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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Nate fits right in with the list of CB's on this list........all pretty much overpaid, because the vast majority of them weren't on all that good of defenses or in the playoffs. Let him go, and use the money to bolster both lines. A good d-line is your best pass defense anyway. Nate is solid, but very replaceable, especially in a cover 2.
  2. I'll be at the Pittsburgh game for sure. My best friend has a suite there, which I hate sitting in a suite. However, in Pittsburgh, suites come with regular tickets outside, and I'll be there for sure.
  3. Indy's crowd is brutal. Period. I went to college (Ball State University) and coached out there for about 7 years. In the early years of the Indy Colts, they couldn't even come close to selling out the smallest stadium in the league. This is after the initial phase of "just moved there" sellouts. The fans were, not horrible, but really not football fans. The atmosphere in the dome was like a morgue, just like you said. It was amazing, that when teams like the Packers, Browns, Bengals, Bears and even the Bills in the 90's came to town, the crowd was 50-50, no lie. In the few times they played the Bears and Packers, the crowd even swung more to the visiting side than the Colts side. You have a lot of people in Indy who are into being "seen" and go to the games and talk about where they are going to eat afterwards moreso than actually really being into a football game. It was sickening. You didn't start to see some hard core football fans until the fan base grew with Peyton a little bit. But even now, you have a lot of your Khaki pants wearing, I'm just here to be "seen" kind of crowd. Alot of them aren't very rowdy, and you have a lot of corporate, free ticket grabbing, types. The tailgating is pathetic, although space is limited around the dome. So, their tradition is starting now, with Peyton, but make no mistake, Indy is not a hardcore football town. That's why I about burst into tears everytime I hear them talk about how fired up the Indy crowd is. They usually block off roads and streets around the dome and Conseco Fieldhouse when the teams are doing well, to "celebrate". But all of it is commercial and the fake kind of celebrating filled with people who are really only there to party, and probably watch the Colts once or twice a year. Indy is a great town, but it's not a hard core sports town by any means. This week is rather interesting because there are a lot of hard core Bears fans all over Indiana. It would be interesting to see the old time Bears fans that switched to the Colts root against their old team. That whole part of the midwest has to be jumping now though. Fake or not, it must be fun to be out there.
  4. While I certainly know what you are saying.....I mean, how happy can one be knowing that they have recently won 3 Superbowls, and routinely lose in, or deep in the playoffs? I mean, it was nice, yes, but c'mon. I would gladly take the opportunity to just lose a playoff game period. Or even host one at the Ralph.
  5. Defending and playing the Lions offense twice last season is about 20 times harder than playing and defending Miami......twice. Just playing devils advocate.
  6. Went to school in Indiana. Cameron going to Miami is great news. Not that Indiana University is some kind of football powerhouse by any means, but he pretty much ran the program in to the ground like it had the death penalty. The Hoosiers had a guy named Bill Mallory who took Indiana to 6 bowl games in the previous ten years when Cameron took over. Mallory was Indiana's legend coach, although he had an overall losing record. Cameron then lead the Hoosiers to a 18-37 record and then he left. His recruits, other than a couple were god awful as Indiana ended up with the kind of talent of a middle of the road MAC team. Their attendance REALLY suffered, and Cameron was gone. It was one of the most dismal era's of any football coach there. I loved it, because I hated IU. The program, in some ways, still hasn't recovered. I don't much about him in the NFL, except for the fact that he called horrible games in Buffalo and last week in the AFC Divisional games. SD was in complete control of the Bills and should have been playing Marty ball, but instead got cute and almost blew it to us in the 3rd quarter. And LT should have touched the ball 35 plus times last week, including 5-7 catches coming from the passing game. This hiring should prove to be great news for all Bills fans.
  7. Awesome Nick. Thanks for posting these. I was the original one to request the throwbacks. I appreciate it.
  8. Please tell me you aren't dumb enough to know that this came 100% from his agent, and what his agent told him he'd write for him. Aside from not being able to put together a complete sentence, there's no way Willis could complete any thought like this. He's a moron and average running back, period.
