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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. No, it's when the uniforms look like sh--, fans want to change them. You don't seem to get that. The Sabres uniforms look good. The logo blows. They also went back to their roots in colors with a tad of modernization. The Bills uniforms blow. Everyone knows it. The road uniforms are hideous. Change them back to what the Buffalo Bills actually are. It would make 90% of people happy. It would also generate revenue. I for one, who buys a lot of jerseys, won't buy any of the new puke we have. I also know that the people around my seats won't either. It's pretty easy to find alot of Bills fans that hate the uni's. Thank god for the throwbacks.
  2. And your in the vast minority. Hell, go to a home game.....everytime the PA announcer annouces that we are in our throwback uni's the crowd cheers. Says alot.
  3. Who the hell is talking about winning football? Most Bills fans don't like the new uni's. Most Bills fans hated the front office that ushered in this change in new uni's. The uni's symbolize bad football and a dismal era of football for the Buffalo Bills. These uni's also look nothing like the Bills colors of the past 30 or so years. This post has to do with the uniforms. Not a winning team. Not whether we can stop the run, or run the football effectively. MOST, not all, but the vast majority do not think these uniforms are the Buffalo Bills. Period. It's simple really. Most Bills fans don't like them. Most outsiders don't like them. Most people would be happy changing them just for the aesthetically pleasing factor that we'd look more like the team we grew up knowing. There was absolutely ZERO reason to change our color patterns, uniforms and look of the franchise. Especially coming off of the greatest era of our team. This has NOTHING to do with us winning. Absolutely nothing. And one more time. Most Bills fans just don't like the current uniforms of the Buffalo Bills. The minute TD and crew unveiled them, it was less than thrilling. Someone please start the petition.
  4. That's the first I've seen it today. Anyone see it??? Makes a reference to the Houston - Bills game. YEAH JIMBO.
  5. I think Thurman was the best blocking running back, picking up the blitz in pro football history. I remember watching games and waiting for the replay to see Thurman stop blitzers in their tracks, or flip them over his body. What a truly great all around running back he was. That's why is makes me wanna puke today when some people try to peg McGahee as a great back. He's no where near a great running back. And it's hard to fathom that some people can't even remember that we had a great back in Thurman to compare him to not all that long ago. They aren't even close.
  6. As a fan of another team in the NHL, I'll give my 100% non-biased opinion of the Sabres uni's for whatever it's worth. The color scheme is awesome. The blue and gold go great together and make for a sweet jersey. The logo is the worst in the league, and kinda ruins what could be a top 5 jersey.
  7. This has been covered completely by BADJOCKS.com for a couple of weeks. They had the pictures posted and everything. It's a pretty cool webiste, that has listed most of the girls getting busted for initiations at colleges and stuff. The writer of the site, seems to a be a jealous nerd of jocks.....however, he does get the dirt, and some really cool pictures sometimes.
  8. and some would prefer that the Bills people in charge of uniforms only do their job so we actually look like the Buffalo Bills, and not some Canadian Football team. These people have nothing to do with football. Give us back our colors, and the football guys also need to give us back good football. Some of us would like to see competence in all areas of the organization.
  9. Oh and here I thought this was pretty much Canada's hockey version of the USA's equivalent of a souped up AAU basketball game, in which also nobody gives a rats ass about. Especially during football season, and when a shootout can win a medal game. I mean, cmon.
  10. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, in the magical season that we ended with East Aurora, Orchard Park, West Seneca, Erie Prep, Hamburg, Lackawanna and then the Steelers. Oh what a magical and impressive ride it was.
  11. Anyone know how to do it. If it picks up steam, we'll send it to WGR and they'll harp on it I bet. Whether those meatheads like it or not, it only needs publicity. 90% of Bills fans hate the current uni's. And 95% of other football fans make fun of our uniforms (mainly the road one's) anyway. Anyone know how to start it?
  12. She actually looked like she wasn't getting any push on some of her blocks. And then all of a sudden she was driving DT's sideways, and then getting to the second level by getting a chip on a LB. At least twice she did. It was actually pretty cool. Like all high school kids though, it looked like, from a few of her clips, that she has trouble sustaining some of her blocks. That's not uncommon at all at that level though. A lot of high school age kids like to hit and then stop their feet. She was getting push however, which means she does have the power. If she learns a little more technique, who knows.
