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Kiwi Bills fan

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Everything posted by Kiwi Bills fan

  1. I know. I've been wondering this for years. I thought it was clear as day that much of our success in the early '90's could be attributed to our great o-line.
  2. God, I miss fish tacos. There was this great place in Fort Collins that we always used to go to. Anyone have a good recipe?
  3. Oh yeah... Helluva Good cheese curds! Damn, this thread is making me hungry!!!
  4. I'm originally from Webster NY, which is outside of Rochester. I moved from there in 1990 to do to school in Colorado always thinking I'd be back there someday. Well... after 10 years in Colorado and 5 years in Washington state, I now find myself happily living in New Zealand with my family. We've been here for almost 4 years. After visiting Rochester last October here's what I miss... Actually, I'll start with the things I don't miss. - I don't miss snow for 5 months of the year. Not just the snow, but the gray skies, the shoveling, driving in it, all that. - Rusty cars. - I don't miss the negativity that has crept into that area. Seems to me that people were a lot happier back in the day. - I don't miss the over-consumerism. (Not just Rochester, but in the USA) Same goes for pro-war, Nascar rednecks. - I don't miss the heat and humidity of the height of summer - IROC Z's, and other meathead cars. - Traffic - Crime. (We were shocked to see the nightly news reports while in Rochester.) - I DO miss my friends and family still back there. - I miss the great food from that area. German or Italian deli's, the BEST pizza. New Zealand has yet to impress me. (I miss you Bill Grays!!!!) - Wegmans. The greatest grocery store in the world. - The Adirondacks - Finger Lakes in autumn - Bills/Sabres/Amerks - I really miss the familiarity of the surroundings. (including N. American birds and mammals.) - Christmas during wintertime. (It's still weird having a bar-b-que on the beach to celebrate Christmas) It's actually funny that this thread just started as yesterday was the first day in NZ where I felt a tinge of homesickness. Go Bills!
  5. America's team? C'mon what a stupid argument. All the teams are regional. Simple as that.
  6. Thanks for sharing that! They did a fantastic job!
  7. Good luck and Congratulations!
  8. Where's Nelson? Nelson, New Zealand? Well, we're on the top of the south island, mate!
  9. Thanks for sharing that. There were some amazing statistics in there. I've quite often pondered on how much more knowledge humanity is getting since the internet came around. Now-a-days, whenever I have a question about nearly anything, I hop on the computer and bam(!)... I have an answer in second. Back in the day... that "question" may not have ever gotten resolved. It's like humanity is beginning to plug into this vast pool of shared knowledge. and yet... I spend my time here, reading all of your posts.
  10. Cool stuff, but... is that really the distance that Olympic archers shoot? I doubt it as it just doesn't seem far enough for an expert archer. (This isn't meant to take anything away from Drew's talents.)
  11. Alison Kraus and Robert Plant singing "Killing the Blues" Great song.
  12. No way. If they went after that piece of crap... that would be the end of me being a fan. (Hell, it's been hard enough rooting for this team since I moved away from NY nearly 20 years ago.)
  13. way to go there, Bruce. Bad Things...
  14. Seriously? My wife and I can't stand this show. (Even the commercials are annoying enough. The lead character has NO comedic timing.) Go Bills,
  15. Oh, yes it was. So was Waterworld
  16. Jeez. What's with the media back there? They seem to go out of their way so they can write a negative story. Yeah, this team has sucked for a long time, so they should be held accountable...but writing something like that article is simply reaching. All I know is that we finally have what looks like a great pass-rusher and have two great players anchoring the interior line. Lords knows we needed a better Safety in there too. Hopefully we'll be able to pick up some more key Free Agents.
  17. Video of the hit
  18. I'm very pleased with the draft so far. I especially like the Eric Wood pick. He should provide the perfect identity to our line for a long time. Nasty.
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