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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Insert Dick Jauron's record in his first 4 years as a head coach with the Bears here please! Gimmie a break.
  2. Nah, the current uni's fit. We are falling into one of the darkest eras (last 9 years) in Bills history, and we want to keep some continuity. So, the same goes for the current abortion uniforms. They are also, by far, the worst in Bills history, so we are going to keep them too for continuity.
  3. I was just quoted on some billboards where I work to do some advertising on. I'd love to see one right near RWS or on the I-90 where tons of cars pass it daily. Seems to be a monthly rental contract as well as some art set up fees. Seriously, if a bunch of people were to do it, it wouldn't be all that expensive to do. Hell, for advertising, since it's usually a one time art charge, throw the twobilldrive.com address and logo on there as well. Im still in for a contribution.
  4. Seriously, he nailed it. He has better thread management than Jauron has game management. I'm still laughing. LMAO!
  5. LMAO..............this is EXACTLY what happened to me. I read about the first two lines, and then skipped to see what the replies were and how many. Man, this post cracked me up because you nailed it exactly. LMAO!
  6. Not only the scheudule but one thing we now have to look at is the coaching matchups. We'll be behind the eight ball against the whole AFC East. The whole NFC South as well. That leaves the six other games (not the divisions that we are matched against in 09) where Dick matches up against Jeff Fisher, Tony Dungy, Gary Kubiak, a new coach in Cleveland, Jack Del Rio, and Herm Edwards. Feel good about outpreparing anyone next season?
  7. LOL, AMEN!!! Hell, I never lived in Buffalo and I'm a lifelong fan of the Bills. I now live in Richmond Viriginia (From Pittsburgh PA) and make it to about every home game with my season tickets. The season ticket holders around us are from Philly, NJ and two from right there in Orchard Park. They all came to my wedding last year. But seriously, what should people do who moved away from Western NY? Move back, collect unemployment just so they can be a "true" Bills fan? Gimmie a break. Quit whining about it. I know if I grew up in Western NY, that there isn't even a job in my field of work to even live near Buffalo. But hey, maybe the only way to be accepted here would be for me to give it up and become a pizza delivery man in Buffalo for about 1/50th of the salary I could make somewhere else.
  8. Amen. I hear ya. Doesn't mean I won't be a Bills fan anymore, I just won't buy season tickets. I've been a Bills fan all my life, and this is the FIRST time I've contemplated not renewing my season tickets. The fact that they are just about to lose me means that I know others are on that fence as well. I'm grateful I can afford season tickets, but this noncaring, selfish, sell a game to Toronto act is getting old really fast. I for one, am not willing to take much more (in terms of buying season tickets).
  9. So why don't you do this anyway then. Put your money where your mouth is. Last time I checked there are still about 20,000 seats available even before anyone cancels. So what has stopped you in the past. I have em and I live in Virginia. Call the Bills, I'm sure they'll get you set up.
  10. I swear to god as long as some kind of proof of cost is shown here, I will also put up $100 to chip in for this billboard!
  11. And yet, someone like Dickie Boy stays. Unreal.
  12. He could use the whole Toronto deal to go get Cowher. Then, maybe some Buffalo fans with actual pride wouldn't mind the game being up there so much. Seriously Ralph, it's getting old. Starting to really get annoying. Not like he cares, but he's "this" close to alienating a fanbase.
  13. There are certainly more attractive cities out there for Cowher to go to. However, there isn't an organization out there with the perfect setup available right now to clean house and bring him in. We also have cap room available to plug some immediate holes. What is telling is that Buffalo isn't even mentioned as a destination for him in the media, because nobody there even considers Buffalo a team that is serious about winning. I mean, seriously, maybe there are some things behind the scenes that Bills fans know nothing about, and that's the reason Ralph isn't more seriously considered for the hall. Just mind boggling, that we aren't even considered for his services.
