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The Rev.Mattb74 ESQ.

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Everything posted by The Rev.Mattb74 ESQ.

  1. Does it really take a leap of faith to think they are open to trading Peters. Also if you read what I wrote I said that since he may on the trade block. I also stand by my comment that Ralphs primary goal is no longer winning a championship but making the team as easy a sell as he can for his families sake. It is very possible that with the Bills his Net Worth far outwieghs his liquid assets, after he passes it is a real possibilty that his love ones would have to pay more in Inheritance Tax then money they have to pay it. He probably wants a quick sell of the team so his family does not have that hardship. Which I stated I dont think is a bad thing his families well-being should be his primary concern. Ralph has done nothing to show he will do whatever it takes to get a Lombardi before he dies, did he fire any staff after going 2-8 in the last 10 games no he didnt( I tend to believe that they wouldnt fire the staff if they went 2-14 next year). If he did he would have to pay the contracts of both the fired staff and new staff and Ralph wont do that-never has with anyone with more then a year left on their contract).Also no matter what Raplh's true intentions are this team is not playoff ready with or without Peters and it is pretty Mute. Even the TO signing I feel was more about selling tickets then winning. While the negotiations you talk about seem very one-sided which make them even more difficult. I never said I wanted Peters traded, I want to keep him, it feels however that this is going down hill fast.
  2. 83- 12th overall took Trent Hunter TE, then at 14th overall took Kelly. Hunter was then traded for Ferragamo the next year.
  3. Just because the Bills have 11 starters doesnt mean they are good. Talk about grading on a curve, outside Marshawn, and Evans we do not have a impact player from any of these drafts. While if Trent, Poz, and McKelvinn could all turn into impact players. We have a solid safety in Whitner and some other pretty good players. However the first three rounds are littered with busts. McCargo, Ellis, Losman, Tim Anderson, Kevin Everett(tragedy what happened to him, but he was a below average player), to a lesser degree McGahee. The jury is still out on Youboty and Hardy. We did get a pretty good return man in Roscoe. I think the absence of picks for the D-Line and O-line is glaring. While I dont think we have had the worst drafts in the league giving them anything over a C, I feel points out flaws in the grading system.
  4. If this was the case then Peters would have a deal and not be considered trade bait. However since he may be on the trade block it is because the Bills do not want a prolonged holdout and potential locker room problem. I stick by my original statement if the Bills trade him it is to maximize the return, not to replace him with a rookie. I am not saying they dont pick a O-tackle with that pick, they may. I am just saying they do the trade no matter who is left. It doesnt really matter this team is not playoff ready let alone Superbowl ready, there will be more holes then players to fill them come draft day. If Ralph was really worried about winning a championship he wouldnt have worried about having to pay DJ and Brandons contract and cleaned house. This would be a good year to do it, with GMs like Lombardi and coaches with rings like Cowher, Gruden, and Billick all available(probably have to pay alot for Cowher). If Ralph really did not care about money he would give Peters 11.5 million a year rather then 9.5 million a year. Ralph is a business man first, thats why Polian was canned instead of his accountant. Trust me to Ralph the bottom line matters, the team needs to be an easy sell for when he dies because they need the liquid assets to cover what I am sure is going to be a alot in Inheritance tax. He may not have that money without the sale of his team, and the worry of leaving that on his spouse and children I am sure are on his mind more then a championship(as it probably should be).
  5. I think if they trade Peters it is because they really have little choice. Keeping him means having a disgruntled player that could become a locker room cancer. If that is the case it does not matter who is left, you trade him.
  6. As an outside observer looking in I think if Peters is traded it will be after the Lions select first. I feel the Lions are the Bills best trade partner if they would unload pick number 20 and a third or fourth rounder. If the Lions trade for Peters now everyone knows they will take Stafford 1st overall. This prohibits the Lions from negotiaitng with Stafford for a more cost friendly contract(because he will then know he is going number one), and negotiating with other teams who may try to trade up to take on of the top O-lineman. I think the Millenless Lions are trying to position themselves to get Stafford and a top tackle with there first two picks the only way they can do that is with trading for Peters.
