around it is usually a lot harder that it was given. Losman was out for a few weeks, Brady done for the season. Not to hard to see the relationship there Einstein
  8. I really didn't like the holdout on multiple levels..but after seeing the interview I cant help but like the guy more than I have in the past...He admitted it wasn't a great thing, felt he let his teammates down wants more but didn't get it..ok..he is here and ready..and maybe the Bills promised something? The guy didnt dodge questions or get defensive or cocky..(quiet confidence). He wants more, deserves more...no doubt he will get it..when is the question. After reading/watching him and his upside, not to mention past accolades I am glad this guy is on our team. To the Bills FO To Jason Peters gettin' his To Brady
  9. Two pickets to titsburgh ...I mean..ya me too
  10. Can't help to wonder if Moss will step up his game or disappear ? Real test of the Patriots team first mantra. Thoughts?
  11. He is a great player but I dont think he is as good as he thinks he is.. Found this tidbit from DEADSPIN (hilarious column if you don't read it) about Lewis http://deadspin.com/5044832/the-dickpire-s...k-joke-jamboroo "Bengals at Ravens: Your first look at Joe Flacco. Also your last, because Ray Lewis will be stabbing him to death sometime around the third quarter."
  12. JAURON'S Keep your chin up speech http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Kd6zn0HTaA
  13. It cracks me up for about the first half...then it gets worse.. Some others I cant stand..Randy Cross, Dan Dierdorf, Joe Buck
  14. Well said Bill...Heres to you and the season
  15. Boselli ?? I wonder if he is gonna talk smack about how he made his name vs. BRUUUUCCCEE Either way..its better than Solomon Wilcox
  16. Whats wrong ? Your mom catch you with your naked ragedy ann in the closet again ?? I dont get how the Raiders are doing all that great ? Or how modeling AL DAVIS would get the Bills anywhere ?
  17. Sir, honestly...if you must make a comparison...the Raiders aren't exactly the team to model...aside for them sucking they recently gave up Randy Moss for a 4th rounder.
  18. I cant believe it... Someone with an optimistic outlook takes a cleveland steamer to the face on this board..?????? Well...so much for positive thinking..
  19. So, if Evans wants top 5-10 money...and you are going to pay it Would you: A) Want to see who else is available for that same figure in free Agency ? B) Just pay now and hope for the best ? What if Evans has another so so year and you could have landed a WR that has been more consistent ? Maybe Lee is thinking the reverse ? Maybe he feels he is going to have a knock the lights out year (I believe this too) and it isn't in his best interest in taking say maybe top 15 money now ? If I were Evans I'd let it ride this year and do my talking on the field (and take the bigger payday afterwards)...Peters would have been smart to do this as well.
  20. After reading the thread I just thought you would be chiming in soon just couldn't help myself there. Outside of busting balls..I admire the way you stick to your guns on the point.
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