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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Of course he does. I mean, up until recently he played most of the games. The Pens are a good team. Two weeks ago, Fleury was benched and Thibault was named the starter. Fleury was also pulled out of some games. Fleury, while not bad by any means, is the weak spot of the Penguins. Not saying the Penguins are the Yankees by any means....................but if you put a solid, but not spectacular pitcher on the Yanks staff, he'll be up there in wins too. He's kind of the Tom Barrasso of the modern Pens. Another words, he's benefiting from alot of talent in front of him.
  2. The Pens goaltending is their weak spot. They have two lines that I wouldn't trade with anyone in the NHL. Fleury is the weak link. As a matter of fact, over the last 3-4 weeks, Thibault has been better than Fleury. Fleury has a tendency to let in a lot of soft and late goals.
  3. As a Pens fan, I agree with this 100%. I think this may the year for Ottawa to be honest. They are getting ZERO attention, and I think that bodes well for them. At the same time though, you have to think of it this way......The Pens are now tied with NJ for first in the division. If the Pens get to that #2 seed, they pummel who they play in the first round. If the Pens get stuck with Ottawa, I think Ottawa can beat them. I think the Pens have a good shot at winning the division though. NJ is slumping right now, and has a tough week of games this week. The Pens play Washington and Boston. If the Pens get to #2 in the East, then they will be sitting in great shape. Your post is dead on.
  4. Oh give me a fuggin break. This is about the dumbest post I've ever seen. Even though this post wasn't about the Pens vs. Sabres and Superfandom as you have made it........you've chosen to make it that way. If you must know, aside from being a Bills season ticket holder......I am also a partial plan Pittsburgh Penguins, and a partial Pittsburgh Pirates season ticket holder. I will hopefully be at every Penguins playoff game this season (barring a few), since I purcahsed the playoff package, which is the main reason I am a partial season ticket holder. Same with the Buccos. That means I'll most likely also go to some on the road......especially if they end up at New Jersey, Buffalo or Carolina along the way. Don't lecture me on how good of a fan I am of Pittsburgh teams. As a matter of fact, if you'd like to know, and make this about how fiercly loyal I am to the Pens.....why don't think back to 2001, as that was the last season I was able to see MY Pens in the playoffs. Aside from attending game 5 of the Eatern Conference finals in New Jersey, I seem to remember the round before between the Pens and Buffalo. How does Mario Lemieux, with about a minute to play ring a bell? Martin Straka in OT, how's that sound? Or let's move on to the next game......Darius Kasparaitus??????? Sound familiar. I attended every game of that series from game 3 on. And I will say that we had ZERO trouble getting tickets for any of the games in Buffalo. ZERO. As a matter of fact, for the last two games of that series in Buffalo, we sat 8 rows from the ice, where the Pens shot twice......with our MOOSE antlers on, only to be outdone by a couple of thousand Pens fans in the upper deck...........esp in game 5. So, take your super fandom and stick it up your ass.......you're barking up the wrong tree. And if the Pens are ever out again, I will most likely go to Carolina and have a great time again. Just like my other 4 friends from the Burgh, who did the exact same thing. It's a fun time down there. Now, let me know if you need any tickets for the Pens - Buffalo series, should one happen. I'd be happy to find you some at about 10 times face value.
  5. Blackouts? No way. Maybe one at the most. The schedule this upcoming season is a marketing dream. Other teams fans' at the Ralph......well........yeah, probably, if we don't get some of these holes in our roster upgraded in a hurry. You never know though.
  6. Did I ever once say that I'm a huge Canes fan, or did I root for the Canes just to get a playoff hockey fix since my team sucked and hasn't been in the playoffs for years? Did I say I wanted to experience the hockey playoffs since they are the closest team to my state of Virginia? You must be one of those people who only read what they want to read. So, yes, I ROOTED for the Canes last year similar to way I rooted for the Colts to beat the Patriots this year in the NFL. Because my team was out of it. It actually all started a number of years ago, when a bunch of us Pens fans went to Carolina when they played Jersey, and wore our Ron Francis Pens jerseys. We liked the atmosphere. Now, is that enough of a justification? I find the RBC center in Raleigh a great place to watch a hockey game. And the fans that they do have, albeit small in number, are rowdy, and their arena is very loud. It's clean, a nice area, and cheap to see hockey. That being said, I hope the Pens land second in the standings and play them in the first round, so that I can take my annual playoff trips to Raleigh, this time finally rooting for my real team to beat their ass. It's not just a playoff fix for me this year......my team is back in the mix, in a big way. Will you guys ever get over your Canes envy? Let it go. I seriously haven't paid a bit of attention to them this season, other than to know they are barely qualifying for the playoffs.
