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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. BRAVO....................best post of the year by far. All too true. It's so hard to actually talk like this because the cutsie DOOOOOOOOMED people got too sickening to keep discussing football. When the board turned to more of a "Live at the Improv" board instead of football is when alot of people stopped discussing football. Especially critical football analysis. The board is still great, but you've hit the nail on the head with the people you've mentioned. Maybe if everyone turns their head like they do every season, the problem will eventually go away. Go Bills! Go Marv. Now, go build that defense to where it needs to be. I'll see you actually AT the games this year. If I do, I'll buy you one for all of this nonsense you've taken in this post. Bravo Bado, you da man!!!
  2. Nice. LOL, not only that, but I'm pretty sure this is the same person who loves to play the "It's only the pre-season jackass" card too. He then plays the it's only the opener card, and the season is early card with regularity too. It's just his way. Don't let it bother you. Trademark LA. You'd think after about seven years, he'd realize that you can kinda see that we could very well be in trouble on defense again. I hear your argument Bad Ol........I hope Marv still has some thoughts on how to address the defense. He's been ok so far, let's see what's up his sleeve yet.
  3. Lenny P had Double D as the 12th best free agent out there. Great bio, and said he's not far behind Dielman and Steinbach, if behind them at all....... That being said......he also said the likely landing spot for Double D was.................MIAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!! BWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Way to go Marv!
  4. OK, seriously, this is all I need. I say please Marv, and get Double D signed NOW.
  5. Wow, when was the last time that the Bills player was in a game picture showing another NFL team and our guy had the nicer of the two uniforms on? On please omit the Tennessee Titans from this question. lol
  6. LOL, thank you. Now, at least I'm not the only total perv thinking Bills fan out there.
  7. Alright, cmon guys admit it...... How many of you actually opened this post thinking it could have been some kind of Aussie BOTD candidate? Maybe an Australian swimmer or tennis player named "Alice or Alica" or something crazy. Well, I did anyway. Damn.
  8. 2 renewed for me. Trying to get 2 more if I can land them somewhere directly next to mine, or in front or back of mine.
  9. I agree with you here. And I'm still OK with where the Bills are. But if we slip into being a farm team for the rest of the NFL, I will most likely stop my season tickets in the future. And, I'm fortunate enough that I can afford to come from Virginia. But, in someone like my case......30's, just gettting married (in which my fiance loves the Bills too), and probably planning a child soon.....if the Bills don't put forth the effort to be competitive, I'm not going to keep throwing my money at them and coming to their home games, when I pass 3 other NFL teams on the way up there who are actually trying to win. I don't blame Ralph. I don't blame Marv. It's the game changing from an actual sport to a business. It has killed baseball, and it will kill football sooner or later. If the Bills become basically a farm team, my money will be better vested in my future child or something else. I'm not at that point yet.......but I've reached it in other sports. I hope the Bills stay competitive, at the very least. I too can't fathom though, how in the hell the people in Buffalo, who can go to a game dirt cheap, can stand up there and B word about last year. The value of a Bills ticket last year was well worth the money.
  10. I agree with this post 100%. I want to know the pulse of other season ticket holders also. I'm in the same boat. Being from Virginia, I spend a ton of money making it to most of the Bills games every year. If they start being a farm team for the rest of the NFL, I'll cancel sometime in the next 2-3 years also. I have a keen eye on what we are doing. While I think Marv has done an admirable job thus far, but if he is handcuffed by ownership, there is no hope for the fans. Ask Pittsburgh Pirates fans. It's pathetic. Tickets aren't $10 anymore. If the NFL wants to run like a business, then they better put a good, competitive product on the field. It costs to much money nowadays, for people to blindly throw cash away at millionaires.
  11. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. This would be cool to see. I bet we would beat Beckham. All of us combined....yeah, I'd take the board on that one. I'd like to tally it.
  12. Most football fields are "sloped" like that so that rain runs from the middle of the field toward the sidelines. I don't think it's needed much these days because of the state of the art drainage systems. But that stadium is kind of old I think, relatively speaking, so the crown is still there I'm guessing.
