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Posts posted by makbeer

  1. I don't play football, but I have played ice hockey for a number of years at a variety of levels (and still play).


    As a goalie, the first extended period of play in my zone is always torture. It feels like it takes forever for the D to clear the puck, or for me to cover it.


    You also over-anticipate the first shot on net...that first save is huge in any game.


    As the game goes on, I get into the game and forget about time...everything sort of flows.

  2. Michael Jordan is on the top 10 of all time sports A-holes. The guy has been a womanizer for a long time and makes Tiger Woods look like a Saint. He needs to shut his mouth and look in the mirror.


    Plus, if LeBron would have went to Chicago, I am sure he'd be singing a different tune.



    Jordan was indeed an A-Grade A-Hole.


    That's one of things that made him the best. Nice guys don't have the killer instinct to become the greatest of all time.


    Jordan was an !@#$.


    An !@#$ that didn't want to play with his buddies. He wanted to kick their asses.


    In fact, he really didn't even HAVE buddies during his playing days.

  3. I have to admit I'm very encouraged by these updates.


    Thanks NGU.


    My worst fear is the Bills continuing the cycle of drafting QBs every 2 years but never giving them a chance to succeed.


    The offensive line needs to be rebuilt.


    Once that's done, they can evaluate the QBs.


    Trent may not be the guy, but I don't think Manning/Brady would be winning a whole lot with this offensive line anyways.

  4. My totally amateur opinion:


    Marty Mornhinweg OC Eagles

    Am I the only one that thinks the Eagles offensive SYSTEM is overrated? If they don't get DeSean Jackson on a seam route for a TD they aren't that great. Looking at the system and routes that he put on the field I'm not a big fan. I think we'd go back to the old JP ball where we'd score the occasional deep-ball TD to Lee and not much else.


    Leslie Frazier DC Vikings

    I love that his defense was 3rd in the NFL at getting off the field on 3rd downs, this means that in critical situations, he knows how to call the right plays. Negative is discipline - 109 PIMs on the defense was near the highest in the NFL. When I watch this group play they are motivated. But for some reason this guy doesn't shout out to me as LEADER. Some head coaches have this look or fire in their eyes...it's intangible and entirely wrong to evaluate something like this though, since there's no way to measure it. On paper I don't mind this pick. My gut doesn't like it though.


    Jason Garrett OC Cowboys

    Have liked the Cowboys offense this year. Seem to be peaking at the right time. I really wanted Sean Payton when he came out of Dallas to the Saints and I'm afraid my interest in Garrett is tied to that. But either way I have a good feeling about this guy.


    Brian Schottenheimer OC Jets

    Not a fan. I don't like the Jets offense at all. It is very vanilla and reminds me of the various offenses the Bills have been running. I'm petrified of this signing turning into another same ol same ol Bills hiring we're used to seeing. Yes he likes to run the ball and yes that's good in cold weather, but what else can he really do?


    Russ Grimm OL Cardinals

    I love this signing. The OL Has been the biggest problem we've faced and this is a guy you just KNOW will get it fixed, ASAP. To me you fix OL before you even bother trying to evaluate how your QB/RB can play. He is a big-time winner in terms of the staffs he has worked with and watching Arizona the last couple years they have done a great job protecting in big games. The fact that he also has the Assistant HC title says a lot about his value/role in the team.


    So to sum up, I would take in this order:


    1) Russ Grimm.

    2) Jason Garret.

    3) Leslie Frasier


    Not interested in the other 2.

  5. I'm out of shape, drink way too much beer, and never played organized football and I'm fairly confident I could complete 3/5 passes if I only have to throw the ball 20 feet or so. I should not, in any way imaginable, be able to do something 3/5ths of the time that a pro athlete can.


    When he completes a pass > 25 yards, I'll stop thinking he's a suckhole. Until then, it sucks that he's hurt, but it doesn't hurt our chances of winning.


    I'm willing to bet that in those conditions, facing an NFL pass-rush, against NFL coverages you would be lucky to complete 1/5.

  6. That's just ridiculous. 1600 yards from scrimmage is 1600 yards. When Thurman was playing great for the Bills it was his combination of running and receiving that made him dangerous. And a lot of times teams use flare and swing and dump off passes as running plays. And in two of his six seasons, LT, the best RB in the league, had 3.6 and 3.9 yards per carry. I suppose he sucks, too.


    Re-read what I said. I said that he won't be well-received here if he averages under 4.0 YPC.


    Whenever someone brought up Ladanian TOmlinson to defend Willis' YPC, it was ignored. Lamont Jordan's numbers and running style would have gotten him run out of town here as well, especially after his numbers in the most recent season. If the LT YPC average doesn't hold weight in relation to Willis' YPC, it certainly doesn't hold weight in relation to Lamont.


    Looking beyond the numbers, I simply don't think Lamont is all that good a back. But given his numbers, well, we've had better runners here get lambasted. He wouldn't get a chance.

  7. The problem I have with Turner is that he isn't shifty. He needs a hole. He's fast and strong, but not necessarily quick.


    We didn't have a line that he would have worked with last season, and it's yet to be seen if we have t he type of line he can run behind this season.


    Additionally, he hasn't proven he can handle the load over the course of a full season.


    He could work out really well, or he could bust as a starter (Lamont Jordan?). Backup RBs that look good in flashes are hard to grade.


    It's definitely a risk because he's going to be expensive to acquire, and expensive to pay after acquiring him. I'd prefer to wait to see how the first round shapes up before trading for him.


    That said, if we can't land Adrian Peterson (don't think Lynch and his attitude/demeanor will fly here after mcgahee) somehow, Turner is probably a good option. As a cheaper route, I like a guy like Antonio Pittman.

  8. Anybody in Buff. know what kind of feedback came from north of the border on Ricky. looking for an "honest" assessment.Did he cause any trouble in T town?


    He was actually a model citizen for the Argos.


    His production wasn't great, but the CFL doesn't really reward a grinding runner, it's all about being shifty.


    He broke his arm and could have easily packed it in for the year, but came back. By all accounts his teammates liked him, he spoke highly of the CFL and never disparaged anyone in the community or league.


    There was no talk of him playing with a 'holier' attitude because he was a NFL back etc.


    That said, there's no drug testing for weed in the CFL either.

  9. We all know the guy isn't the brightest, how is it so hard to believe that he doesn't really say things the way he means them...I think this article sheds a lot of light on it.


    I don't think Willis is a bad guy, just a kid with a lot of money that doesn't really know who he is yet.


    There are no reports that his teammates had problems with him, and they are the ones that would know best if he put his heart in to his game when he was here.

  10. The people asking for a career ending injury are pathetic and should probably look in the mirror before taking ANY sort of shot at Willis' character.


    If you want to be in a position to judge someone's character you better be darn sure you've got a clean slate to do it from.


    That's just my opinion, of course.

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