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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. SD, well done. Most April fools goofballs are douchebags, but this was well written. If you can fool people when they know it's Aprils Fool's Day......well.....everyone can only tip their hat to you!
  2. I was also thinking this yesterday. I wouldn't put it past them. Although, the only thing is that Kraft has to be one of the cheapest owners compared to what he charges for tickets. However, his model is also the smartest in the league. But still, these owners could have been together in making this happen.
  3. Adam, I certainly don't agree with 98% of anything that you usually say....... ...........lol.........but yeah, you are right. Even worse than Golic was Colin Cownerd. He absolutely ripped Wilson and stuck with it for weeks on end. It will be interesting to see if he'll change his tune if Ralph proves to be right.
  4. And the current husband was consoling her at the end of the show why? Damn, get some balls son. Your wife just admitted she cheated on you.
  5. LOL, yeah, but I'm sure only you and I could agree on that one!
  6. And here I thought he was referring to Haynesworth. LOL
  7. I saw someone poop in a stand up urinal in a Western PA rest area on I-79 not too far south of Erie in 1992.
  8. I kinda wish there was a rule that if a franchise doesn't make the playoffs in over 7 years they not only automatically get in, but they also get a first round home game. This would cure some of our blues.
  9. We had a comment by Adam in this thread that Chad Johnson is a lesser version of Lee Evans which is absurd. We also know that he likes Reed over Parrish, thus comes the comparison in this thread that no pro personnel guy would take the combo of Lee Evans and Josh Reed over 85 and Parrish. None. Not one in this league. As far as Reed goes, he's NOT a good WR. He's adequate as like a #4 in an empty backfield situation or something like that. We already know Lee Evans is a pretty darn good WR. And on the other side sits Josh Reed. Reed hasn't done jack to lessen presure on Evans. Nothing. Period. He's not fast, he's not explosive, and he's not a big target. He's basically average, at best. And average is kind. Reed also had his chance in the slot. He was mediocre there too. He had drop problems, and had basically the same skill set that he has now, which is pretty much nil. Reed is a good downfield blocker. That's not really what the Bills need. As for Parrish. This route running stuff all of a sudden is pretty stupid. The fact of the matter is this........Parrish is on the field about half of the time that Reed is, and he's almost just as productive. He's made more big plays to help the Bills in games, in a lot less chances. He's explosive. He's fast. He's elusive. He's also a guy that many on the Bills defense say is almost impossible to cover when in trying to cover him in practice. So, you take all of that information, and wonder why in the hell he wasn't used more by Fairchild. The route thing is garbage. For a WR in the slot, most of the time you are finding seams or soft spots zone defenses anyway. THere really isn't any route running ability needed there. You may need some smarts, which I'm not sure where Roscoe stands, but it's not hard to find and run to open spots in zones. Wes Welker is a great example of this. Watch a Pats game and concentrate on him. Most of time, Welker is the last WR off of the line........and this is on purpose to let all of the other WR's clear out the secondary. Then, Welker takes off and exploits all of the open spaces in the defense created by thier WR's and TE. He caught over 110 balls doing this. This is exactly how Parrish should be used. Parrish would maybe be more explosive than Welker. Not better hands, but more explosive. So, don't give me this crap about route running, and NFL coaches knowing more, blah blah blah. Fairchild was a gutless moron who didn't use his personnel to their stretngths. His scared play calling in the red zone was embarassing. Period. Josh Reed on this team does not add much. Take him away, and the Bills will miss pretty much nothing. He's easily replaced. Roscoe, on the other hand, still has a ton of potential, and the fact that he's shown signs of explosiveness should get him on the field more with a better offensive coordinator.
  10. This is about the dumbest post I've ever seen, only because you are convinced that there isn't any argument. Roscoe Parrish has already accomplished more than Josh Reed has in the NFL. And for some of the TD's that Parrish has caught, or has caught and turned into TD's, in limited playing time, he must be running some kind of routes out there. There is NOBODY in the NFL that fears Josh Reed. Not one team. Roscoe Parrish is often talked about as the most feared weapon for the Bills BOTH on special teams and as a WR. Hell in Pittsburgh before the game, their whole pregame focus was about how to stop Parrish as a special teams player AND WR. Get a grip, you are defending a below average WR in Josh Reed. Reed is likeable, but he's not that good, and his raw talent level is marginal. There isn't a personnel man in the NFL that would take Josh Reed over Parrish as a wideout. There also isn't a pro personnel guy in NFL that would take the combo of Lee Evans and Josh Reed over Chad Johnson and Roscoe Parrish. Not one. Come on man, I know it's March, but wake up.
  11. And I'm sorry, football is brain surgery I guess, and there's no way a fan could EVER be a better judge of talent than some NFL coach. I can't stand when people play this card, it's so stupid. So, there are no bad personnel people in the NFL or bad coaches? Yeah right! Parrish is a good player. He has a very good skill set. Anyone with half a brain knows that the kid has ability to make big plays at almost any time a ball is in his hands. And yeah, the fact that he wasn't on the field more is what most of us think about the stupidity of Fairchild. But hey, Fairchild's an NFL coach and the fact that he absolutely sucked and was gutless is OK, well, because he was an NFL coach. There's no way Joe citizen could have the intellect to be able to decipher that. If Parrish can be as explosive as he is while being as bad as you claim, imagine what will happen when he actually learns to play WR better and matures. After all, if Josh Reed can use excuses for his development, hell, so can Roscoe, who is already better than Reed. And lastly, there are plenty of WR's who put up nice numbers while not having a complement on the other side. Lee is a very nice WR, but he's not a stud. ANd there's nothing wrong with that. We don't have a stud at WR. We have two guys that would be deadly if we would just add that last piece.
