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Kiwi Bills fan

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Everything posted by Kiwi Bills fan

  1. Yes, we have boobs down here too.
  2. That's the point. It's bad enough that you fans back there have to travel to Toronto to watch a "home game". - It's worse because the game that they decided to take away has historically always been our biggest divisional rival. - It gets even worse because this not only goes against the best interest of the fans, but it also goes against the teams best interest. Why in the world would they voluntarily give away the weather advantage that we've always had by playing this game in a dome? (Especially to a Division rival that is used to playing its games in southern Florida!) money talks, I guess
  3. I was thinking the exact same thing. I'm really excited about this one. It means that I'll get to watch it on TV in New Zealand! Last years Cowboys game was epic. The Mrs and I took the day off, drank beer, made our own Wings and Garbage Plates and invited a few Kiwi mates over to watch what "American Football" looked like. It was some of the most fun i've ever had watching football. (Until the very end.) Go Bills!
  4. Very good point. I agree with you 100%
  5. Are you serious?? lol! I thought it was tomorrow. Dammit!
  6. G'day from down under I'm looking for suggestions on where I can find the best online coverage of tomorrows draft. ESPN international, is not showing any coverage of the draft down here so I need to rely on the internet. I have a broadband connection, so I can stream audio but it's nowhere near fast enough to stream video. What sites do you think can provide me with the best all-around coverage? I've already told the Mrs that I plan on parking my fat a$$ in front of the computer for most of the day while I eat wings and watch the Bills continue to build for the title. Go Bills. Oh yeah... what time does the draft begin?
  7. Argh. They're still showing season II down here. My wife and I LOVE this show and can't wait until season three comes out. It's not even available on dvd down here yet. (Yeah, I know I can buy a copy from the states, but our dvd player only plays our zone.) You're able to watch season 4 up there, right?
  8. I currently have one, but have been researching Maori designs for a new one for quite some time now.
  9. Sounds like you need to install some sub-soil drainage. However, it'll depend on if your topography will make it work or not. What's your sections elevation compared to the neighbouring propertys?
  10. I never read Chris Browns blogs. Keep the updates coming. This website is my only source of Bills information down here. There's no real need to go to any other website, because everything can be found right here.
  11. This is a joke, right? (Just say that it is... you won't come out looking so friggin' stupid.)
  12. I've been living in new zealand for almost three years now and just recently found out that its legal here. You would never know it because you don't see it. Everything is low key, I guess. (Well, that's the kiwi way for everything.)
  13. While I understand why Takeo was traded and think it was a good thing for the team, I can't help but feeling bummed out about this. Takeo was and always will be a true football stud. When we signed him it was like we pulled off a major coup. He didn't decide to sign with the Bills only because of a fat contract...he came here because of the fans. (Remember how all of the fans were chanting his name and holding up signs when the Bengals came into The Ralph that last game? It was amazing, and it was a HUGE reason why he came to play for us.) He sure kicked some ass while he was healthy and I always hoped he would retire a Bill. Too bad for that damned injury. All the best Takeo... long may you run! I will always be a fan of yours. (Plus he had one of the greatest names in the History of football.)
  14. But... but... Krumie said that he was the best at his all-star wrestling slap-happy test thingy! We can't lose him!
  15. I live in New Zealand (hence the Kiwi) and I'm a fan of the Bills. I used to be called, "Bad Things". It was in reference to a great old Nike commercial featuring Dennis Hopper having visions of Bruce Smith destroying opposing players. He would always shudder and say, "Bad Things, man..."
  16. Favorite = Darrell Talley Least Favorite = That fat assed Carl f'ing Mauck. Yeah, I know he wasn't a player but that Chris Farley wanna-be pissed me off so many times, it gives me a headache just thinking about it.
  17. A little defensive, eh? Actually... the NSA would like to have a talk with you. They has serious concerns about why you're not commenting on Josh Reed.
  18. I think you meant to send that to the "Peter North stunt double" guy.
  19. No. "Double secret weapon". shhhh.
  20. I've only been down here for a year! Oh know... I'm changing already without even knowing it! btw - I've just re-read some of the things that I mentioned about NZ. I hope I don't come across as a pompous a-hole. I never mean to brag or crap like that. Simply put... my family is just really really happy here.
  21. The economy has been BOOMING for years now, creating many serious labour shortages. (I was snatched up as an Engineer from the States with only a phone interview.) The cost of living is more, but it doesn't seem to matter because the Kiwi lifestyle is a lot more laid back. No one is trying to impress the other guy with his new huge SUV. It goes to say that importing goods to a South Pacific island nation will cost more, eh? Taxes are also higher, but at least it goes to things like universal health care (even tourists are entitled to free health care!) and social services instead of a HUGE military budget like in the states. (doesn't the Iraq war cost over $200 MILLION a day?) Homelessness and violent crime are just about non-existent down here.
  22. You took the words right out of my mouth
  23. Thanks for that Jim
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