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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. LMAO. This is just unreal. Stroud has been terrific for us. Very diruptive in games 1 and 2 especially. It's funny how almost all analysts on NFL Sirius radio gushed about his performances in weeks 1 and 2, but yet Mort finds yet another way to diss the Bills. I'm not one to get worked up over "no pub" for our team, but Mort goes beyond the call of duty to say bad things about the Bills. He's a waste of space if you ask me. Wonder how his boy Donahoe is doing now? Is he taking tickets at the movie theatre in McKinley mall yet? Unreal.
  2. It was cracking me up, especially in the 4th quarter as we starting coming back. My wife starting laughing, and I was like......what are you looking at.......and I looked over and saw it. It was really bouncing around pretty good most of the 4th. So fess up, because our section was cracking up.....which one of you dirty bastards brought the blow up doll with the Losman jersey on???
  3. I would easily pay more. Lower bowl tickets in Buffalo are a steal. Absolute steal. I know the money is in the suites.....however, 65,000 season tickets next year at 10 or 20 more is a hell of a lot more money too per game. Anything helps. 1.5 mor million from regular tickets closes that 4 million dollar gap per game they are getting in Toronto.
  4. Bingo. Besides, Cuban is a small townish guy. He loves Pittsburgh and tried to buy the Pirates for gods sake. Anywho......anyone here would be for Jim Kelly and his "group". But, does that "group" really exist. I hope so.
  5. Cleveland and Baltimore didn't have a problem with fan support. And where would Cleveland and Baltimore try to expand to? There is no other city around that isn't in anyone elses territory like Toronto. They wanted new stadiums. They both wanted to also generate new revenue a stadium would bring. Both eventually got them, just not before they moved. I'm pissed because I think Buffalo gives up way too easily. Maybe if Donte Whitner was mayor, he'd actually have enough to pride to get something done up there to turn around the economy. It just pisses me off that no one has figured out how to develop the waterfront into cash, or Niagara Falls into something special. If people can afford hockey games, they can afford football. Raise prices. Bring us up to par. Then, take that extra cash and BLITZ the Toronto, south ontario area with marketing. But to get rid of a game.........it's just prideless, IMO. How in the HELL, could you have what used to be one of the wonders of the world on your door step and the city of Niagara Falls be such a dump? It just boggles my mind. And like the original poster said, after attending the first two games this year, it absolutely SUCKS that we'll be missing a game late in the season! I'm just frustrated that magazines, people who don't live there, media, and everybody else sees ways that Buffalo can improve itself........yet, the ignorant ass politicians up there don't get it. It just worries me. A lot!
  6. Yeah, I almost wish the Canadian contingent who come to Bills games would start a huge Bills backers club up there, and make it heard loud and clear that they want to keep the Bills in Buffalo. That would also help. It's amazing, but there are alot of you up there, who want to keep the team in Buffalo. A little noise about that wouldn't hurt.
  7. Those of us who are small minded remember Cleveland and Baltimore. We also feel for the Buffalo business owner (who could use some of that NFL cash, especially when their taxes pay for some of the tab at the Ralph) who is losing out on major money on football weekends. Any way you look at it, it's a schitty deal for the city of Buffalo. Doesn't seem too bold and aggressive to most business owners, I wouldn't think! Oh well, it's the way it goes I guess. I just hope the Bills are sincere in their intentions. Every quote I see coming from the Toronto group does NOT act like they are just happy to have a couple games every now and then.
  8. I agree 100% for a change. In Whitners case.....the way he saw it.........he probably wanted to yell..... "WE MUST PROTECT THIS HOUSE" And he did.