  12. Ummmm, 9 of 9. LOL Wow, how fuggin dumb is Vince Young? And what does this say about the U of Texas. Hey, I'm just sayin.
  13. LOL. Jesus, I'm sorry but your logic in this thread is mind boggling. You'd fit right in with the Lions or Cardinals front office. If you really believe this about our WR corps........well, WOW. Parrish is an explosive WR who is underused. Reed should be a #4 at best on a good team. Parrish has made explosvie plays at WR with catch and runs, and it boggles most people's minds why he isn't integrated more into the offense. The fact that you say 85 is a lesser version of Lee Evans is proof enough that your insight shouldn't be taken seriously in this thread. To further your flawed logic, you've now added that Reed is a better commodity at WR than Parrish on this team is just as bad. If Buffalo were to get Chad Johnson, which is a pipe dream anyway, but if it were to happen and we could line up with: #1 Chad Johnson #1a Lee Evans #3 Roscoe Parrish in the slot would be unstoppable Not only would that combo be one of the best in the league, anytime any one of them caught a pass, they would have a chance to take it to the house. Please stop the stupidity!
  14. Please tell me you are kidding with this statement. Are you?
  15. And before all of you get bent out of shape over it, he wasn't making fun of KE, he was actually stunned if this is an actual news report. Does anyone have any information on whether or not this really happened or not? It certainly looks real, and if it is, the station should be ashamed. Unbelievable - The stupidty!
  16. Ummmm, no sh--. I grew up in western Pennsylvania. I was being recruited by three D-1 teams to play baseball. Purdue, Ball State and West Virginia in 1989-90. I took a recruiting visit over the weekend at Ball State and they were playing PUrdue in basketball at home. We beat Gene Keady and the Boilers by 30 at our place and I had a great time on campus that weeknd. So, later that year, I'm at home and Pitt draws Rick Majerus and the Ball State Cardinals in the NCAA tourney. Pitt was a threeway Big East Champ against this fatass coach and the school I visited. BSU kicked their ass in the tourney. I heavily leaned toward BSU. Next year, my senior year in High School, Ball State went 29-3 in basketball and went to the sweet sixteen where they faced eventual champion UNLV. Ball State had the ball with 10 seconds left in the game, and was down 69-67. We took a wide open three at the buzzer and just missed off the front of the rim. UNLV went on to smash Duke by 25 or 30 in the national championship game and won it all that year. From that, I figured if BSU sports were that good in basketball, it must be a good place to play baseball too, so I went there. Had BSU hoops sucked, I most likely would have gone to Purdue and received a lot less money to play there. It was a hell of a lot of fun.
  17. I immediately thought the same thing. How fuggin stupid. Pittsburgh - Buffalo in Buffalo = automatic sellout. Buffalo - Detroit pre-season, who knows. They could have had an automatic sellout for both games very easily if the Detroit game was the one in Toronto.
  18. Vinny had a weak arm too. Vinny had great touch. Vinny turned into one of the most accurate passers and check down QB's ever, once he got over his, early in his career, interception problem. Maybe he came into the league strong armed, but my best friend is a Jets season ticket holder, and I've watched the Jets almost twice a year live for the last 15-18 years, and he used to make fun of Vinny for not being able to throw downfield. So, the Jets are keeping Pennington and he can't throw more than 10 yards? Hard to believe. With the Jets philosophy in FA'cy this year, I would almost bet Pennington starts. I'll also bet he can throw more than 10 yards without the ball sailing. Usually balls sail on guys who have great arms. Pennington's arm blows......it always has.......but he has enough savvy to still get it done IF IF IF IF these other vets the Jets picked up pan out. Problem is with the Jets this season.......they could be very good, or very bad. It really is that messed up for them. If these guys pan out, the Jets will be very good. They could also bust and the Jets could be one of the worst teams in the league. Talk about high risk, high reward................the Jets would be the poster child of that.
  19. Why is his weak arm different now than it was when he was winning games with a weak arm 2, 3, 4 and 5 years ago? Hell, weak arm QB's are the Jets thing.......Vinny, Pennington, etc. The more important thing is that the Jets don't have a Curtis Martin, although their line has a chance to be very solid.
  20. Chad Pennington has done it before. A few times actually.
  21. I could see that. As it stands now though, I think Miami only wins 4.
  22. Tough to say, but I think they would have matched up better. SF was slightly more of a finesse team, and that would have suited the Bills better. Tough to say. I'd give the edge to SF, but I think the Bills would have stood a much better chance.
  23. The only way Moulds would help mentor this young team is by renting a huge limo and taking the young guys to his two favorite hangouts.....Seductions and Sundowner in the falls. Moulds was done when he was here a few years ago. That has been confirmed by his play for his last two employers Tenn and Houston. Why in the hell would the Bills want him back sucking up payroll? We are in dire need of good WR's......and Moulds isn't anywhere close at this point in his career.
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