  13. Ungodly beauty. She is the ultimate wife material. The total package.
  14. Yeah, Donahoe was so good here that all of those other 31 non "cash to cap" teams have been just clamoring to have Donahoe. So much so, he still remains unemployed, with the only person to ever give him props is his personal butt buddy Chris Mortensen.
  15. I couldn't stand Cottrell's defenses when we was here. We were ranked very high, but played so damn safe. When we did take chances, those defenses sometimes dominated games. He just never had the guts enough to take more chances. Also, my best friend from high school was a Jets fan ,and my uncle a Vikings fan, and both of them couldn't stand Cottrell's passive style of defense either. I remember them both bitching about Fat Teddy. From all I know he's a good man, so I hope he has success to a point in SD, but over-rated, very over-rated, he is.
  16. Remember when all of those January dates weren't in our "off season" vocabulary?
  17. Para 1 - OK, let's see here. Good thing for those "Virginians" who actually have season tickets. And even more good for us "Virgianians" who were at all but one of the blacked out games. You're welcome. Para 2 - The schedule is the schedule. The team was improving. The ticket prices were low. The weather was good. The value of the Bills ticket was still well worth going. A miserable seven seasons of football contributed the most to the non-sellouts, not the damn schedule. The Colts never used to sell out. Same with the Cards, Raiders, Jax, Falcons and half of the other teams in the league, before they've since turned competitive or got new stadiums. Para 3 - The poor economy thing is old already. The area is poor, no doubt. But when 108,000 people can attend a Penn State game where there is no economy period means that the Bills can easily draw a sellout. The teams success has alot to do with this. Para 4 - Well hey, thanks for re-stating what I actually said in the first place. The fact that the Bills failed to sellout a few games at the end isn't all that big of a deal. Three of four were close to sellouts anyway. Hell, when the Falcons, Colts or whoever sucked, and not all that long ago, they had gobs of tickets available. The Bills barely missed sellouts. It's a great football town period. However, Schumer is off on his arguments on why the Bills blackout rule is unfair. When you fail to sellout, but you are still outdrawing most of the league on those Sundays, your games should be on TV. Period. Hopefully you'll be at most of the games next year.....maybe I'll buy you a beer. That is, even if you go to the games. And if you are in Buffalo, grab a few friends, and remind them that the Bills have the best prices in the league, and that you only live a stone's throw away from one of only a handful of NFL teams in America. Maybe then, the rest of us morons can hope the Bills remain in Buffalo for a long time, and won't need to stay there because of some welfare program sponsored by the other NFL teams.
  18. I hear ya, I just didn't want to be the one to say it.
  19. I mean, seriously, we sound like we want welfare from the NFL. I don't mind Schumer trying to get rid of blackouts. The NFL makes a ton of money and doens't need to still be blacking games out across areas, IMO. But, Schumer's whole premise is making excuses for Bills fans on why they didn't come to games late in the year. It's sounds pathetic. Long drive. Snowy drive. Teams we were playing weren't all that good. Blah blah blah. We have tremendously low ticket prices, and the weather was great this season for our improving team. There should be no excuses. It makes us sound pathetic. He should have been saying, that despite the Bills not selling out, they still outdrew most of the league every weekend, and don't cover up seats in order to prevent blackouts like some markets. I mean, Schumer means well, but his arguments could seem better prepared in different directions than the path he is currently taking. Quit whining, state relevant facts, and move on. Quit asking for handouts, making us look even more like a welfare, begging for money type of team.
  20. how long will TBD survive? Will it only become an Off The Wall message board? Will there still be a tailgate? Will it be renamed? Would anyone have to change the stationary to reflect all the changes? I just want to know.
  21. You've gotta be kidding me with this post. Seriously. This isn't hard at all. Ummmm, besides 20 other reasons to go to Target over Wal-Mart......have you ever noticed that hot chicks go to Target and most of the rest go to Wal-Mart? No really people, there is definately a difference in Target women and Wal-Mart women.
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