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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Well Done! I bookmarked it, and will be playing it during my first tailgate this upcoming season!
  2. Bunko Colesknockerton - Cleveland Browns, OL, 63
  3. I think I'll buy a much bigger SUV now and sock it away for two years.That way, when all of you buy up these hybrids, I'll be still using outdated "gas" cars. By that time, with the demand for gas so low, I'll be back to paying around $1.79 a gallon. Here's hoping all of you drop gasoline powered cars so I can suck up cheap gas again.
  4. LOL. Imagine that. Not received quite as well as people were lead on. It will still most likely sellout, but, they tried to dupe people into false excitement. I'm almost positive they thoguht they would have sellouts by now.
  5. No, his stats weren't just as good. But, if you watched him, yes, he was just as good. He tore up the Bills a couple of seasons ago in RWS, and I remember sitting there with a Dolphins fans asking......."who in the hell is that little white guy?" He was like ......"that's Wes Welker, and he's pretty damn good, we just can't get him the ball" or something like that. They always forced the ball to Chambers but Welker was starting to have a knack for making plays. He was already good at returning kicks and punts. When Lee Evans can go from a pro bowl type year, to the drivel he produced last year, it's not secret that a team's offense can make a player non-noticeable. Then, Belicheck exclaims that they picked up Welker because no one on his team could cover him.....you start thinking.......let's see.....Randy Moss and Stallworth on the outside.......Maroney running the ball (I thought he was actually going to have a monster year, he didn't), Welker should do all kinds of damage on the inside. Plus you get points for punt returns and kickoff returns on your defensive scoring. Add it all up, and I thought Welker would have about 70 catches, 3 or 4 TD's and pts from special teams. Then he absolutely exploded. So, in all, yeah, I thought Welker would be a very good fantasy player. I can understand if some people didn't. After all, they get their fantasy reports from sites like RF365. If you had any clue about football, you would have known that Welker would be more than serviceable in NE. That was a lock. But no, no one thought he'd be quite as good as he was......not really because of his talent or help with Moss and company......NE just threw the damn ball every friggin down it seemed like. Someone had to make all those catches.
  6. Was Cassel throwing him the ball last year? And, yeah, if you pay attention at all to football, Welker was a pretty darn good WR on a terrible Miami team. He had the same attributes there. Thus, Bill Belicheck exclaiming that they picked him up in Free Agency because no one on NE's team could cover or stop him. Plus, he returned punts and kickoffs. And again, I drafted Welker in my fantasy league because I have a point per reception league plus yardage league. He was dominant. I obviously didn't think he'd be that good, but I did have him penciled in as a starter at my #3 WR before last year. He obviously became a scoring machine. Again, if you are in a point per reception league, Welker is a stud.
  7. Wes Welker is a fantasy scoring machine. If you are in a point per reception league, he's a beast. Automatic double digit scorer every week, and if he scores a TD......can carry you to a win.
  8. No problem, glad I could chime in. And for the record, they used to play celebration when a Bill would reach the endzone, followed by the Shout song after the extra point. Now that was heaven. Some things, you don't mess with. The Shout song is a Bills institution.
  9. This might be the dumbest comment of the day. You obviously weren't there at the Dallas game live to hear it sung by about 70,000 Bills fans. It was so good, Mike Tirico said on ESPN that he would just shut up, because "the crowd singing is just too good, let's listen" My friend called me in Pittsburgh and said we sounded awesome singing SHOUT on TV. I couldn't wait to get home and hear it on tape.
  10. I've personally never seen it, but if they threw in some kind of online betting for Wipeout, I'd be in heaven. Wait, no, they need cheerleaders too......or wait, they had a stripper competing last night, so I'm good. lol
  11. Then what is this going to mean for Marshawn? This Marshall case may be a good barometer for how they handle Marshawn. It's about along the same lines with both penalties being misdemeanors is it not?
  12. LOL. I'm with ya. I thought Wipeout was pretty funny. Brainless, and I loved it. Stupid people doing totally stupid schitt. My guess is that most of you who choose to rip on us who liked this show, don't do anything important or challenging during the day, because this is exactly the kind of mindless drivel I needed to get away from real life for an hour. I thought it was hilarious and utterly stupid in spots.
  13. A HEALTHY Kevin Jones would be an upgrade over Jackson. I think Kevin Jones can now officially be pinned as a high risk, injury prone player. He is, however, a pretty damn good back if he can stay on the field.
  14. I also agree with this. It should at least be tried before a move is considered. This, along with ONE game a year would be OK, but still tough to swallow that TOR game IMO. I would renew my seasons if they upped them 15-20 per game. We all know it's a bargain now. Most people would renew.
