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Kiwi Bills fan

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Everything posted by Kiwi Bills fan

  1. Congrats Saints! next year it's all Buffalo!
  2. uh, can anyone understand a damn thing Charles Barkley is saying in that stupid ad?
  3. I bet Jauron would've done it.
  4. Damn it! The stream I was just watching, looks like it might finally be dead after cutting off and on a bunch of times. ANY advice would sure be appreciated. I'd really like to watch this game. (Plus the Wings are almost ready!) Help!
  5. G'day from summery New Zealand! Any advice on the best place to watch the big game online today?
  6. Man, I feel like such a rebel over here on the unofficial thread.
  7. A little like the pot calling the kettle black, eh? just saying...
  8. I hate to say it, but the worst part about those photos is that my right ankle looks exactly like that right now. (I wiped out on my dirtbike last week.) My left knee looks just as bad! As a fellow 40 year old, I can tell you... things sure heal up a lot slower than they did back in the day.
  9. Jeez, no offense at all there, John. As far as the Broadway show goes... yeah the idea of it sounds lame as hell... Lord knows this band has been very successful for many years. What's wrong with with them trying to pursue new endeavors? (I again think the idea is pretty lame.) As far as you analogy between Green Day and Haliburton goes... - Haliburton has the blood of innocents on their hands due to their war-mongering-profiteering - Green Day has stuffed bank accounts due to creativity and a lot of young spoon-fed fans that would pay anything that has their name on it.
  10. Say what you will about Green Day. To each his own, no worries. I personally think a lot of their music kicks ass. Plus their live show is one of the best. By people saying that they've been sellouts for a long time, don't forget that their American Idiot cd was a big FU to Bush and all of his pro-war wackos during a time when most recording artists were crying in their beers about how great America was and making a fortune from it. They stuck their necks out and spoke their minds in one of the best cd's I can ever remember being recorded. "Holiday" was one of the songs that helped me through moving my family away from that madness.
  11. Another one of my favs Piker's Peak
  12. You know... I don't want to sound like a prick but I really can't stand this show. I've only seen bits and pieces of it in addition to the commercials but isn't this the show where they help out less-fortunate people by tearing down their crappy uncared for homes and replace them McMansions? Instead of spending all this bling on a single house, don't you think it would be better served to help out numerous needy families by restoring (or rebuilding) multiple houses? Heck, why not teach these people how to do the DIY projects themselves?? Self sufficiency, Norm Abrams style. Note: Before you blast me for thinking I'm uncaring, it should be noted that I'm going to Samoa in a few months to rebuild villages that were destroyed by last Octobers Tsunami.
  13. Yup, I'm with you. if anyone has a stream that working, please pm me. Cheers!
  14. anywhere I can watch this game online?
  15. Looks like you're on helluva Master-baiter!
  16. Yeah, I sure wish we could bring back Donahoe. Now That guy was a flashy speaker!
  17. Just got back from taking me son to see it and I have to admit, I loved it. The new 3D effects just blew me away, along with the incredible amount of creativity that went into it. 2 big thumbs up.
  18. Hey, don't forget about all the beer swilling, mullet-wearing, fat slobs plunking away at their greasy keyboards! Now, THOSE guys know football!
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