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Posts posted by THE GASH STATION

  1. It would all be well and good til he figured out that he can't actually cross the boarder (thx to his record)

    then the guy would be stuck at the local no touch & pasties clubs..that would be enough to make any man crazy.


    I think the guy is a cancer but I'd sign him for the league min.

  2. Teehee, that's funny.

    You knock somebody's choice who happens to be considered at the top of his position by many(thus making it a reasonable selection for best player on the team).......and your own choice is the backup RB.


    I wasn't knocking his choice..just commenting on his consistent nature (Bill From NYC).

    And, yes..my choice is the back up RB.

    I take it your defense of Bill's choice is your opinion of the best player on the team...(Peters)


    Well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man

  3. Totally agree. It is almost comical. Noway in h*ll Cassel snaps that ball. It was all about Belijerk proving once again how he is 10 steps ahead of the Skeletor in Game management. I swear, take the average 12 year old that plays Madden, & my money is on them managing a game better then the Skeletor. Worst game day coach I have ever seen on a bills sideline & that is saying something.

    Jauron does look like Skelator after a couple years on Meth

    Belichick looks like He man after he gave up roids and stopped bleaching his hair..

  4. This was one of the most pathetic performances by a so-called football team I have seen in years. This team is soooo far away, so out of the caliber of the other teams in the division it is going to take a miracle and be another 5 years before they even have a chance. the players lack talent, the coaches are awfull, the front office (is there one?), the owner is a mean old b@st@rd with no will to win, just make $$$.


    I am so DONE with this loser of a franchise... throw out the memoribilia. No longer call me a fan. I am DONE being duped by Ralph Wilson. I am DONE being sucker punched by this collection of so called "high integrity" losers who can't block, can't tackle. There is no heart in this collection of dim wits. They are all soo off the mark they think Jauron is a good coach, and Ralph a good owner.


    I don't care where they draft, I don't care who is a free agent. I am DONE.

    GO DOLPHINS. Why? because I can't think of a worse thing to say to those at 1 Bills Drive!


    What a sorry state of affairs, what a pitiful end. Ralph I hope your stadium is empty next season. I wish you get all the Dockery's, Royal's, and Mitchell's of the league to join up for several well paid years of heartless play. I hope you do not get in the HOF, it would be a travesty if you did.


    And some day in the future I am going to find where you are buried in that high end suburb of Detroit, and make yellow snow on your head, so you will know what it feels like to get pi$$ed on the way you have done Buffalo Bills fans.


    Since you are leaving..can I have the girl in your avatar ?

  5. I am with you..

    This can be a statement game!

    You have nothing to lose..everyone and that Harbaugh jackov picks the Bills to fold like a taco..


    Hey Fewell..bring more then then can block on the blitz...F#$k Cassell up..

    If they win...let them win and leave here limping! Win the battle but lose the War..

    Screw the draft order...go out with a bang and serve notice that we can bring it !



    Ya I have had a couple...but its my 40th Bday & all I want is my team to knock the pats out of the playoffs!

  6. I've never been able to get used to calling our stadium "RALPH WILSON" or "THE RALPH". I can still hear Miller saying "welcome to Rich Stadium" in my mind. It will always be Rich to me. If our team is so strapped for cash that we have to play one game per year in Toronto, why didn't Ralph sell the naming rights to the stadium a few years back instead of naming it after himself.


    Me too...

    And while we are at it...I think also think the Bills are going to win every game they play!!

  7. Jackson reminds me so much of Thurman...shifty runner who is slippery enough to fit thru small areas, excellent receiver out of the backfield with the ability to create huge mismatches in the passing game and is capable of big plays, the way he runs that inside counter out of the shotgun, fast enough that he can pull away from LB's chasing him, just a real good all-purpose player. Throw in his ability to continuously return attempted squib kicks away from McKelvin out to midfield and Jackson might be the most underappreciated backup RB in the NFL...


    13 touches, 113 yards for Jackson today---toss in 2 KR's for 47 yards and this guy has a ton of value...almost enough to make me wonder if Jackson could actually be better player than Lynch and maybe Lynch should be Jackson's backup,,,


    I was thinking that during this game as well..

