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The Rev.Mattb74 ESQ.

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Everything posted by The Rev.Mattb74 ESQ.

  1. I remember Smerlas saying he was a good guy and a good coach. He said he tried to do too much variety in the play calling. He said after he left, everyone hated Bullough and purposely played bad so he would get fired.
  2. I love the way TT is playing this year, and would prefer not to use a 1st round pick on a QB. I do think you should always be drafting one. So I came upon this article https://www.behindthesteelcurtain.com/pittsburgh-steelers-nfl-features-news-blog-long-form/2017/10/28/16552726/2018-nfl-draft-prospect-potential-senior-qb-riser-kyle-lauletta-ben-roethlisberger-replacement-nfl. It is a good read for anyone that is interested.
  3. I really need him to, because Thelien is on a bye week, and I am playing the ass from human resources.
  4. I did but I took some Metamucil, and seems to have taken care of it.
  5. I played in high school, I also did math. I am not trying to go head to head with Stephen Hawking either.
  6. I don't fully understand it either. He has a cool name, and played well in the senior bowl. However he played at Temple (American Athletic Conference) and played about only 60 percent of the defensive snaps.
  7. After searching around the web I found a really sh***y band called particle son, and I now wish I could return to not hearing them.
  8. I believe you mean prodigal son
  9. Calling my shot to San Fran for a 2nd and a 5th.
  10. There is 27 coaches on this team, or one coach for every two players. How come with that average we are playing with too many or not enough players on the field? Why are players lost and confused on where they are supposed to line up? Why are we getting alignment penalties? How can you not know what is going on when you have a private coach telling you what to do? No matter any stat, number, prayer, or play call, this disturbs most of all.
  11. Garoppolo will take at least a first to get, and I think I would do it. This is not Cassel or Hoyer, they both came in as late round picks and marginal talent(anyway nobody ever gave up much for Hoyer). Jimmy G, put up big numbers in college. I also remember Mayock saying he had the quickest release he ever saw, supremely accurate in short and intermediate passing game, good leadership, and great work habits. If I deemed it important enough to use a first round pick on a QB, I would rather use it on him this year instead of one of the college QBs, as he has had a couple of years to develop behind an all time great. I would be hoping to give up only 2 second round picks, but I would go as high as a first. The hardest part of that trade would be giving the cheatriots a first round pick to use, but I would not think I was wasting my pick. I would rather him over Romo, or Cutler as well. One is fragile, and the other never was. I am not saying he would be a slam dunk pro bowler, but if you say to yourself you have to fix the QB position(which I think you should say every year until you get it right) then I think he is the best option this year.
  12. I could see Mike Smith or John Fox, I think sending our first pick to the Cheatriots for Garoppalo possibly
  13. Mike Smith becomes head coach Mike Glennon becomes QB Jamal Adams first round pick/ Corey Davis 2nd round/Luke Falk Third Round
  14. I was stationed at Fort Hood for 6 years, loved it. Austin, San Antonio, Corpus Christie, Houston, and Temple where all places I frequented. Loved all of them.
  15. I loved Dufek. I think I was probably in 5th or sixth grade and that was the thing me and my dad would argue about. Say what you want about Dufek, but those conversations gave me and pops a way to communicate. Also remember when the strike happened all the talk about Jim Zorn coming out od retirement to play for the Bills.
  16. Yes I am terrified, our gaurds couldn't hit a block on the second level last week because they are so slow, which will be a huge deal this week as Miami is so much faster, and a 3-4 which always gives us trouble. I feel offensively we will need three step drops and a very accurate quick release, which is not our strong suit. On defense they have to prove they can stop the run, I am hopeful they can but it has not happened yet.All this and the whole second shoe thing is worrying the crap out of me.
  17. I do not want Batavia to be in the running because I am scared it has a legit shot. I love my small community and wouldn't trade it for higher taxes, and all the changes that come with economic development. As far as infrastructure travel would not be an issue you would have to just add an exit or two(anywhere the stadium is placed that would happen). For every person who has a longer ride, two would have a shorter one. Even those coming from Canada would have their ride time increase very little if at all. The real problem comes in essential services, ie. law enforcement, fire, and ems, something Genesee County is not equipped to handle .
  18. I understood your statement as you take great qbs then use championships as a way to separate them. I look at it as you don't get into the conversation as great unless you have them, then you sort out the best of that group. That does not mean all those with rings are great quarterbacks, and there are plenty of really good qbs without rings, but all great qbs have them. yes
  19. I see what you are saying but I go the other way. Rings get you in the conversation, then you get thrown out based on other factors.
  20. You make a fair argument, however I still think yes rings matter a lot. I love Jimbo, think he doesn't get a fair deal with the national talking heads. Saying that however that fact remains Jim gets three rings he would be talked about as the best ever. Marino gets a lot of buzz because he played on bad teams and in great weather. He had to throw all the time because his defense sucked and he had no running game. He had to throw, and playing in Miami made it easier, if the roles where reversed Jim would have had a better career in my humble opinion. This is all irrevelant because it is opinion, if you win(especially multiple rings) you have proof you are the best. Plunkett has more career interception then touchdowns, but he has 2 rings so people think he belongs in the hall. As with sales, someone can think that someone has a good pitch, great product, and wonderful charisma but if he doesn't back it up with sales then who cares. If you have to go to the store, would you like a brand new shinning BMW that is broken down, our 15yo beat up F-150 that starts right up. I would rather have Montana
  21. Yes, nothing else matters except the rings. Are salesmen based on sales?
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