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Kiwi Bills fan

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Everything posted by Kiwi Bills fan

  1. My parents escaped from East Germany in the 50's and moved to Rochester I, in turn, "escaped" from America 5 years ago and now live in New Zealand.
  2. Yes, for the love of God, please trade down. Just look at how great our 1st round picks have been compared to some of the starters we've picked up in later rounds. Last year is a fine example of it. If we could get multiple picks in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th by all means, do it.
  3. It's comments like this that make me realize how you rub so many people here the wrong way. You know damn well that the ending of this movie was one of the biggest surprises in recent movie history, but you need to get on your high horse and call us all brain-dead. That being said... The Usual Suspects would be my choice.
  4. I awoke this morning and heard that there has been a Tsunami warning for all of NZ. At least where I am (Nelson) we're pretty sheltered. I've been watching the sea for the last few hours sipping cocktails and wondering if one will come into Tasman Bay.
  5. He would get beat up by blind people? The "one-eyed man" has arms and fists, right?
  6. Yes, the weather is way better in Denver. I lived in Colorado (Fort Collins) for 10 years and the weather was great. A little too warm for my taste in the summer but winters were really nice. Sun and snow. However, that doesn't change the fact that Shanny is a putz and I'm glad he's not in Buffalo. I would've had a hard time rooting for him.
  7. Looks pretty white trashy to me, and I'm certainly not a prude. Should've saved it for the locker room. EDIT: I just realized that they celebrated after the fans left the building and only media were there. That shouldn't really be a problem then!
  8. No tipping down here in New Zealand. Just about two weeks ago, we had pizza delivered. When the kid showed up he handed me the food and I gave him a couple bucks back. He looked at it and said, "No thanks". I said, "oh go ahead and keep it" and he still refused! When I asked him why, he said that we've tipped him in the past, and that we didn't need to do it every time! I love NZ
  9. I definitely plan on making my wife and I a couple nice wooden kayaks in the next few years. (Although I sure love the "bomb-proof" factor in my Eco Bezhig and that it can carry a shitload of gear while holding a perfect line.)
  10. Woodworking, photography, sea kayaking, motorcycling, fly fishing, playing the ukulele, playing with the family, camping, hiking, geocaching, and traveling.
  11. I didn't realized that Pat already passed away. I used to work out at his gym in the village of Webster once in a while, way back in the day. RIP
  12. Sabres Colorado State Football and of course...
  13. For me, hands down, it's Jerry Garcia's second solo in "Not Fade Away/Going down the Road Feeling Bad" from the skull and roses album. (begins at 6:10 into the song) It's the most deceptive and ruthless solo I've ever heard. What begins as quite unassuming and standard, get's turned into a tour de force of skill, imagination and creativity. When the verse of the solo comes to a close, you think it's going to end with Jerry finally letting you off the hook. Instead, he cranks it up a notch again and again until you realize you're 100% under his spell. Part of the genius behind it is that it still holds true to the melody of the song. A masterpiece. EDIT: Let me just say that this isn't a really flambouyant solo like a lot of the others listed. It's one in which really keeps the songs going like old time rock-n-roll. For those of you who've seen the GD, you know what I'm talking about.
  14. Sad story. Yeah, these people are a different breed. Our neighbors own a fishing boat and are gone for most of the year fishing in the Ross Sea in Antarctica. (In fact they just got into port on Tuesday after being gone for 3 months.) Their stories of the storms around South Georgia island and Cape Horn are crazy. No f'ing way. I'm very happy paddling around the beaches here in my sea kayak. That's good enough for me!
  15. Climate change and global warming is not fake.
  16. but... but... he can jump really high!
  17. so, when is my prize going to be shipped to me?
  18. Sending love from Aotearoa, New Zealand.
  19. 1 - Sandra Bullock (easily my first choice) 2 - Cameron Diaz (Have you seen the previews for that POS new movie she's doing with Tom Cruise? ) 3 - Kate Hudson (another cute faced, bubbly, crappy actress) and last but not least... Julia f'ing Roberts (For the life of me, I have no idea how people can think she's a good actress. )
  20. Jeez dude, you're getting a little out of hand. Either put down the booze or back away from the keyboard before you embarrass yourself even more.
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