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The Rev.Mattb74 ESQ.

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Everything posted by The Rev.Mattb74 ESQ.

  1. The Dolphins switched to a 3-4 defence this year without a glitch and did worlds better(still struggled against the pass). To say we can not switch to a 3-4 becuase we dont have the talent and then saying we dont have the talent to play the Tampa Two is crazy. Also I dont agree about the aquiring the Tallent argument fully because you are competing with more people. While yes you will be competing for the same talent against more people(supply and Demand) but keeping a system that teams know how to beat by running up the middle or sending a short crossing pattern over the middle makes less sense, besides just being the only ones trying to get Triplett didnt make him good. I also disagree about paying less when you have a new system and the players that fit that system would not be in demand. Derrick Brooks was going to get big money no matter where he played. Same for Simeon Rice, Warren Sapp, Ronde Barber, John Lynch. That team was stacked Defensively. As far as the Bills I think some of our players-Poz, Mitchell, Whitner, McKelvin would probably do better in a 3-4. Denney seems like he would be a better fit in a 3-4 then he is at this current scheme. While Schobel and Kelsay would struggle, they are struggling now so its a wash. Really when it boils down to it, why should we be scared to change anything with this team. Is the thought of not winning seven games in a season any scarier then this. After three years of 7-9 not changing something is absurd. I am not trying to be disrespectful to anyone just cant take the complaceny of this team anymore.
  2. It is ok, if I couldnt take sarcastic comments I wouldnt have been posting on here for the past few years. For the life of me I cant figure out how (granted I didnt watch the last four games- couldnt take it you know) the whole year it seemed we sent only four rushers. On the occasion they sent Mitchell up the middle he atleast caused a hurry sometimes a sack. The San Diego game aside(when they did a pretty good job on Gates-although I think that may have been more Whitner) watching him and Poz trying to cover downfield at times got painful and I feel that is somewhat why Whitners not making a bigger impact, because he was helping them cover up downfield instead of making more plays. Maybe just moving Whitner to free safety would free him up to do more, I dont know. In years past it seemed that even though the sucked there was always something to rest your hat on, not this year. We are alot closer to being the Lions then the Steelers or Patriots. Atleast the Lions are making changes even if they are just superfiscial.
  3. I understand your point but disagree. Indy has Freeney, Sanders, even Mathis and they sucked Defensively this year. Yes Tampa made it work when they had Sapp and Carter but that was 5-10 years ago when it was real effective, I feel the league has caught up to it and it is no longer a good viable option. If Chicago cant make it work this past year with Urlacher and Harris what chance do we have.
  4. My bad I meant the Tampa Two. Home with the kids today, and trying to post while making lunch, cleaning and taking down the rest of the decorations.
  5. I can't stand this cover-two defence. Atleast when Phillips and Williams coached the Bills the Defence was fun to watch. Now the crappy defence matches the crappy offense. I liked the 3-4 loved the 46, both of which this team would benefit moving to. If we went to a 3-4 Stroud could stay in the middle and Williams and Johnson could probably kick out to end, Denney seems to b a better fit for the 3-4 and we could dump Schobel and Kelsay. Even Mitchell and Poz would look better in a 3-4 moving Poz outside and making Mitchell an inside backer. Anything but this dreadful cover two. Even teams that have good talent and run it are not being successful with it anymore, Colts defence sucks this year, and the Bears defence was average at best. I am sure we will be the last team in the league to switch away from it realizing once again later then everyone else it is no longer effective.
  6. I could care less about the teeeeam struuuglin.
  7. How about Penn State skill position players. DJ Dozier, Blair Thomas, Kijana Carter, Curtis Enis,OJ McDuffie, Braynt Johnson and I am sure there is someone I am leaving off this list. As good LBers that they send to the pros(-minus Lavar Arrington) they seem to struggle every where else. Including DLinemen see Courtney Brown and Kennedy the Rams first pick acouple of years ago at DT. I think JoePa slips scouts some purple koolaid and puts subliminal messages on the video tapes saying his players are first round guys.
  8. I think the Jets two biggest blunders, leaving Marino on the board and taking Ken Obrien and picking Blair Thomas #2 overall. However they have had some good picks up till the last 8 years. I believe they had 4 first rounders in 2000, they busted on TE Anthony Becht, and got mileage out of an average QB in Pennington the other two picks where good picks in Abraham and Ellis. Santana Moss was their first pick in 01 and he is a system WR that can hit a big play from time to time but not first round material. The next two years where busts in Bryan Thomas and Robertson especially considering a big trade up for Robertson. Vilama was a good pick if not for injuries and Scheme changes. Two years ago They possibly have a bust in Ferguson but a gem in Managold, and Last year I thought Revis looked terrible. However up till two years ago the Bills had a decade of bad drafts except for the Clements, Henry, Schobel, Jennings draft.
