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Kiwi Bills fan

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Everything posted by Kiwi Bills fan

  1. Piss off. You're a perfect example of the term, "The Ugly American" Have fun hiding in your house in constant fear of all of the people out to get you. (Al Queda, Iran, North Korea, your own neighbour, illegal immigrants...) Boo! Did you buy enough plastic sheeting and duct tape?? I like living in a nation that has no real enemies. (Well, maybe the Aussies have a problem with us when our All Blacks kick their butts in the tri-nations.) Just make damn sure, (I mean DAMN sure) that the mushroom cloud your city leaves behind doesn't affect our sunny blue skies down here, ok. wanker.
  2. So... are you suggesting that the current militaristic path is proving effective? oh boy.
  3. No offense Mate, but no... the world isn't waiting (nor wishing) that Iran will "launch first". The world just wishes that the US tones down it's foreign "policy" a little bit. Isn't it obvious that the current military path, (since 911) has done nothing but make matters worse?
  4. G'Day guys! Just wanted to thank all of you in advance for keeping me informed on todays game. (It's Monday morning here and I'm stuck at my desk) Go Bills!
  5. So, what are you going to do about it? Just B word and complain? Sounds like a good plan to lead us to the Super Bowl next year.
  6. You know... that's the first thing I thought of when I saw that picture. Simply nasty.
  7. Post 911 USA = Police State.
  8. Here here. I agree as well. The more Bills fans the merrier!
  9. G'Day Whats going on with the game? I can't watch it on TV and have been trying to watch the updates via YaHoo and nfl.com, but the game seems to be stuck. Is anything happening on the field?
  10. Thanks for that Lori! Great post. (especially for us expats living far away.)
  11. G'Day! Where was that article. I looked on the front page but couldn't find it. (It's probably right in front of me.)
  12. You know what? The "Right" can just f!@#$ off. These a'holes were brutal to anyone that questioned them. (The Politicians and their brutal supporters.) Trust me... I know. Turnaround is fair game. Let the investigations begin!
  13. Hee Ha!!
  14. You know... I used to think the same thing about Collins basically ruining Genesis music and turning it into his pop type music. Then I gave Mike Rutherfords' and Tony Banks' solo stuff a listen and realized that they ALL sounded like cheesy pop stuff. They were great up until ABACAB but then trailed off.
  15. Good God. How old are you wankers? My 6 year old son has more intellegent debates with his friends than what's going on here.
  16. I just did a google search and sure enough, here is a quote that President Clinton said while speaking in Buffalo. (October 3rd, 1996) "...I do believe the biggest Buffalo Bills fan in the entire United States, outside of Erie County, was my late mother and her husband, my stepfather. They're pulling for you every week." I can't believe this is the first time I've heard this! Link to speech text
  17. I just had a ball watching the Andre Reed highlight video on the Bills website just now. I almost forgot how damn good he was. He (and the other studs of our Super Bowl teams) were a ball to watch and root for during those great years. It's really good to see him up on the wall.
  18. Oh no! Your wrote the word Jihad. Now the NSA is gonna start reading TSW and knocking on our doors. Quick...Everybody pretend nothings happening...
  19. Geez, this is a pretty scary thread. I can't, for the life of me, understand why Bills fans would be a-holes to other Bills fans. I remember being at the AFC championship game against the Broncos in the early 90's. There was a family of Bronco fans a couple rows in front of me. (2 parents and 2 small children.) The Bills fans directly surrounding them were the biggest fockers I've ever seen. They poured beer right on the guys head and swore at the entire family during the entire game. It was horrible. Maybe our crappy seasons have to do with a little thing called Karma.
  20. You're very welcome. Feeling a little high and mighty?
  21. The market is saturated with them because they've all been laid off. <rim shot>
  22. Nah, he's a fan alright. He already rubbed in their win over us in week one.
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