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The Rev.Mattb74 ESQ.

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Everything posted by The Rev.Mattb74 ESQ.

  1. the 102 million is for players alone. Now add in the cost of coaches, trainers, equipment, lease deals, advertising, maintnance, stadium upgrades, upfront bonus money, and dreaded taxes(which NY has some of the highest in the country-Texas has no state Tax I wonder If Mr. Jones thought about that.) all of a sudden you are not making that much. The list goes on and on, not even mentioning that owners pay for the players 401ks which i believe they match, then NFL players like everyone else gets a pension. Not alot of buisnesses give employees 60% of the intake.Not trying to side with Billionaires just saying there is three sides to every story, yours, mine, and the truth
  2. I dont think the Bills will sign the Easter Bunny, Heard he wants Santa Money, and the Bills are only offering toothfairy type contract offer.
  3. I like Tank Williams too, but I think he is more of a lawyer Milloy type gut that you would play in the box. They need someone to play back in the cover two and I dont think he has that sort of range. For the cheap we might look at Hope from the Steelers not a long term answer, but good as a stop gap.
  4. I think it is what would you do Tom, so we can do the other/parking lot attendent
  5. appreciate the compliment. Actually I get on here and post about this time of year, every year. I stop posting during the season because I try to be an optimist, and the way the Bills have played the last few years makes me remember what my moma told me about if you cant say something nice. Anyway when I come back to post I can never remember my sign in name because it has been so long so I just create a new account. I have to say that this is a very good and exciting place to post. Buffalo Fans are truly the best and most knowledgeable in all of sports.
  6. Plus I would feel distrought if they took Cutler after the Bills passed on him and he became the next Marino
  7. I do not understand what the Lions are thinking. I would not ever target a skill position player in Free Agency(cost never equals productivity). The Lions Need so much help and reciever is where they have talent. While we are at it, lets see how James does in Arizona with no O-Line and Kurt-I dont believe I am in the same city for two years in a row -Warner.
  8. This might sound crazy but I think Brees going to Miami helps us at least in the short term because N.O. would then have to take a QB with there pick and help one of the other players fall to Buffalo(Davis, Williams, or Ferguson), and although Brees had good numbers the last few years, I still feel he is a system QB. I would much rather face Brees twice a year then Culpepper anyway
  9. I have liked what they have done so far, but they need to address the O-line. Not alot on the free agent Market that makes sense form a cap point of view but maybe they could sign Ephriam Salaam, Jason Fabini, or Victor Riley. They might not bre great talents but I think they would upgrade what we have(a cardboard cutout of Will Wolford would upgrade what we have) and not cost a fortune.
  10. Unless Ferguson, Williams, or Davis falls to Buffalo trade down. Stay away from Ngata, D Tackles track record in the top ten is worse the QB (see Dan Wilkinson, Ryan Simms, Jamie Kennedy, and to a lesser degree Dewayne Robertson). Also stay away from Penn State Players they tend not to do well in the pros(see DJ Dozier, Kijana Carter, Jamie Kennedy,Courtny Brown, OJ McDuffie, and to Lesser Degrees Lavar Airington, and Kerry Collins). You Can Always Trade Down in the Draft and get Tackle from USC, or Gaurd form Georgia, or Bunkley, also Wroten from LSU may Be available in round two. As much as I like Lienert he has had the best talent in college around him and may not translate as a pro, and Losman needs another oppurtunity with a better O-Line. As much as AJ hawk looks amazing, the amount of Linebackers in the draft, and in free agency would not make sense bcause I feel that the amount gained in talent doesnt translate to the 8th overall selection when you can get value in later rounds or a good veteran at a modest price. That said if Buffalo takes Hawk I would Be excited, just think you can address more pressing needs with that pick.
  11. What upsets me about the owners and the new CBA is high revenue clubs are acting like 32 seperate business's. The fact is that it is one business with 32 owners. When you buy a NFL team you are buying into a business, not buying a team. The older owners understood that, thats why Wellington Mara decided to share TV contracts way back when the NY city market would have paid him alot more then an NFL agreement. Also why Ralph decided to buy part of the Raiders before the went Bankrupt. In the 60's and 70's they new that they would have to stick together for the good of the NFL buisness. Now owners feel like they are competing against other owners. Could you imagine if IBM had on office in Buffalo that made a ton of money and hired away all the workers from an office in Seatle, and the office in seattle had to hire highschool dropouts, with no knowledge of the industry. I do not feel it would be in the best interest of IBM and while for the short term it would help the Buffalo office, in the long term it would be bad for them because it would be bad for the company. Now with that said I do understand some of what Jerry Jones is saying that he puts a name other then his own on the stadium, and I feel like maybe Ralph should look into other avenues of revenue, but the Buffalo area will never generate as much money as the Dallas area.(unless we dump both political parties and start our own third independent political party but that is a different post for a different time). The NFL has to look at the fact that owners like Ralph have often looked at what is best for the league and not himself and that selfless stance is needed for the good of the league. If not in ten years are beloved Buffalo Bills will be the LA (i Have to pay the Bills and make some money so I am moving to a bigger markett) whatevers.
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