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Kiwi Bills fan

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Everything posted by Kiwi Bills fan

  1. After living 7 years in New Zealand, I finally plunked down the money to get ESPN (international version) from my satellite provider and NFL Game Pass, so I can follow the Bills online. You guys have NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I AM. I watched the Skins game last week on Game Pass and LOVE IT! Go Bills!
  2. Hey. Chill guys. Just chill
  3. Yeah... I think you should have a contest for your international clients. Well, your international clients that live in the southern hemishpere. In the south pacific.
  4. I was thinking the exact same thing. Fitz has my full support this year, but why is playing very poorly while hurt such a good thing? He needs to prove that he can make all of the throws with accuracy and lead the team on to victory, not take a sack and play like crap for the remainder of the season.
  5. It's about time! Woo hoo, let the season begin!
  6. Yea, close enough. Thanks guys!
  7. HaHa... yea, I heard this on the news last night. Yes, postitustion is legal here, but you would never know it. (Unless you lived in Auckland) BTW, Exiled... NZ wasn't settled by convicts. That was Aussie. We were settled by drunken whalers. (and expatriated Americans.)
  8. Well said. I used to love doing the same thing on snowy Sunday afternoons as Bob was painting his happy trees. I used to have an old barber that could hypnotize me the same way.
  9. I agree 100% Colonel Klink is the pinnacle of entertainment stardom. "Hogan... dat vill be two veeks in da coolah for you"
  10. Funny that you mention that. As we were waiting for takeoff, I began looking through the inflight magazine. In the SkyMall catalog, they were offering a framed photo of Kareem and Peter Graves in the cockpit from a scene from Airplane. I thought it would've been kinda funny to have had him autograph the SkyMall page with the Airplane photo on it, but I didn't want to bother the guy.
  11. LOL! I peed next to Eddie Money Sat near Kareem Abdul Jabar in a plane Had some brews with John Ashton in a bar (officer Taggert from Beverly Hills Cop) Went to the same gym as "Dr Cox" from Scrubs and... proudly gave the one-finger salute to George W Bush as his motorcade sped by
  12. RIP, Paul. My thoughts go out to you too. Words cannot begin to describe the sadness of your parents passing. God bless you.
  13. Great work! Thanks for doing this. Go Bills!
  14. I'm just assuming that the locals aren't really replying to this thread as it originally began by asking how many states can be represented. That being said... How many states are we up to now? Oh and btw, I was born and raised in Webster NY, lived in Fort Collins Colorado for 10 years and then Camas Washington before moving to NZ. Go Bills!
  15. New Zealand. (South Island) Go Bills!
  16. I just heard his post draft interview. He sounds like a very intelligent and even keeled young man. Go Bills!
  17. Some of you guys are really incredible. Go Bills!
  18. No offense, but I think you guys are reading into this too much. I really didn't think his reaction was unusual. Go Bills!
  19. I totally agree with you. I really want to like this show but Keifer constantly yelling "jake" and looking all panicked is really f'ing annoying.
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