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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. So what happened last year then? Why did none of this stuff happen with all pro Jason Peters? I mean, the offense sucked, or did I miss something? I don't seem to remember a time in the last five years or maybe more where I felt confident we could run behind ANY lineman to convert a third or fourth down and short. And yeah, just cut him.....that's what everyone is saying, just cut him. Are you a drama queen or something? I don't really recall anyone wanting to cut Peters. Most people just don't think he has any leverage (yet) to be holding out at this time. God help us if we have to cave in to any player in the future who makes it to his first pro bowl and doesn't really have leverage. I mean, how dumb can you be as management to start re-doing everybody's contract who makes it to a pro bowl for the first time.
  2. We have no idea if Stroud is going to make our defense any better. None. We hope he will. And Jason Peters may be considered one of the best tackles in the game right now at a time when the game is awfully weak at that position. All of the great LT's are getting old and washed up, and there really aren't any out there that have taken over as the new dominant bunch. We are hoping Peters turns into that type of player, but just because he was voted to the pro bowl doesn't make him this football god of a player that we can't do without. Are we better with him. Hell yeah. But jesus, his legend has grown here to the point where it's sickening to see how weak some of you are to cave in to the demands of a one time pro bowler who ended the season on an injury last year.
  3. I just decided to throw out some facts. If you can make up all of these pretend things about this guy will get hurt, and this guy won't be able to run routes, and this guy will probably cry becuase Jason Peters isn't out there, and Ralph will most likely die early, I just thought I would throw some actual facts out there. The offense was the second worst in football with Peters and probably won't do any worse without Peters. He's solid, but I'm sure the Bills can somehow manage to play a football game without a ONE TIME pro bowler. Hell, after all, the Bills dumped Nate Clements (their best player on defense), who people made out to be the second coming of Lester Hayes, and still managed to create turnoevers all year in the secondary.
  4. So, what you are saying is that without Jason Peters the Bills offense is going to suck? Oh, and here I thought it pretty much already sucked last year with him. hmmm
  5. LMAO, Jesus, now he's a Hall of Famer. And his legend grows and grows. Jason Jackie Slater Peters
  6. I guess where you and I differ is that you actually think that one of them is actually a starting caliber DE. I don't think either one should be more than a backup. But they are all we got. Does it really matter which one is in there?
  7. I think the rendition is awesome. It also makes for a great background for the commercial. In case some of you were wondering, it's from Marvin singing the anthem from an NBA all star game in the 80's in LA. Here's the link of the original whole performance....... Marvin's daughter remakes it and sings it at the 2004 All Star Game..... Enjoy!!! USA USA USA
  8. Well, it's also about sellouts if the ticket prices are more expensive. Having a stadium where the availability of tickets would be scarce would allow the Bils to raise prices to get them on par with the rest of league. The TV revenues are already there no matter what. That's not an issue. Lastly, and most importantly, I would guarantee luxury seating would also go up. There would be corporations from Toronto, Pittsburgh and Cleveland, that would buy boxes on an individual game basis, should the Bills try to sell a few like that. I would guaranatee this. I would also bet that a couple of large companies would buy them on a seasont ticket basis who have stakes in all of the above mentioned Rust Belt Cities. Case in point........my best friend is the head safety consultant for Laidlaw transit in the United States. His office is in Pittsburgh. Laidlaw has a suite at Ralph Wilson Stadium. When the Steelers play in Buffalo that box is filled with Steeler fans. Even for the hockey game, Laidlaw provided tons of tickets to Pittsburghers and Canadians for the event. Laidlaw also has a major office in Toronto. On most Sunday home games at the Ralph, that Laidlaw box is probably filled with 75% Canadians from what I've seen in there from Toronto. I would bet other corps with regional interests in the Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Toronto areas would have some interests in RWS just to use it as a tool for their clients in the region. I've heard my friends boss often say (jokingly), but there is always some truth in joking, that the only reason they keep the Buffalo sponsorhip is so that they can trade off tickets for Pittsburgh fans to attend hockey games in Toronto. Laidlaw often gives their box to clients and colleagues from New York for Jets fans, Pittsburghers on the rare occasion they visit Buffalo, and a bunch of football fans from Toronto. The luxury money would follow suit in this scenario as well. Imagine this schedule for the Bills when they play the NFC East (we'll sub last year's schedule), and if Toronto would join the league in a revamped division...... Home Schedule: Pittsburgh Cleveland Toronto Detroit Dallas N.Y Giants Two other teams The Bills could almost charge whatever they wanted for tickets.