  14. Here we are, 9 seasons and counting with not a playoff appearance. Here we are with a team with no real GM. Here we are with a bad head coach, and two coordinators with limited experience. Here we are a team with an owner nearing the end of his lifespan, more revenue streams from Toronto, and a great fanbase that is ripe for a great season. If Ralph Wilson had any serious inclination of wanting to really try to make a run at the super bowl, this is it. Cowher wants to go somewhere and bring his own football guy with him. I love Ralph Wilson. I've always supported him. But his act lately has grown old. His press conference in Toronto pushed me to the edge. But his cheapness here with Jauron has me swinging toward the Ralph doesn't really want to win crowd. I'm a season ticket holder, and he could keep the annoying, gutless, no pride Toronto game, raise prices and use that money to go get Cowher. Fix the whole organization in one swoop. But no. My only question is this.......WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR? You are 90 years old, go for it for god's sakes. Just some incoherent venting!
  15. Could be right......I forgot about OVerdorf. I still thought ole Russ did contracts for some reason.
  16. There is no way in hell. Kelsay and Denney both were NEVER worth all that much. I'm totally guessing here, but the season where Kelsay was even maybe worth a damn.......all of his sacks were in like just three games or something like that. He was irrelevant in the rest just like he is now. Anyone who ever watched football knew these guys are no more than backups. Matter of fact, when they were signed a ton of people here laughed their asses off at how much we gave them. If they would have garnered more on the open market, they would have left. A ton of fans thought these guys were overpaid from day one. Me included. I'd be OK with Kelsay as a backup IF we had a DE worth a damn to sit behind. Inexcusable.
  17. Did he not do Kelsay and Denney's? Two guys who provide pretty much nothing while commanding probably much more money than they would get from some other team. Remember even though Marv was the figurehead, he always said Brandon did all the contracts.
  18. I really need some help for my second RB choice. I would have Deshaun Foster at St. Louis or Jamal Lewis at home vs. Cincinnati. I'm really struggling with this one. My other back is A-Pete, but this one is killing me. Foster had a great game last week. I'm not sure what to do. Anyone? Anyone?
  19. Tuitama has been one of the most inconsistent, look great, look god awful Qb's over his entire career at Arizona. No thanks. We finally need players who can play, not who might have potential.
  20. I'm here to eat crow, so I don't look like a kitty. CONGRATS UB! However, I have a house full of people and one computer in my house, so I have to leave a message. Funny as this is, all the people around my season tickets from the Bills are here from Buffalo and just about killed me tonight. Talk about eating crow and being pissed off in my own house. I like GILL. The refs hosed us. The non TD was horseshit that would have put UB in a pretty big hole. Nate Davis was bad. I'll rehash this on Monday when everyone leaves here......but Gill is the epitomy of calm on the sidelines with a mean streak of quiet confidence. He's like what Dick Jauron should be, except Gill and his staff HAVE SOME FUGGIN BALLS. Nice job again, UB ruined BSU's dream season. So, let er rip, I made fun of UB for two weeks, and just like true Buffalo form, they fugged the MAC indirectly by knocking off BSU. However, a great win for them. OK, now back to the Bills. UB
  21. I would have never considered Bobby April a head coach in the NFL before just because he has great special teams units year after year. I also don't think any of us know if he knows any other football besides special teams. Can he manage a game, etc. What is interesting to me about April is that he is innovative. We see things from special teams that shock us each and every year. We see him coaching his units constantly. We see most of the things that his units do become successful. This is just pure guessing, but I'm wondering if April is head coach material, or if this is just a guy who will always just be suited to be a special teams coach. The guy motivates, innovates, stays on top of things, and is very creative. Seems like all the characteristics that would make a great leader. But, does he know the rest of the game? Intersting thoughts lately. When you see guys like Tony Sparano being so creative, etc.......I'm just wondering if April can be one of those guys.
  22. lol, nice Bring it, as I forgot to mention at how thrilled I am that we are playing in Toronto the next five years!
  23. They called me today also and asked me how my 2008 football season was going.......lol. I told the guy he was probably going to be getting beat up pretty bad today and he laughed. Yeah, I feel alot better now that I got that call today!
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