  9. I am very excited about it this year because of the headcoach game. Anyone else taking next Tuesday off. Iam going to my brothers and leaving the kids with my wife. Oh the oppurtunity to act like a teenager and drink beer, Madden be thy name.
  10. I know the answer to this I read about it on a resteraunt wall.
  11. What the hell is Brett Favre doing here?
  12. Only if he is Catholic if he is Jewish he gets circumsized with a bratwourst.
  13. I dont think it is great by any means. The starters are a journeymen, a player who has three pro games under his belt and a player who has been a little better then average-not exactly monsters of the midway or the Steel Curtain. Don't get me wrong I am stoked about Poz and think he has a bright future, and I dont think the group is terrible. I just dont think any of them are worth spending a ton of money (maybe Poz in a year or two).I dont think this group is bad but I wouldnt mind at all if the Bills decided that they wanted a fresh face at the end of the year and let Crowell walk. He is the odd man out since Mitchell is tied up long term and PP is young, so unless you really feel they are great to make the Linebacking core better he is the one that gets replaced. I am not attacking you or your opinion just respectfully disagreeing.
  14. I think they will win anywhere from 0-19 games.
  15. I agree totally. I still dont see where all the Crowell love is coming from. I admit the guy is good in coverage, but he gets run over at the point of attack and as a pass rush threat he is almost non existent as he has 7 career sacks( even though he is a 4-3 LB he still should be getting 4 sacks a year). Many on this board buried Fletcher because his tackles where all 5-7 yards beyond the line of scrimmage but we give Crowell a free pass. If Crowell signs a contract that an average starting OLB gets paid then great, if not then he is replaceable. The LBs that have walked from this team the last 15 years Crowell is way down the list. Also dont forget that you can find serviceable OLB later in the draft, although I wouldnt be opposed to taking one early(especially if he can rush the passer).
  16. Sorry about that. Try the second link it should work better.
  17. Ran across this article. Thought it was interesting. Has Levy and Jaroun rated fairly high. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports...4448407.column http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/footb...,4448407.column
  18. If you would like Bills West you can que your picks and it will pick for you. Any way I am working 48 of the next 56 hours so I will not be looking on this board or the draft site until Monday. I believe two spots remain open, if it is not filled by Monday morning I will make it open to the public to ensure we fill those two remaing teams.
  19. While I agree with your rational, In football a game usually 3 plays can make the difference in a game. Also as mentioned above a holding can be called on most any play. While I like the NFL for actually grading their refs the amount of money bet on big NFL games like the SB means a culprit only has to strike once. Of course everyone here remembers the "Just give it to-em" game. That was one play. Football above any other sport is a team game, Basketball and hockey is more about individual athletes doing extrodinary things, while football although plenty of starpower can be won with less talent and better strategy. This is why the Cheatriots* have made an uneven playing field giving them an unfair advantage. Sure they have some stars like Brady, Moss, and Seymour but the majority of their players are pretty good and not great. To sum up cheating in football creates a higher degree of advantage then in any other sport that is why I feel a more sense of danger of fixing football games then basketball games.
  20. I have stayed away from this topic because it is becoming way extreme on both sides as both those for and against are getting way to extreme. For those of you supporting Lynch in this matter he is wrong, whoever was driving his car made a mistake and that person should be held accountable for thier actions. Also stop saying alledgedly because if it has gone this far it was his car. For those of you being anti-Lynch back off and calm down- they guy has millions of dollars at stake in a civil suit because we are a sue happy nation. His lawyer is having him keep his mouth shut to probably reach a fair settlement to avoid a civil trial. It could very well be at the time he did not know he hit someone( I doubt it but I will give him the benefit of the doubt), but more then likely he is a young man that made a bad judgement in a split second, and while he should be punished I think calling for his livelyhood(by cutting him) or a prolonged jail sentence, or even an absurd amount of money in a lawsuit is overkill. I think a fair punishment should be in order-pay for the hospital bills, perform some kind of community service. I know I wont win brownie points around here for this post but this topic is going crazy on both sides of the fence. Young men make mistakes not just profesional athletes but they get the media attention because they are who they are. ML could become someone our town crowns as a saviour in ten years, lets give him a chance instead of letting one mistake ruin him.
  21. Rub a dub dub three bills in a ride and who do you think they be Marshawn Steve Johnson and Terrence McGee
  22. The league ID# is 26113 and the password is whiskey also if you want to send me your E-mail I will send you a invitewhich I think provides a link.
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