  9. Nice work. It's now the background on the work computer. Any throwback logo stuff planned?
  10. Does anyone know......was or is Mike Mularkey even being considered? I haven't heard anything. Anyone?
  11. I hear ya. Amen. Seriously, how stupid do our fans sound when the only thing alot of them can come up with is that the Pats cheat. LMAO. Unreal. These are probably the same parents that run wild in today's society when they blame the coaches, school, administrators, and most of all the referee's when their kids lose in their little league or high school games. Unreal folks. The Pats are a dynasty, get used to it. That being said, c'mon Peyton, don't choke like a chump this weekend. Go Colts.
  12. You've gotta be an idiot then. Peyton Manning vs. Tom Brady isn't intriguing? Again, give me a break. The AFC playoff matchups have been, and continue to be fantastic.
  13. Oh give me a break. Quit acting like a jealous middle school boy who just had his girlfriend stolen. The Pats beat a damn good San Diego team. Damn Good. If they beat the Colts, they have more than earned it. I hate the Patriots with a passion. That being said, it's amazing what they are accomplishing with a seemingly inferior roster to everyone else. If, god forbid, they get to another Super Bowl, anyone trying to lessen what they've accomplished looks like nothing more than a jealous fan. Which, you are showing you truly are. This is an all time great team, period. You don't have to like them, but anyone who knows anything about sports can easily admire what they've been able to do. Go Colts.
  14. The ultimate snooze fest would be a game broadcast by Phil Simms and Bryant Gumbel. God, both of them are so fuggin boring.
  15. cuts Warren, Seymour, Dillon, Maroney, Vrabel, Mankins, Graham, Watson and all of their wide receivers and safeties? Then, after all that, how in the world are we going to beat them? For the love of god already, how in the fugg do they pull this sh-- off every fuggin year? UGH! Go Colts. Although, I respect the hell out of New England. How could anyone not?
  16. LOL. He does look a little like he's knocking on death's door doesn't he? Nice.
  17. I'd take my chances. I mean, worse case scenario, Mangold and someone else busts open a huge hole for Willis, and he breaks into the clear, only to be ran down from behind by Kelsay or Triplett. Gain of 17. The rest of the game he'd have 61 yards on 19 carries. I'd order 4 more season tickets if they'd trade Willis.
  18. And to think, nobody noticed Canada yet again.
  19. I mean, with a bunch of crappy announcers out there today, I love ole Dickey. He used to be the voice of CBS basketball when the Lakers played the Celtics every year, and that's where I grew up knowing him. But he seems to keep a great balance. Isn't afraid to get excited, just enough, for both teams. But yet, still stays unbiased. Stockton is a great pro. If only we could get Verne Lundquist on games too. College announcers seem so much better than pro. I kept stats for Stockton and Matt Millen years ago for FOX, and he is also a delight to be around. Just like when he does games. My 2 cents.
  20. Hell yeah. If we can play an away game at a neutral site, I'm all for it. Erasing having to go to a division rival and play somewhere neutral is great. And, we don't lose a home game. This works out great for us.
  21. When did this happen? I went to every round and I live in Virginia. Got tickets as soon as they went on sale?
  22. This has been done a ton of times. Ted Leonsis (Owner of the Washington Capitals) was the first owner to ever do this. Through the 90's up to about 2000, the Capitals seemed to play the Penguins every year in the playoffs. Penguins fans, no lie, would have about 8,000-10,000 fans in DC every game. The Pens kept beating their ass and Leonsis would stay pissed about the crowds. After one game Jim Schoenfeld said that he was hoping the Caps would score first to take the crowd out of the game......well.......he was playing AT HOME. It was draped across the Pittsburgh papers. It was awesome. So, Leonsis, who is some internet guru, made it so that all Pennsylvania and West Virginia zip codes were forbidden to purchase tickets to any Capitals playoff games. The screen said that no orders would go through, and that if you ordered tickets your order would be void. Pittsburgh radio stations were calling live and ordering over the net and stuff. It was fun. Turns out, all of the orders had all of the warnings and stuff, but in the end, they were never blocked. Fans just became scared to order so they stopped about half way through an order. Pretty good trick on Leonsis' part. I'm pretty sure he was the first owner to do this.
  23. I think this one would be sweet. Imagine driving up to the Ralph in a big game with Miami and having that plate. How sweet it would be!!!
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