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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. No, one would think the demand was VERY high, because the Rogers folks have said demand was VERY HIGH. That's why it's a joke. 53,000 seats. Come on. Maybe they were a little misleading about the so called "high demand". Usually when an event is in high demand, you don't have to tell someone it's in high demand.
  2. It's hilarious, I've gotten like 4 emails telling me to buy tickets, and this was from the 180,000 person lottery. LOL. What a joke. 53,000 seats should be gone in no time.....especially a novelty like this. Long live the CFL.
  3. I mean, the people are speaking here.........can we overthrow the 365 nonsense or what? This is kinda like trying to figure out why Shaud Williams lasted on the Bills roster for so long......it's just not needed.
  4. Lori, I would much rather read your stuff, rather than be subjected to the nonsense on 365. And, if it's not already bad enough, the idiot who most likely will take over for Connor Byrne is a complete jackass. The Anthony dude. The thing that really blows is that when you read a headline on that front page (which is TBD's strong suit, IMO) and you see something like......."Bills Should Look at DiGiorgio at FS".......it alarms or alerts you, until you realize it's written by 365. At that point, you don't even open the article. Now, this example was totally made up, but that's what kind of site 365 actually is. Most of the posts on The Stadium Wall are more informative than anything 365 writes, and it's about to get worse if that goofball Anthony whatever his last name is takes over. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, take out the trash please. Or move it to an amatuerish page or something. Anything. Hell, I may even donate my two pre-season tickets to someone on TBD if 365 is taken off the front of the site. Just tired of going through rubbish.
  5. Can realfootball365 disappear from the front page of TBD where all of the real news outlets are? I have nothing against the site, but I mean, it's no more informative than someone writing a post here. They have no sources, no breaking news, and are not a credible mainstream news source. Hey, I'm just saying. I mean, either that, or just start posting everyone's blog on the front page of TBD. Come on dad, you've done your part, your son is moving on, now please boot 365 to where it belongs.......the blog section.
  6. It is awesome. I have FIOS internet, and have never experienced an outage or slowed down service once. Not once. And it's cheaper than comcast. Imagine that. FIOS and Direct TV have saved my life! LOL
  7. FYI Hossa..... Jun. 7, 2008 - 11:28 a.m. ET Marian Hossa said for the first time that he would consider signing for less money than he could get on the open market, in order to stay with the Penguins long term. As one of the elite wingers in the NHL, the 29-year-old Hossa would definitely be a valuable commodity when July 1st rolls around and he becomes a free agent. However, he seems to be more inclined to take a little less money to stay with a team that should be a perennial contender in Pittsburgh. "If I wanted to make a couple more dollars, I would probably just re-sign with Atlanta," Hossa said. "There's always a limit, but I'd rather take a little less and play on a good team, definitely." YIPPEE!
  8. I'm not sure. But they have to be careful NOT to overpay for guys like Malone and Orpik. They can be replaced. I'd rather ante up for Hossa, who is clearly a better skater, and a player than has much more skill than Malone or Orpik and then try to audition about 10 guys to take Malone and Orpik's spots on the team. Malone and Orpik are GREAT players on a team that is ALREADY good. Their roles are needed. However, I personally don't feel like they are your core type players that you build other parts of your team around. If Orpik goes to a marginal team, their fans will most likely be dissapointed in his play, because he isn't going to turn their team around. If he goes to a contender and does that teams grunt work, he'll be a fan favorite for sure! Malone reminds me of Robert Lang for some reason. I'm not sure why, but I think Malone will be way overpaid for what he'll bring to a marginal team.
  9. He had it broken against the Rangers when the butt of Laraque's stick came up and accidentily caught him on the bridge of his nose. I can't remember if Kronwall broke it again or not, but he was definately one unlucky dude in these playoffs. I mean, I would have been thinking shield at some point.
  10. ALA, Ryan Malone for getting his nose broke twice in these playoffs for Pitt. That puck he took to the face vs. the Wings was god awful looking. Now, just think, he had his nose broken just a series earlier. Oh god, how that must have hurt. There's no way Malone is getting any kind of breathing done through his nose at this point. Malone!
  11. Being a Pens fan, this is the best post in this thread by far. I'm not even mad, but man, Detroit has that style of defense, player positioning, and "hidden" obstruction down to a clinic. It almost takes an act of god to carry the puck into their zone. And then when someone from the Pens would approach the blue line near the boards he was always surrounded by three Red Wings. Yet, when that player would dump the puck to the opposite corner.......a Wings player was still always the first player there, WITH SPACE, playing the puck. Just unreal discipline. I'd venture to say that this Detroit system was the best system hockey I've ever seen played. I can't believe Detroit was actually that good. Before the series, I wouldn't have been surprised if they beat the Pens, however, they dominated them. Between their style, puck possession, and how well they connect on almost all of their passes, this was a dominant team. I would love to see Lemieux, Jagr, Coffey, Francis and the boys form the early 90's Pens try to outdo this Detroit team. Pure offense vs. pure system. Oh well, the Pens have arrived for a long time! Nice job Wings!
  12. Malkin not having a good series is an understatement. Other than what you point out about the last rush, he's been horrible. It's unreal how this guy was being called the best player in hockey through the first three rounds of the playoffs, to totally falling off the face of the Earth. He's been a turnover machine, he's not hustling, and he's lost all of his confidence. His line has done nothing in the Finals. And I don't mean a couple of assists and a goal nothing....they literally have done NOTHING, until that final play last night......even though that was a PP goal, and Sergei Gonchar should recieve a lot of credit for really settling down their PP, and handling the point nicely. That being said, I love Malkin! LOL Go Pens.