  13. Damn, and I thought for sure you were gonna say Holley Mangold. She's Girlhandling boys on the offensive line of her high school football team. And, she'll be back next year as a 310 lb senior. Ummm, this is not a joke.
  14. Could all of the wallers vote on a former player that goes up there every year? That would give us something to do in slow months. A monthlong poll inducting a new Bills player up there every year. Kinda like our own Wall of Fame. Any thoughts?
  15. Is Millen a union member up there or something? Unreal.
  16. Damn, if Saban leaves, how do we, as Bills fans, keep Mularkey in our division. I mean, if Meathhead doesn't get promoted, will he even remain on as OC? We can only hope. I have a feeling that if Saban is gone, Mularkey is gone, and off to greener pastures and the new Boise State, quality control, trick play coach!
  17. This is about the dumbest reason for a playoff I've ever heard. When they started the NCAA basketball tourney, did they have 65 teams back then? Do all of the other playoffs have only 4 teams? NO. The morons, who are all the presidents, are slowly losing ground on the ancient bowl system. No one cares about 3/4 of the bowls. No one goes to 3/4 of the games, and certainly, most of those 6-6 teams don't deserve to be there. The playoff would start modest, and then it would expand, and would blow the BBall tourney out of the water. Because after all, football is football.
  18. This is the best college football game ever...... #1 I mean, you already had the David vs. Goliath thing being built up. It played out accordingly. #2 Boise, the underdog, goes up early 14-0, energizing the game to a different level. #3 Oklahoma starts to find their groove, and starts coming back slowly but surely. #4 Severe emotional swing when Homa pulls within two it and then gets three attempts a tie...and does. #5 Colossal mistake by Boise's QB to give Homa the lead by 7 on the next play with 1:00 left. #6 First 4th and 18 hook and lateral play for a TD that re-energizes the stadium. #7 Homa scores again, and everything thinks, no way Boise can come back again. #8 Boise runs the 4th and goal play with a WR throwing it to a TE, while the QB was in motion. TD #9 Guts, sack, nads, stones, whatever you call it....go for the win, and get it on a statue of liberty play. UN-FUGGIN-REAL. Best college football game ever. Hands down. The Texas game last year was sweet, and any fan could respect how awesome it was to watch VY carry the Horns. But this game pulled you in, and had you rooting for Boise State and experiencing mood swings like Boise State was the Bills or one of your own teams. I'm not sure I would have watched the whole game if Boise hadn't gone up early, but I'm glad I did. It was that good!
  19. Wow.....I never even thought of the Florida angle now. I'm a Penn State fan, and root for the Big Ten teams in the bowl games.....however, now, I have to root for Florida. I mean, if Florida can win, does Boise get some votes to be #1? That would make for a great stink to end this stupid ass BCS crap and head full steam toward a playoff.
  20. Should be a 16 team playoff. The MAC, WAC, and the other two conferences should get their champions in. 12 at larges. We'd be moving on to round 2. This should take place in December and wind up on New Years. It would be incredible. Incorporate the bowls. Then, in this case, the who cares bowl, would actually get 70,000 fans in the stands (instaed of about 20,000), because it would be a first round playoff game, instead of two 6-6 teams who shouldn't be in a bowl game in the first place. 8 teams would play their additonal bowl game. 8 addtional would play 2. 4 would play 3. And 2 would play 4. The college game would grow to unrivaled popularity. If you must have some also ran bowls for the other teams that don't qualify, do it leading up to the first week of playoffs. Sort of like the NIT. THis isn't hard. It's done in every other NCAA sport. It's also done in D-1AA, D-2, and D-3 football which is sanctioned by the NCAA. As people recognize this bull sh-- we have now, they are going to face more and more pressure to get D-1 football fixed.
  21. Or maybe they'd go all the way, and remember when they still beat OU and maybe USC, and then Took down Ohio State in the finals, and everyone would talk about it for sports eternity. Give me a break. They are in the NCAA, 13-0 and should have some sort of realistic chance of winning the national title. This world today of everyone having to be "winners" and receiving some sort of trophy is for losers.
  22. Yeah, could who would ever want to see Boise either A) Move on to play another big boy....or B.) Actually have a legit chance at a national championship? Next week could be something like Boise vs. USC or something!
  23. Wonder if the nation could get this game as the "NFL Replay" game?
  24. LOL, the Boise RB just proposed to some cheerleader and she said YES. LMAO. Speechless!
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