  9. I don't think someone who owns a NBA franchise would have much of a problem selling it to become an NFL owner.
  10. About the only good thing coming from the Bills playing a game in Toronto is this......and I've seen alot of it lately from the real Bills fans in Canada. MOST, not all, of the true blue Bills fans in Canada want the Bills to remain in Buffalo because of the atmosphere at the Ralph. I actually met 4 fans from Ottawa at my hotel for the opener who bought season tickets to keep the Bills in Buffalo. This past weekend, we were at Danny's on Saturday Night with block of 6 Bills fans from Quebec and two from Toronto who did the same thing. If the Bills have great year this season, and the NFL with it's popularity so large now, I have no doubt we will push season tickets to around 65,000 next season. When we get closer and closer to a waiting list, that will be just more pressure to keep the team here. It won't be full proof, but pressure will be created on the NFL, especially by politicians.
  11. Yeah, if you have any kind of pride whatsoever in your body, this should piss you off. Not to mention every other teams fans calling us the Toronto Bills......the International Bills........The Canadian Bills...........or the USA Today this Monday having a small article about the Bills clicking at the perfect time while in serious flirtations with Toronto about moving there. The whole thing really pisses me off. Big Tree, all the hotels, Danny's and all of the other bars, eateries, hotels, and citizens should be pissed that the money making Bills are actually taking more money OUT of Buffalo to have the fuggin game in Canada. UGH! !@#$ the NFL sometimes! But still, Go Bills!
  12. If he had interest about a year or so ago in buying the Pittsburgh Pirates (although that is his hometown), hey, why not the Bills. You know, the NFL, the most glamorous league in the USA! Come on Mark, dammit.
  13. I thought it might be just stupid enough a request to get him to bite on it, but he didn't. Dammit!
  14. LOL. Seriously, I really did. I asked him to be my guest in one of my seats just to see if he would be interested in buying the Bills upon Ralph's death and keeping them in Buffalo. He is from blue collar Pittsburgh after all. Buffalo is the same type city, so I just gave it a shot mainly out of a joke, but hoping he would answer and get some publicity out of it. He politely declined, and told me to have fun. He answers a lot of his own emails, and I thought what the hell. He answered it in about 3 hours just after midnight this morning. Maybe we should start to all bombard him about buying the Bills and keeping them right here in Buffalo????? Hey, at least I tried something! You never know!
  15. I can't wait either. I can't wait til the first time he's spotted by someone in the stadium and you start to hear the Bruce call somewhere and it just builds into an incredible........ BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCE!!! Go Bills. Go Bruce. Go Throwbacks. Should be an awesome day!
  16. Are you guys going to also start tarping empty seats so you can also sell out home games? I mean, the Raiders and Jags are forever linked in that aspect, are you not?
  17. Oh, yeah, no doubt you are right. However, the areas up around DC usually aren't good for me to leave Friday Evening. I got stuck so many times Friday evenings just sitting on the beltway that I stopped going that way if it's anywhere near rush hour. Come home in the middle of the night though, and I do go that way also. I can't stand Northern Virginia. Why anyone would want to live there, in that traffic mess, is beyond me. I'm usually heading that way around rush hour though, so I avoid all the DC beltways. And yeah, the only part of the trip that kinda sucks is 522 through Berkeley Springs! It is a cool little town though, but if you roll through on a Friday night when they have a home football game.......well......let's just say it's easier to get out of the Ralph than to get through Berkeley.
  18. Seriously though.....thanks for all the help. I will give a report on where we went, and how it was.
  19. LOL. My best friend is a Jets fan. We've attended the last 15 Bills - Jets games in Buffalo. One of the reasons.......Niagara Falls and the end of Lundy's Lane. The stories I could tell you about the BILLS players AND some visiting teams players in those joints. You're more than welcome to come, or at least meet us there. The more the better. It's funny, here in VA, no one can understand how two of us could be so dedicated to attend a 3-11 Jets squad vs. the 4-10 Buffalo Bills. I don't care if they ever understand why!
  20. Adam Schein, on Sirius NFL radio, also said the same thing today.
  21. Hey, when you all are talking Keg and Kettle, does "just down the street" mean 10 miles or like 2-3 miles?
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