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Kiwi Bills fan

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Everything posted by Kiwi Bills fan

  1. For what it's worth... It's almost midnight on New Year's Eve, over here in New Zealand, (in other words, we're in your future) and we still haven't heard any news from ol' Ralph. I guess they won't meet their New Years tax deadline.
  2. Classy thing to do by the Bills. I was a classmate/friend of one of the firefighters killed. ("Chip") The thought of this happening back in my old hometown makes me sick.
  3. It all starts with the coaching staff on this team. The team is a rudderless ship with most of crew having lost interest. We need coaches that will light a fire under these guys asses. (Well, it would also be nice if they had a clue in what they were doing.) Go Bills
  4. I just learned that one of the victims (Chip) was a former classmate of mine. Always an all-around good guy. What a total waste. On top of the deaths, we shouldn't forget that 7 houses were burned to the ground. Imagine what those poor people are going through right now.
  5. That my hometown!! What the hell is going on up there in America? Has everyone gone off the deep end??
  6. We scored some free tickets to see the Hobbit on opening night. Really looking forward to finally seeing it. (The Mrs and I happened to be up in Wellington the day of the world premiere and saw some of the stars, which was pretty cool.) A few of the scenes were filmed around our region (Nelson) which is also pretty cool.
  7. Yeah. I feel the same way. I really thought that I'd like the white tops with blue pants, but for some reason the blue pants look cheesy. White on white looks old school. Luv it.
  8. Green Party of Aoteroa, New Zealand! www.greens.org.nz/ I washed my hands clean from US politics, going on 8 years now. (Simon, you hit the nail on the head.)
  9. I'm calling BS on this. Sure he may have run out of bounds after it was inevitable that he couldn't get any more yards (saving his body from unnecessary injuries), however I've seen him give his tacklers an extra "pop", right at the point of contact many times. I've even mentioned to my wife on numerous occasions that he would rather hit the tackler before the tackler hits him. Spiller is the best player that the Bills have had for a long long time.
  10. I'd much rather have the white pants instead of the blue. I really thought that I would like the blue ones, but thought they looked awful. Don't get me started about all the pink stuff. It's certainly all for a good cause, but pink shoes with blue pants and a Spanish speaking referee made everything over the top. Go Bills!
  11. Uh, can you kinda warn me before it is time? (I'd like to leave you boys alone for that one.)
  12. They filmed quite a few scenes from the movies around my region. (Nelson NZ) The wife and I are already booked to fly up to Wellington for the premiere on November 28th. I think the trailer looks fantastic.
  13. Great post. I agree with everything you wrote and, coincidently, had that Grateful Dead lyric in my head the past few days. Let's go Buffalo!
  14. I heard the boos on TV, and thought they were spot on. Thankfully things improved after that.
  15. #78 Bruce Smith. However, I just put in an order for 2 customized jerseys, for my son and I. Mine will be my last name and double-zero 00. (I would've picked the year I was born, but it was 69, and I didn't want to look like a wanker.)
  16. I was holding my first-born, newborn son when the homerun throw-up happened. I'll never forget it. That was waaaaaay back when I was still living in Colorado. Since then, I moved the family to Washington State, began a new career, bought our first house, had a daughter, lost both parents (and one in-law), and moved to New Zealand where we've lived for 7 years. I cannot figure out for the life of me why the heck I follow this team. It's really one of the only things I still hold onto from growing up in Rochester. It's a shame because for the most part, The Bills have given me nothing but grief. At least I've experienced my first championship, when The All-Blacks won the Rugby World Cup last year. Will it ever happen for Buffalo??
  17. Sorry that I got your hopes up about the free offer. It must be just in certain countries. I don't know. I went to that site a month or so ago, and got a "complimentary subscription". It's worked perfectly for me all preseason. Go Bills!
  18. Apart from trying to watch a crappy video feed online, I haven't been able to actually watch a Bills in over 7 years. To make matters worse... the time difference means that most games begin on my Monday morning, as I'm heading off to work. This year is a different story. This year, the NFL is offering "NFL GamePass" for free to their international fans! I'm fing psyched! This means tomorrow, I go to work and use all of my will-power not to check the scores. I finish work, go home, crack open a few beers, cook up a batch of wings, and wait for the Mrs to come home so we can watch our defensive line, unleash hell on the jets. This is the most excited I've been about the Bills since before Kelly retired. Let's go Buffalo!!!!
  19. It all begins and ends with Spaten Oktoberfest.
  20. Hey guys. Gday from New Zealand. I just popped on here to see how the team is looking. Can you guys please tell me how our first team offense looked?
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