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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. There's a spot on the website, that allows customers to email requests. I email them about once a week to request the Bills throwback helmet. I would love to add that to my gameroom. If anyone else would like to see the throwback helmet, please send along the requests. Maybe we'll get it.
  2. Just remember I said it, lol. They'll win the AFC North by three games. I don't think Pittsburgh is good at all (8 wins). Cincy will bounce back some (8 wins maybe), but not large. And Balttimore sucks. They'll go 5-1 in their division. They only thing is.......I do think the AFC North plays the NFC East this year, meaning that the Patriots should easily walk to home field throughout because the AFC North might get beat up a tad more than a team from our division. Make no mistake though, the Browns are for real.
  3. Browns over 8....easily. They might be the best team in the AFC. I've heard on Sirius that Rogers and Williams look dominant on that D-Line.
  4. The International Bowl Bid is all but pretty much assured to go to the team that doesn't win their division between Ball State and Central Michigan.
  5. Even if Corner is outplaying McKelvin, who cares? As long as some of our draft picks develop, that's all that counts. If picks in rounds 4-7 develop into all pros and the first three tank, that's OK with me. Here's hoping they are both damn good.
  6. OK, again, so is it 15,000 a day until he shows up PLUS a gamecheck? How long can the Bills impose $15,000 per day?
  7. Is it only during what is designated as "training camp"? Or, can the fines last well into the regular season until he reports? Also, is it 15,000 a day until he reports? Just curious.
  8. LOL. The is the simplest and best post of this thread by far! I agree 100%. Move over Jackie Slater, Jason Peters is now the poster child for the best LT in the NFL. Just ask some Bills fans....they'll tell ya!
  9. Thank You! Geez. Especially in this particular case when the six guys before his client are all signed. How hard could it be at this point?
  10. I bolded the last sentence simply to show that EUGENE PARKER was the agent. I could care less about the phone call part. I should have just bolded Parker!
  11. It has nothing to do with the agent returning phone calls to anyone. Parker has a ROOKIE client in which every player in front of his client is signed. That's the point Payton is making. So, you kind of know where your money falls. What's the holdup?
  12. Part of Payton's frustration stems from the fact the first through sixth draft picks have signed, setting somewhat of a precedent for the amount of money Ellis should receive. "He needs to recognize, and I'm sure he will, that the slots ahead of him have signed and he's missing valuable playing time and valuable reps as a rookie," Payton said. "Then when he comes in, then all of a sudden we've got to get him acclimated because he hasn't been here. That's where there's some urgency on his part." Ellis' agent, Eugene Parker, did not return phone messages left at his office.
  13. I second this. I still maintain, sometime from that site is related to someone here.
  14. I'm a Ball State Alum, and we have our best team maybe in the history of the program. We are on ESPN or ESPN2 four times this year. I love it. Our QB, Nate Davis was just named to the Maxwell Award watch list. Can't wait for the season. I always root HARD for ALL MAC teams to do well in non-conference teams. I hope the MAC will have a great season. Central Michigan will be very strong again this year too.
  15. Yeah, not only that, I really don't wanna pay about $50 to park there for a pre-season game. That place is a joke. Too much so to attend a pre-season game there.
  16. I've got two tickets and am thinking of going. That part of the state is so miserable to drive in, however, that I'm not sure I'm actually going to go. I may just tailgate outside in my front yard and have some other Bills fans over. If I don't go, I'll post the tickets here for cheap. They were given to me by my neighbor. The tickets are lower bowl at about the goal line on the Skins side. NOVA overcrowdedness < RJ
  17. If anything then, his parents should be put on trial and kicked out of the Bills kingdom. How in the world do this kid's parents let this happen?
  18. I never even remotely said that they want to know what comparable household incomes are. What in the world what that even matter? I wanted to hear some opinions on what some people thought was a good household income because there are/were alot of people bitching during this survey saying they don't make enough money in their household to make ends meet. I think their gripe is kind of bogus. That's what sucks about a salary survey.......you most likely are getting a raise, but almost everone is unhappy about it. It's kind of weird. All in all, a family with one child making just south of 200,000, IMO, shouldn't be bitching. I'm pretty sure it's not all that bad living on just south of 200,000 per year. It's getting kind of old hearing it, so I wondered what others thought. And needless to say, this guy was one of lowest increases because the survey concluded he was already at market value. Someone has begun to secretly place job applications for other places on his desk every day which enrages the dickhead even more! lol I was just wondering is all.
  19. I hear ya. This is what I was looking for....some numbers. I'm wondering what costs there are to put kids on private schooling and what kind of income is needed to still live normally without being broke in order to do so. My boss has his kids in private school, and his kids are so far ahead of the curve it's not funny. And this includes socially, academically, and behavior wise. I want to also do that, at least until they get to high school. THanks for the answer.
  20. Could be all the well true, but I don't work in the private sector and in a week, my salary is going up 32% on October 1st. I couldn't be happier. So, in this case, it has worked big time for me, despite the economy going in the tank. I also did get a performance percentage of 10% that was built into that number. So, in this case, it worked for me. Some of our same workers went up anywhere from 1% to 35% being the highest. However, 41% of our workforce received only the standard cost of living increase. So, this one hit all over the place. Good for some, not as good for others.
  21. to judge our market value, and bring us up to par. I was just wondering......and I know it's somewhat relative to where you live, but what do most of you consider a good household income for you and your spouse? All kinds of variables could go into this, but I just want to know what everyone here considers a good income for your household? One that you can live on, save some, and buy what you need without many worries. Anyone wanna throw some numbers out there. This isn't a "what do you make" question. I'm just wondering what some of you think is a good household threshold. Thanks!
  22. Hey, looking around, this one is kind of funny and painful all at the same time.....lol.......with a jab at Cleveland in there just to make us all feel a tad better..... The Buffalo Fan
  23. What amazes me is that no one from the Bills can ever come up with anything to play out people's emotions at the Ralph. I'm not even a Sabres fan, but this video also attempts to do what you did, and it's good...... Before a Sabres game video! And yet, you get the drivel that we almost come NOT to expect from the dolts who work for the Bills isn't on display every week at the Ralph. The Bills in-game staff and ticket department sucks. I mean, really, how hard is it. Look around YouTube and fans put the Bills front office to shame in many aspects of all things video and emotional. Oh well, nice job!!! I like it alot. The Bills promotions and gameday staff should take notes. This would be cool on the jumbotron before a game.
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