  7. I like Ayers. 15.5 tackles for loss last year is pretty good output playing on a team with as little as talent as that, going up against the competion they play against. One year starter to me means very little as he may be a young man that has grown into his potential. Tennesee was so bad that last year teams could get a lead then run the clock down on them avoiding the chance to give up sacks and plays against a very good D-linemen, and yes to me the Senior Bowl means alot.
  8. 1. I totally agree with, if Raji or Rak is there you take them no questions asked. 2. This team needs a total makeover, including coaching staff. If Ayers is the best you take him regardless of everything else. It is not like we are trying to get that one postion of need to put us over the top. 3. While I did not watch him play this year and can only go on what I have read and what I know about players coming from certain systems. Although past performance(guys like McDougle and Bunkley) doesnt always mean that future picks will be a bust it certainly gives reason to pause. 4.While I cant speak about florida players, it is easy for me to speak on Penn State Players. Jo Pa is good at getting his guys in positions to make plays, thus Penn State players are always hyped, then fizzle in the NFL. More of a kudos to Paterno then putting down their talent, they dont translate well(long gone are the days of LBU). The big Ten is more of a throwback conference that have not kept up with the times, that is why they dont play well out of conference. The exception being Buckeye DB's are usually physical which I like(not that my opinion matters), and Michigan O-lineman, (and to smaller degree Iowa Linemen) can run block. Buyer beware though with Beanie Wells, Maybin, Robiskie(although I have hope for Robiske) and any other Big Ten highly thought of players. These are just my two cents take them with a grain of salt, but for what its worth in my humble opinion.
  9. Schobel is in his 30's been banged up for the better part of two years. I hope you are right, but I am betting on 3-5. Also outside of Stroud the front seven is terrible. I do like Mitchell and have hope for Poz, but in reality it wouldnt take an all pro to upgrade those positions. Kyle Williams and Ryan Denney would be descent players to rotate in and out of a rotation but niether should be starters. This teams front seven could be the worst front seven I have seen the Bills use since I started watching them in 1980. Back in the 2-14 years we atleast had Smerlas, and Ben Williams up front. I have very little optimism for this unti, but I hope I am wrong.
  10. I am hoping that we get either Ayers, Cushing or Oher with the first pick. However I get the feeling the Bills will take Maybin, or Brown.
  11. While I agree that scheme requires talent and coaching, I do feel the sun has set on the "Tampa Two." Formations and schemes die, no one runs the option anymore, and full house backfields are generally short yardage deals. Sure the Dolhins made a small comeback with the wildcat, but does anyone really expect that to be ran more then a few times a game. We need a more aggressive defence, and yes we need better coaching and talent this is rock bottom.
  12. While I am aware that certain area in the country have budget problems( the magazine Police Beat usually has lots of jobs listed), as a general rule of thumb the first rule to go is hiring people outside the city or county(usually one has to live in a certain area before being hired to work there). Due to state minimum staffing requirements and mandating the are forced to fill vacancies. While in LA and other major cities I cant speak for, rest assured that many places do not drop these standards. Also many places pay for college classes for officers once hired so they can get up to your high standards of education, however since I have been employed(about 5 and a half years) I do not know of anyone with less then a two year degree from a community college(sure it is not princeton). Base pay starts at about 25 to 30 an hour, and getting overtime is very easy and it is not uncommon to get a low six figure income, well above the national average.
  13. It depends from department to department, and what the rules are. However a peace/police officer is that 24 hours a day. Now if your worried that as you say you are fighting with an untouchable, the general rule of thumb is dont get into a bar fight, and if you find yourself in that predictment listen to security at wherever you are at. Listen in my younger days I couldnt stand the 20 year old college kid at the bar wearing the yellow T-Shirt that says security on it while he is doing his best Hans and Franz impersonation either. To me he seems pompus and arrogant, however it is his terriotory and if you want to be there listen to him. If you want a rule of thumb, when peace/police work these things chances are they will not be striking up conversation with the young blonde in the tight shirt (he is most likely that 20 yo college student) he or she would be the one by themselves trying to get an overview of the room, and more aware of his/her surroundings. I am sure everyone here sees someone at a concert working security the guy with the piercings probably not a cop, the guy with the high and tight standing straight up saying "step this way sir" might be. The cop will generally use some sort of force as a last resort the other may be more inclined to use it right away. Listen whoever is putting on these events has hired people to keep you safe, not be your friend. Listen and be agreeable, and make any complaints after the fact. What sounds like the case with Whitner(I dont know for sure) would be a out and out melee at the club. At that point getting control of a situation is more of a urgent problem, while to Donte him and his cousin where the center of what was going on to security it was ending the problem. Whoever tazed him was not thinking to themselves hey thats Donte Whitner, but was thinking deal with this guy in a fighting stance and move onto the next in a fighting stance. I hope this was of some help to you.
