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Everything posted by THE GASH STATION

  1. Still not available where I live (FIOS) but I cant wait to dumb time warner when it is.
  2. Just like Dungy.. Honestly though..there was something fun in seeing a Parcells or a Ditka flip out on a ref or player.. Lets not forget Chuky & the ever optimistic Jim "playoffs" Mora.
  3. If anyone is a sirius subscriber and listens to Bubba the Love Sponge show you would hear a great theme song for Mangini. Bubba is originally from Indiana and a huge Brett Favre fan.. The guys that work with him made a song parity of CARS by Randy Newman.. Instead of "her in my car" the line is "Queer for Brett Favre," which is also the title of the parody. Tried to get a link for everyone but it is protected material from btls.com
  4. Sounds like you know from experience? Sorry to hear that.. I'll drop a quarter into the beernuts jar for ya next time I stop by the local watering hole.
  5. Reading my favorite thursday afternoon column JAMBOROO over at deadspin.. He has an interesting take on new stadiums and public money etc.. http://deadspin.com/5060991/goodbye-public...featuring-joose
  6. Yes, infact, it is cousin to the piss clam.
  7. Its a lot easier to take when the Bills are winning, when they are losing and he is doing his thing it gets me mad..today he wasn't horrible...he does have good analysis..just horrible english skills. I actually blame the networks for selecting on air personalities, if they really want these lower level guys on the air they should coach them on speaking..It wouldn't fly with guys like Sharpe whom has on field credentials but sounds (and looks a bit like) Mr. Ed with his face in a bucket of oats..the newer guys that weren't superstars should be coached before they are put in front of millions of people on TV.
  8. Beat me to it.. Confucious also say Man who fart in church sit in own pew
  9. From Deadspin http://deadspin.com/5053952/your-week-4-ja...uitous-cleavage Fantasy Player That Deserves To Die A Slow, Painful Death Randy Moss. Oh, look! It’s the special edition Malcontent Randy Moss! Now with 50% more sulking! And EXTRA indifference to weak side plays! Ah yes, I know this Moss model quite well. Can’t imagine it happening to a nicer group of fans. F*cking bandwagon-jumping, stadium-clearing f*ckfaces. THIS is the Moss you’ve always deserved. I hope he runs over a Walpole meter maid. MWAHAHAHAHA. Five Potential Key Injuries -Ben Roethlisberger (hand) -Ben Roethlisberger (shoulder) -Ben Roethlisberger (brain puddling) -Ben Roethlisberger (cognitive leprosy) -Ben Roethlisberger (Monosyllablitis
  10. It's alright, all your friends are here When can I meet them? After you've eaten I'm not hungry Uh, we meant beaten ~mojo
  11. Sounds like you used to hang out at NONAMES on sunday nites after the games..
  12. I agree..He may be nearing the wall..but in his prime, when he carried SD on his shoulders he was dominant.. So dominant, opposing D's knew that was all SD had and they couldn't stop him...now, as Borat would say..not so much.
  13. I thought the same thing as the Bills mounted the comeback.. Only drawback is if it doesnt work you get a lot of three and outs.. Seems like the TURK likes to keep the opposition guessing so I wouldn't put it past him to mix it up as you suggest.
  14. Ummm..Drrr..fries with that one Willis?? I wasn't aware they were teaching monkeys to use a computer these days ? Anyway, its "You are very knowledgeable" if you please..If you are going to play wise guy, at least use the correct english. Warren & Wilpork are decent, Seymour has seen better days...lets talk again about stats after week 8 dumb dumb.
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