our loss, eh?
This P.O.S. may have "served his time" and may now be getting mentored by Dungy, but he's still a P.O.S.
It takes a different breed of person to behave in the manner he and his P.O.S. friends did. (Electrocuted, tortured and drowned dogs, because they didn't win him and his POS friends money.) For those of you who casually brush this off, because he can "help this organization" just shows the rest of us compassionate fans what kind of a person you are.
I swear if the Bills bring him in, there's going to be a mass exit of former faithful fans.
It's tough enough to root year after year for such a crappy product as our Bills, but hey... they're from WNY, like us, so of course we support him.
Now look at how fans reacted (myself included) upon hearing the alleged recent behavior of Lynch, taking money away from fans.
You think paying a dog torturer/killer getting paid millions of dollars in an economic depressed area like Buffalo is going to fly?