    What a great 1, 2 Lynch 7 Jackson..

  8. I would love going the entire offseason knowing we were the ones responsible for keeping the Pats out of the playoffs. In a way, that alone would make this season a success.


    The season was a huge disappointment but man..I am with you.

    A win next week sending the Belichunk home with his applebottom jeans, boots with the fur..the whole stadium looking at her..Would atleast make me feel like there is a little justice in the world.

  9. The sad thing is, that's true of almost every single "journalist" working for ESPN. It's all about speculation and sensationalism. Just yesterday, they reported on the front page of espn.com that Rafael Furcal had signed for 4 years and 40 millions dollars with the Braves. Oops, they were wrong. He signed for 3 years and 30 million with the Dodgers. But it doesn't matter if they're wrong, because they pretty much represent a monopoly in the sports journalism world.


    Very true.

    I stopped looking at their website years ago..just about everything became paid content..plus they have so much

    pop up and other garbage....ruined their site.


    I dont watch the TV show anymore but I still love Berman.

  10. I don't take Mort personally anymore...he is hated universally and recognized as a piker.

    From Deadspin last week :


    " Browns at Eagles: Chris Mortensen reported this week that the Browns COULD pursue Marty Schottenheimer IF Romeo Crennel ends up being fired. Note the use of “could”. You know who else they could pursue, Mort? F^%$ING ANYONE! Holy s$%t. He could have reported the team COULD try and court f^%$ing Hoyt Axton for the job and it would have been just as legitimate. Hey kids, want to be an ace journalist like Mort? Just follow these steps:


    1. Think of possible scenario

    2. Think of possible scenario resulting from possible scenario

    3. “Report” that possible second scenario could take place


    Now, you might be saying to yourself, “Wait a second. That’s not reporting. That’s just a giant pile of speculative bull sh--.” Ah, true. But now that Mort has reported it, that speculation is OFFICIAL. It’s not just some dips*&t blogger pulling s*&t out of his a$$. It’s a seasoned reporter pulling s**t out of his a%$. You see how much more credibility the speculation has now that it has the backing of a lazy corporate monolith that’s given up on having any remote semblance of journalistic standards? "

  11. J. P. has fallen far, his name will forever been known for failure.


    Losman - A boneheaded football play, to be a loser at life. (reality - from the NFL Buffalo Bills)


    Munson - A blunder, to be a loser at life (fictional - from the movie Kingpin)


    Triplette got munsoned


    ESPN Announcer: So JP, where have you been for the last fifteen years?

    JP: Well, I uh, well, ya see, I uh... Drinking. Lot a drinking.

    ESPN Announcer: I see. Well, are you still drinking?

    JP: No. I uh... I put... uh... Why, you buying?


    I love this guys weekly on Deadspin called

    Jamboroo funny stuff mostly crass but hilarious none the less.

    Last week he had this to say about Favre while previewing the Bills/Jets match up:


    "Bills at Jets: The thing that pisses me off about those f&*ing Brett Favre Wrangler ads is that everyone is playing touch football in jeans in the spot. Who the f^ does this? Organized twenty man pickup touch football games between middle-aged men don’t just erupt spontaneously. Everyone needs to be notified in advance, so they can bring their all their touch football essentials: cleats, shorts or warmup pants, knee braces, arm braces, shoulder harnesses, water, neoprene elbow sleeves, college sweatshirts, gloves, end zone markers, Advil, and emergency adrenaline shots. Those ads are a microcosm of everything Brett Favre is: a manufactured, completely b**lshit image of your average, football playing Joe. F*^^k you, Brett Favre. Wranglers are f#@$king grandpa jeans."



    He has a book out too called MEN WITH BALLS

  13. Is it really worth it? I mean seriously why does anyone of us follow this team anymore?

    Can someone please help me figure out why week in and week out, year in and year out why we put our selves through all the pain and anger of watching Buffalo Bills football?

    I am being completely serious, can anyone help me out? I think I might be losing my mind.


    Admitting you have a problem is the first step.

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