  7. That's just it. I'm not sure the Penguins are going to be able to keep all of these guys under the salary cap as the years go on. I will say this, however, this team is more talented then the Lemieux era teams of the early 90's. I think they are a year away from yearly domination, however, I wouldn't be surprised if they do significant damage this year. I hate to say it Sabres fans......you better win it this year.
  8. This year's Eastern Conference playoffs are going to be nothing short of amazing. There are so many good teams. With the Sabres, Pens, Devils and Sens............along with all of the hot teams vying for the final two spots in the conference......this years first round should be amazing. The skill level of the top four teams coupled with the hotness of most of the bottom four, and the large markets they play in, I think NBC will be lucky to get the NHL playoffs on the cheap. This could be just what the NHL needs for a little boost in ratings. Can't wait.
  9. I mean, both teams are so 60's and 70's who really cares? I mean seriously, when is the last time either one did anything significant?
  10. WOW. I mean, for anyone else to even post someone to compete against this girl is just a waste of time. I mean, I'm saying this is one of the hottest in the world period, in an Ashley Judd kinda way. Wow, wow, wow!
  11. http://nfl.aolsportsblog.com/2007/03/21/ja...-cop-kkk-devil/ Make sure you also watch the video linked from the story of Barnes in the cop car.
  12. I think you went about this the wrong way....... You should have just titled the thread....."I think Kevin Curtis is better than Lee Evans", and then just sit back and watch the trainwreck ensue. I think many people on this board are alot better at Improv than having to be asked. You could've apologized later!
  13. I think Willis wanted out as soon as Derrick Dockery had been rumored to have a better burst and 60 time than McGahee. So long Mr. Mediocre. Unless of course, you add in his sub-par blocking detriments.
  14. Wow, when you put it like this.......it sounds alot like Willis McGahee running through a bunch of high school teams at the end of 2004. Then came the Steelers reserves. After all, that's basically where he got most of his repuatation too isn't it? Maybe Brown isn't all that bad.
  15. Should we all send him a TBD signed "Thank You" card? Old bag!
  16. As a Penguins fan, Tom Barrasso played goalie for the Pens while Mario Lemieux, Jaromir Jagr, Ron Francis, Mark Recchi, Paul Coffey, Ulf Samuleson, Rick Tocchet, Kevin Stevens and the like were scoring gobs of goals in front of him. Tommy B was decent, but the Penguins won A LOT of games back then 7-5, 8-6, 5-4 etc. Just had to get that off my chest. Sorry!
  17. The Ravens are a damn good team right now, that's why. If McGahee is healthy, he should default to 1,100 yards easily. He could probably reach as many as 1,300 if the division stays bad. But, at the same time, almost any other average back in the NFL would do the same for the Ravens. The difference here is that Willis normally can't carry a team on his back. If his team is good, his production will be ok. If the team is bad, he'll do practically nothing to make them better either. He is NOT a gamebreaker. He is the definition of average if there ever was one.
  18. "He plays the game the way it's supposed to be played" "The passion he plays with is contagious" "He's a great all around back" "He's a great blocking back" "He hits the holes hard" "He has the ability to take it the distance" ROTFLMAO - You've gotta be fuggin kidding me. Unreal. Is everyone only watching Willis versus the Jets? Willis is a goofball and one of the biggest morons to ever step on a football field. Two years ago, he didn't even know the Jets were in our division. The only gripe I didn't have about Willis is that he wasn't a prick at all. He's probably the type of person that is fun to be around because he's so stupid. Kinda like a Joey on "Friends" or something. But cmon, some of the pure drivel coming out of Baltimore today is a joke indeed. He isn't any of those things up there. NONE. Bye bye Willis.......and the Donahoe mess continues to get mopped up.
  19. This isn't even a question. Antoine Winfield is by far the better hitter and tackler than Clements. It's funny that this is even debated. When the Vikes last came to Buffalo, we kept trying to run to Winfield's side, and either by his tackling or just his positioning on the field, we were largely unsuccessful. Not even close. Nate is two notches behind Winfield in tackling. A step behind him in hitting. But, the same can be said about Winfield being behind Nate in coverage skills and picks. Winfield might be one of the best tacklers the game has ever seen. Especially at the CB position. Nate misses alot of tackles.
  20. playing .500 hockey or better. The new point system kinda blows. 24 of 30!
  21. I believe it was the schedule that we loved so much. A bunch of fans that are so thirsty for a return to the glory years believed that by winning 6 games against high school and Division III football teams made us love the BILLS. Not Willis. Take away "the run through 6" of 04, and well, we are almost the new 90's Bengals of the NFL. Thank God though, Marv is slowly weeding through Donahoe's mess. At least we have direction and stability now. Willis' days are numbered, one way or the other.
  22. Care to give an analysis of the last 7 or so years that has made some posters a little skeptical about losing guys and not adding any back? Or, are you just part of the DOOOOMED crowd too? The real chicken littles seem to be the one's who can't take on reality head on. Turn your head, that'll make things better in a hurry.
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