  13. Oh get real. The Wings have many more calls in the series than the Penguins. Before game 5, I believe it was 19-11 in favor of the Wings.
  14. Experience is not overrated. The Penguins (and I'm a huge Pens fan) have been thouroughly outplayed this whole series. The Penguins, while gaining this experience will be like these Red Wings in a year or two, only better. The Red Wings are a machine. Their defense is as solid as it can be. They are always in the right spots on the ice. Each player on each of their lines are always in the right place in their system. The Pens will learn a TON from this series. It's just alsmot unfathomable to think that the Wings haven't already won this series. The Pens are ridiculously young. They do have other guys who are older on this team , like Sykora, Sydor, etc, but the corp of their top two lines are just over the teenager mark, and so is their checking line. Rent a players are a dime a dozen, but as long as the Pens can keep their core together, they'll be lights out for a long time. I do hope, however, they'll resign Hossa, he's been terrific. He's only 28 I think. It's the fringe guys that you hope they don't waste a ton of money on.......Brooks Orpik, and Ryan Malone come to mind. They are nice players, but someone else will easily take their place. I've enjoyed watching both of them this season, but they are your Ryan Denney types, and I'm hoping the Penguins don't overpay for them. I can't even fathom Crosby, Malkin, and Fleury together when they get older. It's going to be sick. Detroit is there now, however, they just don't have quite as much true skill as the Pens will have at that age.
  15. First game I remember watching as a kid was the Bills vs. Steelers in 1980 or 81, or maybe even 79, I can't remember. My whole family sitting rooting for the Steelers and I just rooted for the Bills. No idea why. Few years later I get my first Bills tickets to see them play at THree Rivers Stadium between two suckass teams as I make a jackass of myself as Greg Bell propels the Bills to a 21-0 lead only to lose the game. Now, I've got season tickets to the Bills and they are my first passion. But, there is nothing like a run for Lord Stanley's cup to bridge the gap to football season. By the time this is over, there will only be a little over a month left until training camp. Go Pens!
  16. LOL. I was born and raised in the Burgh and love the Bucs, Pens and Penn State. The Pens have been outplayed all series. It's mostly just an age thing......the Pens aren't mature enough yet to play like Detroit.......but to have Detroit within about 30 seconds of winning the cup, and jamming it right up their ass is fuggin great!!! Fluery has been awesome and has grown up in these playoffs. Even though outplayed handily in this series, it's amazing that a bunch of kids in Pittsburgh have this series at 3-2!
  17. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Gonchar off the bench, after missing about 45 minutes of hockey, controls the PP, and gets it to Sykora who said he's gonna score. PENS WIN! PUT THE FUGGIN CUP BACK IN THE BOX BITCHES AND BRING THAT sh-- TO PITTSBURGH!
  18. Exactly. The two guys next to my seats in RWS also joined the BillsinToronto lottery and they were also chosen. The hype is mostly made up. This isn't hard to see.
  19. So, I'm a Bills season ticket holder, and I'm just calling BS on this Toronto garbage. So, first preference on tickets for this Bills game are the Argo's season ticket holders. There are about 17,500 of them and they were already able to buy up to 8 tickets. Now, the Rogers center only holds about 53,000 for football. So, assuming that the game didn't sell out from just Argo's season ticket holders says alot already. Now, add in a chance for 50,000 Bills season ticket holders to buy tickets. They are up. Here's another chance for roughly another huge allotment of tickets to be sold for the Bills game in Toronto. Each account holder can buy up to 8 seats in the smallest stadium capacity in the league. Still not sold out. I understand that there aren't 50,000 season ticket accounts from us, but between the Bills and Argo's there are 67,000 seats sold between the two clubs. The games still aren't sold out. How do I know this, well, because today, I get an email that I am also one of the random drawn people in the lottery from the general public to also buy Bills in Toronto tix. So, I've had two chances now to buy Bills in Toronto tix. So, just how popular can this game be in a stadium that only holds 53,000 people? 67,000 people already had a chance to easily sell out the games. Each account had a chance to buy 8 tickets. Now, they are already on the general public list. LOL. These games will most likely sellout, but there is more made up hype than actual excitement about the Bills playing games in Toronto. Where are all of these 180,000 people who signed up to take part in this? I mean, it took the winter classic, what, 15 mintues to sellout? So, why is the so called, amazing novetly, not already soldout? Long live the CFL.
  20. Been a Pens fan for about 28 years, and that individual shift by Orpik was one of the best individual plays in Pens history. In a series where they have been so outplayed and can't figure out how to get the puck through the fuggin nuetral zone, the Pens weren't all that good tonight, but their hustle from Orpik and the Roberts line was incredible. And that play by Orpik summed up the Penguins mindset tonight. Couldn't be more proud of this team which uses so much finesse to come back and "grind" one out. It's finally a series. Game four will be incredibly intense. Go Pens!
  21. Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce!
  22. I'm 36, my wife is 28, I have a great job, and so does she. We live in Virginia (9 1/2 hrs away). She never even watched pro football until I took her to a Bills game 4 years ago. She became hooked, hates the Pats, Steelers and Cowboys, and wore her Lee Evans jersey yesterday, to her school's (She's an elementary teacher dept head), professional sports team themed day. Now, if this can be done with the crap we endured through the Donahoe era of Bills football, anyone can be converted. We have season tickets. It can be done. Now, quit reading this and go work on your wife. See ya opening day.
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