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Kiwi Bills fan

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Everything posted by Kiwi Bills fan

  1. A couple people have mentioned to me that it may be cheaper to buy tickets if I wait a month or so, while I was under the impression that airline tickets are going to be more expensive due to the high price of oil. What do you all think?
  2. I'll second that.
  3. Thanks for the replies guys. Yeah... Air New Zealand is a really nice airline. (I like the free quality wine too!) I just thought I'd come and ask around here since there is always a lot of people willing to give out a lot of advice. (take that how you want. )
  4. Hi guys, My wife and I have decided to fly the family back to the States for a visit this September. (My father-in-law is battling Cancer in Colorado.) Since we'd be all the way in America already, we'd certainly want to visit friends and family in NY. (Maybe even check out a Bills game or at least an Amerks game.) Anyway... we'd be flying from New Zealand to Colorado and then Colorado to Rochester and then back to New Zealand. (2 weeks in each destination.) We have two children. (5 and 8) I've already searching Travelocity and Orbitz but thought I'd approach you all to see if you can give me any other advice on how to find the best deals. So far it looks like I'll be shelling out about $10,000 for flights alone. With the rise in fuel prices I assume that the sooner I buy the tickets the better, right? All advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Mark Go Bills
  5. I was dating this gal back in college... man was she ever a good ball girl.
  6. What exactly will they be using these new logos for? I'm assuming its just for media type stuff right? They're not changing anything with the uniform, right?
  7. Great compilation... Go Bills
  8. Here's a link with the mayor on MSNBC... Tim Russert Way
  9. Thanks a million for posting the web-link. I really appreciate it.
  10. I'm not from Buffalo, but from Rochester. (I thought that would count too.) Anyway... It's hard to believe but, I've been away from WNY for almost 20 years now. I've lived in Colorado, Washington State and now New Zealand. My heart is, and always will be in NYS. Although both of my parents are now passed, I still have family and very close friends back there that I love to visit. I can't say that Ive ever said anything bad about the area except maybe when I get in a conversation that involves, "Weather stories". Some of these Kiwis down here simply can't believe my stories, or the photos that I show 'em from some of the major snowstorms that we got in the '70's. (Most of these people have NEVER had to shovel snow before.) As in the immortal words from Jimmy Buffett... "She said I cant go back to America soon So goddamn cold its gonna snow until June Yeah, they're freezing up in Buffalo stuck in their cars And I"m lying here neath the sun and the stars" I wear my Bills shirt, jersey and car decal with pride. Although I've been blessed by seeing many beautiful places in my travels... I truly believe that Autumn in The Finger Lakes, or certain regions of the Adirondacks can stack up with the best of 'em! Go Bills!
  11. Donte Whitner sounds like an outstanding person to have on your team. What a true professional. If memory serves me right, I think he was personally mentored by an NFL pro while he was playing at Ohio State, but I forgot who that was? Does anyone remember if this is true? Go Bills
  12. Check out this link. Pretty cool.
  13. Go Bills! I wish James the best.
  14. Not. I wanted to throw a brick at the TV when she was covering the Sabres/Stars Stanley Cup Finals. She's awful. (and manly)
  15. I nominate this thread as being the lamest thread in TBD history. Yeah... even more than the "Daily avacado intake" thread.
  16. Yeah... our seasons down in the Southern Hemisphere are flip-flopped with yours up there, so May is like your November down here. Where the heck did you see that it was 34d down here??? No way. It's still in the high 50's low 60's here. Nelson Weather
  17. Thanks for posting this. Great stuff. God, I wish they would show more games down here because this is shaping up to be a pretty exciting season.
  18. When you live by the beach and enjoy watersports like sea kayaking... these things are the way to go. Water, sand and pebbles just wash right through. In fact... the New Zealand Olympic team will be wearing them. NZ Olympic Team crocs And yes... I'm wearing a pair right now. However, in a crappy climate like WNY these may not be too good.
  19. Funny thread. I'm right there with ya. Every morning I log onto the computer, check TwoBillsDrive, Yahoo news, Stuff.co.nz (for the local news and weather.), commondreams.org and then go take a sh1t and shower. Here I am on the other side of the world... checking Bills news in the offseason first thing every morning. God, I hope we win the Super Bowl someday.
  20. This pick reminds me a lot of when we drafted Jason Peters. He was as raw as a player could be, but the scouts and coaches were going apeshit over his potential. Wouldn't it be great if we could see the same results?
  21. Thanks for that link. The kid sure seems to have GREAT field vision on where to hit his holes/seams. (Although his OL opened up some BIG holes for him on this vid.) Welcome to the Bills.
  22. I'm listening to his interview on WGR right now. He sounds like a solid guy, even acknowledging his past problems.
  23. I agree. I've been oggling that anchor babe since we moved down here. The weather gal is even better...
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