  9. Yes he did. It was the dumbest thing he's ever done. Holding on to Miami in the AFC East was about the most brainless thing. A division with Pittsburgh, Cleveland and maybe even Detroit would guarantee sellouts at the Ralph for all of those home games, no matter how well the Bills are doing. If the Bills were bad, one or two of those other teams would be in the hunt, and their fans would travel the short distance to Buffalo. Hell, if the NFL expanded in that scenario, you could even ADD Toronto to the league, put them in that division, and Buffalo would be GUARANTEED four sellouts a year, no matter what. Could you imagine the rivalries the Bills would have with Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Toronto? Guaranteed full houses no matter what. Then, just make sure none of the division games were the home opener and you have five guaranteed sellouts. You could also raise prices to be more on par with the rest of the league. That makes too much sense though.
  10. QB Jackson to Martin Nance. Remember that big wide receiver from Miami of Ohio? Well, do ya?
  11. they have signed Takeo Spikes. Man, how the guy has fallen mightily. It's a shame. I loved watching him play. Terrible injury.
  12. I also recall the Bills and the K gun coming in for maybe one series in a number of pre-season games in the 90's, scoring in about 5 plays and 4 minutes, and dominating the AFC for about 10 years!
  13. I would kill to hear, or not hear Namath, as I'm again stuck watching the local Redskins feed with Joe Fuggin Theisman. I swear to god, I don't what anyone sees in JT in the announcing booth. He's absolutely brutal to listen to.
  14. The scary part about the Jets is this......and Favre also fits this role also......they have a lot of older vets who at one point in their career played football at a high level. If all or most of these guys feel Favre can get them over the top and prolong their career just a tad longer, the Jets might be dangerous. I think the Jets are either a very good team, or a very bad one. No middle ground. These vets usually either come together nicely or totally tank. It'll be interesting.
  15. Almost everybody loves the throwbacks. I work with a Bears fan, Packers fan, Chargers fan, and a bunch of Skins fans, and they all comment on how cool our uniforms look when they Bills wear their throwbacks. But of course, we'll keep the crap we wear now.
  16. LOL. I was just gonna say something along the same thing. Boy, all the big names are coming out today!
  17. I coach high school football in Virginia. I've said this before, and I'll say it again. John McCargo in high school was one of the laziest football players I had ever seen. You used to run at his area because he was a freelancer. He was always one of those players who you would see on tape or in person and say, if he only had the heart to go with that ability. And thus, his team sucked all four years. Although, the coaching at that school wasn't all that great, so they may have not instilled a work ethic in him the way he needed. In no way shape or form does 6 years or so ago indicate where he is now, but he was also lazy in his first couple of seasons at NC State. That was all supposed to be taken care of. I have no idea how he is now, but back then, he played for a small high school and was really a non-factor before moving on to NC State. Take it for what it is worth. Doesn't mean anything now.....but I'm just saying.
  18. I'm hoping Reed. The day Reed gets cut is the day it means this team is finally moving forward talent wise. I have nothing against Reed, I just think he adds zero value to this football team. So, I guess I'll say Reed.
  19. There's no way in hell Parrish gets cut. He's easily the second most explosive WR on this team. The fact that Josh Reed is even on this team speaks bad things about our mediocre WR corps. If JJ Hardy can win the outside WR job opposite Lee Evans and they can get Parrish in the slot where he belongs, AND LEAVE HIM THERE, the Bills will be on their way to improving. Parrish is one of the few threats we actually have to make big plays. Josh Reed is a possession WR who gets you practically nothing in terms of any kind of threat anywhere on the field. I'm praying our WR's shape up like this before midseason..... #1 Evans #2 Hardy Slot Parrish And then, take your pick.
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