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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. I think most UB fans will feel the same way come Friday after about 2 quarters of football. I mean if Kent State can do it..........I'm just sayin'
  2. There is a round one and a square stained glass one. I'm creating a nice Bills gameroom, and need three end tables to complete it. Does anyone have them, and if so, are they nice? Just trying to take a stab at it.!
  3. So tell me, how have the "pros" done over the last say..................................9 years in fixing this team?
  4. The Colts practiced outside all week this week. EVERY DAY. Dungy was on Sirius NFL radio today and said they went outside to get acclimated to the weather so that there would be no surprises this week in Cleveland due to cold and wind. They weren't great, but at least the weather didn't beat them. There's one. I'm not sure how many other teams do it. I do know that Tony Dungy is a damn good coach though.
  5. The Colts actually practiced outside all week last week. He actually indicated that two of those days were atrocious with high winds and some cold rain. He said they wanted to get used to the elements to be playing in Cleveland. All week, they were outside. Not that I think the loss was just because we practiced inside, but it certainly doesn't help. Little things. The good coaching staffs think of everything to get their teams the slightest of advantages. I can't remember the last time we had a staff like that. I'm usually not one to harp too much on the staff at hand, but it's getting old. With Belicheck, Parcells, and the NY Jets new spending, we need to be airtight on our staff. So far, I'm not sure we are!
  6. Well, all I can say is that you missed the boat on the Cleveland Browns season ending loss at HOME. I went through this two weeks ago knowing that game ended our season. Thus, this game wasn't as hard to stomach. Although it still is turning my stomach. Jesus.
  7. 9 1/2 hours from Richmond VA almost every game of the year. Barring pre-season of course. The reason I say ALMOST every game is that I watch the weather late in the year, and only attend games in the snow if the Bills are in the playoff hunt. It can get ugly up I-90 in the snow!
  8. I feel ya. Don't let it bother ya. I'm just talking smack about the Ball State - UB game ONLY because it's about the only way to get some MAC discussion going. Seriously, I can't believe my alma mater is 12-0 and still ever so slightly climbing the BCS ladder. Any smack about the MAC is good. That's the only reason for me to talk this way. UB just happened to get in BSU's way this year. And maybe could wreck it all.
  9. Yeah, either that or I can go watch the Richmond Renegades glorified minor league team should the Pens not make the playoffs again. Oh wait, the Pens took care of that problem for the next fifteen years or so. I've never seen a more jealous group of fans in my life than you people. Now I know how I look when I talk about the Bills to my family in PA. Talk about inferiority complex. Sheesh.
  10. Don't worry too much, Ball State's defense has only been good enough to get 1,2 or 3 stops per game. The only problem for their opponents is that nobody has been able to stop BSU's offense. Should be relatively close for about 2 1/2 quarters. The atmosphere will suck as no one will be there. That always helps to calm down the better team in Detroit. Ball State 45 UB 17
  11. Yeah, I love when he tries to make issues with it. Because it is SO EASY growing up in Pittsburgh and rooting for the Bills. That went over real well with my family, lemme tell ya! My grandfather about rolled over in his grave I think.
  12. Yeah, I kinda like people who get jealous like that. People need to learn how to not wait for promises or depend on someone else to make their small fortune for them. Waiting for a handout or for some knight in shining armor to bail them out seems to be quite common in today's northeastern region in general. While I'm not really corporate, coming in from "far away HQ" and then leaving while others feel jealous as they sit they and pity themselves is kind of like winning a road game in the NFL. It's nice to go and shut em up as they just sit there and can't do a damn thing about. I'm from the "make it happen" yourself crowd thanks. Oh, and it's reeeeeeeeeeeeeeal tough to be a Yankees fan. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeal tough. Talk about your bandwagon jumper!
  13. Actually Prome, it should be a good game for awhile. If UB's offense is as good as some of you make it out to be, they should be able to hang around for quite a while. Ball State's defense isn't really all that great. They usually start out playing pretty badly, and then tighten up in the second half of games. Been that way all year.
  14. Ray Bentley is a tool. He was rooting hard against Ball State last week against Central. And at the beginning tonight, he was trying to cheer on Western Michigan about as hard as Wolf Blitzer tried to get John Kerry elected in 04, even after Kerry admitted he was the loser. Watching stupid ass Bentley do a Ball State game is about as objective as Todd Christensen rooting against the Bills vs. the Oilers in the comeback game. LET IT GO RAY......the MAC is much better today than when you played. Deal with it.