  14. I dont think it is fair at this point to get to upset about Whitner. He was in a bar fight-it happens. I am embarrased with ML for getting in trouble twice(the first one is a freebie and can be chalked up tp young, dumb, and full of ***) but after that you should know better. Ko Simpson really didnt do much wrong besides make himself sound like an idiot, and Hargrove seems like a young man in need of help(the Drug suspensions and problems with the law).It seems like alot right now because when it rains it pours, but in the grand scheme of things all fairly minor stuff. I guess if I could delete one thing it would be ML first run in with the law because he probably should have manned up and took responsibilty for what he did, but that probably would have cost him millions in civil court. Maybe Ko could have loaned him some money.
  15. Not sure if this is everywhere but where I work it is not uncommon that in a bar brawl unless someone has been hurt bad to take what seems to be the person or persons who started the fight and people who might carry the problem over to another area and hold them till they atleast sober-up. It often is more about ending the problem then making arrests.
  16. Thanks for your service. I did six years 93-99. 19 Kilo, what was your MOS.
  17. Dont forget Haslett should be Healthy all year. Plus our Backfield should dominate with Bell and Harmon. Harmon is the type of money big game reciever coming out of the backfield you can rely on in the clutch.
  18. He got a fair shake when Jim Zorn told Ralph no.
  19. I see alot about Kampman making the switch to outside LB in Green Bay. However I have saw nothing on what the Broncos are going to do with Dummerville. I could be wrong but isnt Denver also switching to a 3-4?
  20. I dont think I would ever mind taking a flyer on a RB or QB in the sixth or seventh Round. Not early however and only in the middle(rds3-5) if there is a big talent between taking one and any other position.
  21. Alot of peace/police officers work security for bars/clubs and concerts. It is one of the perks, always a part time job.
  22. I am a member of law enforcement. They are very selective-the background check is hell, uncomfortable and usually takes 6 months to complete, and while the job wont make you rich 100 grand a year if you are willing to take overtime is very possible. Hell State Troopers start at 90 grand a year. While you wont find anyone who attended Harvard almost all hires in the past 6-8 years have atleast a two year degree.While it often can be crappy work environment a certain pride goes with it. I stand by my comment of 99.9 percent of cops being good. No they arent all saints, but they dont take advantage of their authority. Are there bad cops yes but it is a very low percentage.
  23. Recently in Oakland four cops where shot and killed. Certain citizens(not all, some people of the nieghborhoods actually where disgusted and outraged) put on a parade and memorial service for the young gentlemen that shot him and celebrated his act of defiance killing four police officers. Just thought I would throw that out there, you are always so quick to say it was the Police officers fault. On occasion that is true-Bad Police officers do exist. 99.9% however are good men and women who are trying to earn a paycheck to support there family, they just want to go home to their significant other and kids at the end of the night. Most dont want trouble and hope that officer presents controls a situation. However if it does not the Use of Force Continuem is used, you are to use no more force then necesary to get a situation under control. It amazes me that we throw at all the time innocent till proven guilty(which is true and should be pointed out) and in the same breath accuse the officer who should be given the same right. I like Donte he seems like he is a stand up guy, but it is possible that in the off season he had one to many cocktails and became beligerent with another clubgoer and a cop. Many of us have done something while we where intoxicated that we are ashamed of. if this is true it does not mean that Donte is a bad seed just someone who did something stupid. However it seems more likely then a cop cruising the house of Blues looking to take his anger out on a young African-American football player.While except everything in one light without critisiscm is wrong so it should be the other way as well.
  24. Are you sure it is a misdemeanor? I think it is just a violation.
  25. Remember to vote for the Rev come election day.
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