  15. I know, I agree. I live in VA and it pisses me off. And I have season tickets and make most games. If the Bills sell off 4 games, I will not renew. I'm not rooting for a damn team that plays in Toronto. Then what, make the playoffs, and play those games there too? What a joke. The thing that pisses me off the most is the defeatist attitude up there from most of the politicians and people in charge. I mean, they are just OK with letting games go out of their back yard and to another country even. Have some fuggin pride AND DO SOMETHING in your own city for god's sakes. I mean, get some god damn pride and make some changes and some noise to keep this last thing that will remotely keep Buffalo on the US map.....the Bills. Hell, go down fighting instead of rationalizing why they are in the process of leaving. I don't know, just venting, but jesus, the policians up there are just running the place into the ground, and seems like they are trying NOTHING to change it. UGH! It's like giving your hot girlfriend to your best friend a few times a year to "enjoy". Gimmie a break!
  16. lol, I hear ya, but hopefully you're drunk enough to swing and miss once, so the beatdown could then occur. Nothing like fighting a drunk. Well, nothing easier of course.
  17. It's all in the company you keep then. I've NEVER driven drunk. EVER. My wife, or most of the people I know have NEVER driven drunk. I do know this, however, if you drove drunk, and hit my wife, and I found you before you turned yourself in, I would beat the living piss out of you. You can take that to the bank. I do know I would do that. The stupid, childish, and wrecklessly dumb attitude to justify driving drunk because some others do it, is just plain assanine. You are playing with someone elses life. Grow up! And yeah, I do know people that have driven drunk before, and I make no bones about telling them how big of a jackass / selfish prick they are. It's not real hard for me to tell you what an utter dickhead you are if you drive drunk. In high school, I saw three classmates get run down by some dickhead who decided to go from the bar to his car, and proceed to veer off into a line of teens waiting to enter a movie theatre. The guy is complete trash. So, count me, and a ton of my friends, as those who live in a glass bubble.....MOST of my friends DO NOT or HAVE NOT ever driven drunk.
  18. Let's take it one further........Many believe the Bills started their move permanently to Toronto when Hollywood Donahoe switched our former beloved Bills uniforms to the crappy CFL style garbage that we wear now. Also, think it's a coincidence that TD ran the team into the ground, and still doesn't have a job in the NFL? No. He's just waiting to reclaim the position when the Bills take their current CFL uniformed team and move up there for good! Toronto
  19. I second this idea. I can't understand why people can't figure this out. Hell, you'll make a chunk of it back just by selling the Monday Night Game alone. I bought two extra season tickets (cheap Rockpile) last year and sold the Dallas, Denver and Cincy tickets and almost made all of my money back for BOTH sets of season tickets. I basically had two sets or 2 seats of Bills tickets, and used the second set to sell off, and only ended up paying about $125 total last season. I am starting to use both sets myself though, which cuts in to my profit, however, that just means more Bills fans are interested in going. Can't beat it. Already have my extra extra Monday Nighter and Opener set sold this year......to the season ticket holder who sits next me (for his extended family) and I've already just about paid for my extra seats already. Still have 5 games to sell.
  20. Don't know if this was posted yet, but they just mentioned it on the NBC TOday show with mayor Myron Brown morning. Legislation will be started soon and Chuck Schumer, Brian Higgins, and Mayor Brown are all behind it.
  21. Channel 12 (NBC) tonight in Richmond has a young kid working there now (Ryan Nobles), and he just revealed he's from Buffalo. Russert just gave the graduation speech at Randolph Macon College two weekends ago, and they showed the clip. At the end when he usually closes with his "Go Bills", he said "Go Yellow Jackets" instead, and the crowd cheered loudly and laughed. Nobles asked to cover the RM College speech that day so he could meet his idol from his hometown Buffalo, Tim Russert. He said on the air tonight, they joked awhile and mostly talked Bills football for about 45 minutes. Nobles seemed like a little kid who met Santa Claus. Yet another great story about Russert from Richmond VA, nonetheless. Damn, this really sucks. "Go Bills"
  22. Tim at his best in this video. Shows great Buffalo Pride in this piece! This one stings!
  23. RIP Tim. I had to log on just to sign in and say...... Thanks to a great, personable, and true blue Bills fan.
  24. I don't ever listen to your station or whatever you post here, however, I don't see anything wrong with you posting showtimes when former or current Bills players are on your show. As long as this site posts articles from, and drives traffic to, REALFOOTBALL365 (which is total garbage, and has no sources), I don't see how you could possibly be penalized for giving people who want to listen to your stuff from real Bills players or sources. Baffles the mind, that realfootball 365 could be linked from here.
  25. If you get season tickets and work with the same season ticket rep in that respective department....he/she should be able to get you some extra tickets that will be released once they stop holding back seats for season ticket purchases. Your rep can grab you some before they are released for sale to the public. And believe me, they know when that is happening. No offense to Jack, and I'm not even sure the guy still works there, but the Chris Schiller moron that you were referring people to from Rochester was the worst season ticket rep I've ever dealt with. And he used to lie to me all the time. I worked in season tickets for the Atlanta Braves for 3 years, and this guy was a buffoon. I switched to a new guy I now work with, and I've usually gotten extra tix to almost any game I've wanted, even late in the season. Tickets are always released at certain points, even during the season to soldout games! Get seasons, stay in touch with your rep, and he'll take care of you. Chances are, you'll get extras to the opener. However, with tix going this well.......I betcha that season ticket holder list will be growing by a large margin yet this year.
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