  15. I hear ya, and agree. HOWEVER, if Dante Love wouldn't have gotten hurt, I would say BSU's offense this year would have been better than Boise State's of 06-07. Easily. Ball State is better than the Big East or the ACC winner. That is something I WILL NOT back down from.
  16. Yeah imagine that.... A Penguins fan A Pirates Fan A Penn State Fan I GRADUATED AND PLAYED BASEBALL AT BALL STATE And a Bills fan! But hey, it's all in how you like to spin it. Keep going. You seem a little infatuated to me. After all, all you Bills/Yankees fans make about as much sense as me liking the Bills growing up in Pittsburgh. Shouldn't you all like Cleveland, Pitt, or Toronto?
  17. Yeah, because talking about the big conferences isn't enough. Hey, what are the big boys scared of???? Afraid Ball State will pull another Boise State on New Years Day??? Chickenshits! I've never seen a better bowl game than that Boise State game. But god forbid, don't let anyone else into the real bowl games......it's getting old!
  18. Cuz your gonna get rolled by my Cards next week. Brady Hoke will outcoach Gill. Nate Davis will outshine Willy. Miquale Lewis will continue to dominate the MAC. And Bills fans will salivate at the opportunity to watch their future TE, in Darius Hill. The line should be somewhere at about 17 1/2. Yeah UB fan, I'm talking to you. From soldout Schuemann Stadium tonight to Ford Field next week, your gonna get rolled. IT's official, and it's on. Please make a good showing for yourselves. The MAC Least has looked pretty damn weak this year. Can you make up for it? Ball State 45 UB 17
  19. While I agree with you here, a lot of the MAC schools are significant in terms of enrollment. I believe Kent is even over 45,000 students. Something crazy like that. I don't feel like looking this up, but I believe at one time, not more than 10 years ago, the MAC was leading the nation in total student enrollment. Even greater than the Big Ten, etc. Don't hold me to that, but I'm almost positive that was the case.
  20. I agree with you on this. I mean seriously, if I were a baseball coach and the Pirates came calling along with the Astros, of course I'd choose Houston. But if if it comes to the Pirates (syracuse) or the AAA Buffalo Bisons (UB), it's still a no brainer to take the Pirates job. Syracuse > UB
  21. The Big East has nothing to do with it. I'm as big of a MAC fan as they come, but come on people, my god. Here is the difference. There aren't 600 success stories from MAC coaches leaving and being in the BCS, but there are some really nice stories, spread throughout the conferences, FROM COMPARABLE SCHOOLS. This means Missouri, Utah, Cincinnati, Urban Meyer, Terry Hoeppner, Gary Pinkel, Randy Walker, and the list goes on and on. The Big East happens to be comparable because most of their schools have taken a big blow from the the big three leaving. However, the fact that they have their BCS ticket makes them 750 times better than ANY school in the MAC. The Big East is mentioned now, because it would be the easiest way to reach the BCS the fastest. And if you are any kind of coach, and you can maintain success, you should be able to compete for a BCS bid each and every year. Case in point, I think Ball State could win the Big East. I think Central Michigan or maybe even Western could win the Big East. I have no doubt. None of those three jobs in the MAC are better than ANY job in the Big East. NONE. The fact that Ball State is 11-0 with wins over BCS conference teams, and bowl bound Navy says so right there. The fact that Ball State is ranked 14th in the BCS behind Utah, Boise, and TCfugginU (with 2 losses) is a joke. It just says to anyone wanting to coach in the MAC, that you are crazy for wanting to do so. Seriously, TCU is ahead of Ball State. TCU with 2 losses. Here's the difference between the Big East and the MAC. You can be killing the MAC, and play in what is considered a big game in the MAC and play in front of about 20,000 fans (most of time not even close to that) if you are lucky. Most schools like Eastern Michigan, Kent, Northern Ill, etc draw actual attendances of about 2,000-5,000 people. They all announce their ticket sales as higher, but fannies in the seats are abysmal. In the Big East, WVU, Rutgers, Pitt, etc all draw real football crowds. They all have a traveling contingent should they make bowl games. They all have revenue generating teams that can PAY THEIR COACHES. MAC schools still have to take handouts from larger teams to make ends meet. MAC schools still play more games on the road than they do at home, because they make a ton more money at a big boy than they make hosting a home game vs. a 1-AA team. If the Big East is so bad like all of you are trying to make it out to be, and Turner Gill could turn around UB, then why wouldn't he take the same challenge in a BCS conference? Seriously, UB sucked, and so does Syracuse. Syracuse plays in a much better conference A(but also the weakest BCS conference), so why not go there and do the same thing he supposedly is doing at UB and make a BCS game? The Big East is the MAC of the BCS conferences. That's not a bad thing though. You gotta put those feelings aside and realize that UB is insignicant in college football. Most people don't even know that UB is a division 1 program. As is the story for Ball State. It sucks that college football is set up like this, but it is. Ball State has been televised on the ESPN networks almost every game this season. It's been really cooll. It's also played much of it's schedule on Tuesday and Wednesday, because they are a "sideshow" so to speak. It shows you where the MAC stands. If Gill does decent in Syracuse, he'll be on natioanl TV, in front of about 50,000 fans, playing for a ticket to win a multi-million dolllar payout and a huge raise. There's your difference between UB and Syracuse, and if you people don't think he'll take it, you are nuts.
