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Kiwi Bills fan

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Everything posted by Kiwi Bills fan

  1. G'day from Down Under, I was wondering if you guys could tell me if you've been seeing any commercials on TV promoting New Zealand tourism and, if so... what are your overall impressions of the ads, and as NZ being a holiday destination. I've recently left my engineering job and have gone back to school to study Tourism Management in hopes to open up an accommodation business in a year or two. While studying marketing, I've noticed that the Ministry of Tourism has recently begun an ad campaign in the US. - Have you seen these ads on TV? - What do you think of them? - Would you consider ever coming down here? Great TV spot NFL footballer Dhani Jones in NZ ad Thanks for your input. Oh... yes, all Bills fans will receive a discount if you stay with us. (We plan to open up a clean, green eco-lodge and Backpackers Hostel near the Abel Tasman National Park.)
  2. Would it be a good thing for Dick to see the light? I thought most Dicks are best suited for dark, moist places. Bada bing! I'll be here through thursday. Please don't forget to tip your waitress.
  3. That's good advice there Pooj. I moved away from Rochester waaaaaay back in 1990 and have thought about moving back there many times since then. (Especially after my kids were born.) It's always so FANTASTIC to go back there and visit, but after talking to people back there I realize how many folks want to move away. (Plus, people seen to complaint a whole lot back there.) I do know that it was the best place to be raised as a child, and I have a hard time imagining a better place than the Finger Lakes region in Autumn. (Unless it's here on the South Island in spring, summer, fall and winter.) Follow your gut instincts and you'll do right. On another note... it's not that the taxes are so high in NYS... its that you get nothing in return from them. (unlike here, where you at least get free healthcare.)
  4. If they stay in western New York, I'll remain a fan. If they leave... I will never root for them again.
  5. Well, if I remember correctly... didn't Crowell piss off the Bills when he elected to have surgery very late with the Bills brass basically canning his a$$ by placing him on IR? I never expected us to resign him.
  6. I agree wholeheartedly. My in-laws live in Colorado and are huge Bronco fans. Even they can't stand Cutler. (I would've had a really hard time rooting for him.)
  7. How would a new mouse affect the way that Windows Mail opens up new windows? (Not saying you're wrong... I just don't understand how a new mouse would affect this.)
  8. I've rebooted but it's still happening. I only seem to be having problems with Windows Mail
  9. Thanks for that. I checked to see if I had it set up for a dual monitor and sure enough... that was it. However, after properly reconfiguring it, the windows for any new email messages still go "outside" the visible view until I maximize it via the toolbar. (I really hope I'm making sense.) In other words... if I maximize the message window, I can see it but if I "restore down" the window, it looks like it shoots out of the visible window. If Vista 64-bit is crappy, what do you suggest I do? The system has been running great since I bought this machine about a 1/2 year ago.
  10. Hey guys, I've been experiencing a weird problem for the last few days and was hoping that I could get some helpful advice here. Here are the symptoms: - when I scroll my mouse around the edges of my desktop, it stops when it reaches the top, bottom and left edge of the screen. However, it continues going past the visible right hand edge. - when creating a new message in my email program, the new window opens outside the visible limits of my desktop and I am unable to access it. (again, this is happening past the right side of my screen.) I'm using Vista 64 bit and have been experiencing no other problems. Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated. (I said, helpful) Cheers guys. GO BILLS!
  11. it's Thursday April 2nd down here in Kiwiland, and the autumn leaves are beginning to change! (The change of the seasons still mess with my mind down here.)
  12. Didn't the Broncos also screw-up the situation with Jake Plummer??
  13. Whoops. You can chalk that one up to "too many beers" with the wife. (Why the hell is this thread current?)
  14. Thanks for the info Skooby. (I hope as hell that it's true.) Jeez... people need to settle down a bit when people place rumors on this board. (Apart from someone DYING.... that's inexcusable.) I for one, like to come on this board and read what ever crap is written. I know which posters have a good record and which ones seem like wankers. (most of the PPP board) I really don't need dozens of other people bitching about how "Skooby" or whomever doesn't know what their talking about. Y'all sound like little school girls. Go Bills. btw... I "drive" a 2006 Perception "Eco-Bezhig" sea kayak.
  15. The bonehead probably thinks that he'll he snapping the ball the Favre.
  16. DT (However, watching Bruce Smith for all those great years almost makes me want to say DE)
  17. King of the All Blacks? Do you mean Jonah Lomu or Colin Meads? Jonah Lomu Colin "Pine Tree" Meads Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Ka ora! Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Ka ora! Tenei te tangata puhuru huru Nana nei i tiki mai Whakawhiti te ra A upa … ne! ka upa … ne! A upane kaupane whiti te ra! Hi!
  18. It all begins and ends with the Offensive and Defensive Lines. I know we have a long way to go until the season begins, but looking at the current state of the lines, I'd say we're going to be in trouble. (This is also taking into consideration Jason Peters questionable status.) We can have all the offensive weapons in the world, but if Trent doesn't have any time to throw, or if Lynch doesn't get any holes... we're screwed. In addition to these worries... do you all remember Trent's "deer in the headlights" play-style after he got his concussion? (MNF against the Browns.) Let's hope and pray that the boy has time to throw.
  19. "Ralph Wilson Field at Dr. Pepper Stadium"?
  20. No, but you are all welcome to come and visit! (After my wife and I open up our Tourist Accommodation business next year.) Bills fans = discount
  21. A WalMart in the ghetto... What a great way to spend your Saturday.
  22. I agree. Get this wanker off the main page.
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