  22. Another strong conference.....that means ANY BCS Conference. There are tons of examples, recently, of MAC coaches doing this. To think Gill wouldn't is ludicrous.
  23. Brady Hoke, from Ball State was said to have a shot for the Michigan job as well. Big Deal. Same deal, Hoke had already been a coach at Michigan, came to Ball State, turned it around.....and just like Gill.....didn't get it. Every coach that is doing well in the MAC is rumored to go other places all the time. Again, big friggin deal. The next logical step for a coach like Gill, just like Urban Meyer when he left Bowling Green for Utah, or Gary Pinkel for Missouri (who was god awful at the time he tok over) and the rest of the MAC coaches would be somewhere like Syracuse. The Big East is conference where quick turnarounds are not only possible, but BCS bids can be had about as easy as anywhere in the country. Case in point, the former Central Michigan coach now at Cincinnati. Cincy was a broken, never been anywhere program. Now look at them courtesy of a former MAC coach. They are knocking on the BCS door. Cincinnati was as bad a destination as Syracuse. now it's turned around. Terry Hoeppner, who died, was Miami's coach. He had Indiana, which is an abysmal program, going in the right direction and even got them to a bowl game. Then comes Bill Lynch, the guy who was in charge before Hoke was hired at Ball State and has run them back in to the ground. Hoeppner, however, had that team and program on the upswing. Randy Walker left the MAC to rescue a terrible Northwestern situation. He actually started making progress, after installing a spread offense and then died. Again, MAC to bad D-1 situation in Northwestern. See a trend here? And all of these coaches accmplished 5 times more than Gill in the MAC. Hot MAC coaches are a dime a dozen. I'm still waiting to hear from someone what separates Gill from the rest of the MAC coaches who have actually accomplished more!?!?!!? The next step for MAC coaches usually are the Syracuse types. I'm not sure I can think of a recent MAC coach that has gone from the MAC straight to a national power or a nationally known "traditional" powerhouse. Trust me, when Gill gets offered 8 times his salary to go to a BCS conference, he'll be gone in a minute. Buffalo is NOT a place where coaches are going to pass up other big time offers just to stay put. UB will be a launching pad for any coach wanting to reach the big time. If Gill is half as good as most of you make him out to be, he should be winning the Big East in the next three years.
  24. I can't stand the thought that we sold a game to Toronto. And now, it's going to be a relatively significant game. What a joke. However, that being said, Toronto would be a great NFL city. I mean, as much as we may hate the idea that the Bills are moving games up there, the interest in a Toronto franchise would be great. Seriously, would you pay Dallas Cowboy prices to see the Bills? Who do the Bills have on their team that is an even remotely marketable national star? The fact that any fans are ponying up as much as they are to see the Bills is halfway amazing in itself. The fact that they are getting a dud game, in terms of superstars, even futher proves the point. I mean, think about it, if you are a Canadian football fan longing to see NFL action, and it finally comes to your doorstep, are you going to pay New York City prices to see Miami and Buffalo? What legit star do you get to see for that kind of money? If the Cowboys or Colts or Steelers or some other teams were there as the main attraction, the place would be sold out the first day tickets went on sale. You can't have superstar prices without superstars on the field. After all, I don't pay $125 a ticket to see my local rock band just because they are playing in Toronto when I can see them for $5 in Buffalo. I would however, pay $125 to see Bruce Springsteen. The Bills, however, don't warrant Bruce Springsteen type fees. Dallas, Pittsburgh, Indy, New England, on the other hand.......
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