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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Yeah, this is the worst part of the MAC. This used to be what the MAC held it's hat on. I don't know what the hell happened to the MAC in bball. From 1988-1999, the MAC almost had teams in the sweet sixteen every year. And these were multiple teams. Ball State, Miami, Central Michigan, Eastern Michigan, and Ohio. Some of you may remember that Ball State was coached by Rick Majerus and Dick Hunsaker, and they took them to the sweet sixteen and they lost by 2 to UNLV. Ball State took an open three at the buzzer and missed it while losing 69-67. UNLV went on to whip Duke in the national championship game by 30. THen, Kent made the run to the final eight and also made it to the sweet sixteen in the early 2000's. For about the last 4 years or so, the MAC has fallen off the map in bball. It really sucks, because for awhile, the MAC was considered about the 9th best conference out of a then 33 in the nation for years. Strange.
  2. LOL. You may be right. I just wanted to talk some smack to drum up interest. Seriously though, I think the loss of Dante Love caught up to them. I know most people here don't know Dante Love, but he dominated the MAC as much as Michael Crabtree dominated the nation. When you remove a superstar like that, it's tough to recover. I was suprised that BSU continued to survive as long as they did without Love, but man, they were flat out awful their last two games.
  3. LMAO. I was thinking the same thing. Jeez. Winslow is a flat out stud who is unstoppable when he's healthy. So, you have to decide if his attitude is worth taking a chance on. He's a headcase and has been injured often. But when he's on the field and completely healthy, the guy dominates games period. When you have a TE that can dominate, your team becomes a nightmare to defend. Winslow, if healthy, can do that. This guy can play, period. But, do you take the chance that he doesn't implode? Tough Call.
  4. I know man, Ball State really tanked at the end of the year, and the conference overall was terrible this year in bowl games. Man, I don't know what to say. But when BSU's, do nothing wrong QB all year, turns the ball over 13 times in his last two games.......geez. I'm totally baffled. It's beyond ridiculous.
  5. For the life of me, I just don't understand why people don't just get Direct TV. I've never had bad service from DTV, they have the most HD channels, and they have every sports package, with home and away feeds, and most in HD. Ever since washing my hands clean of Comcast, my DTV has been great, and I've added internet service through Verizon FIOS, which doens't penalize you in you don't get their cable TV package along with the net service. Couldn't be happier going on three years now with DTV and FIOS.
  6. I'm calling BS on this. Anyone ever notice that sometimes these posts just come out of the blue when things are just dying down a little bit? So, this guy is a supposed first time poster, already knows to do a poll, and cancelled DTV all at the same time. I'm calling BS.
  7. And assuming your facts are correct here, most of the other 4-3 teams we played pretty much suck. So, maybe we just the best of the suckass group of NFL teams, no?
  8. I know, I know, but I actually rooted for Miami today. Ultimate underdog right now, and I'm jealous that they went out and got Parcells. I really have something against the Ravens for some reason. To me, with the murderer and Willis on their team, along with the all purple uni's, they are just like a ghetto team to me. Even with that stupid ass Maaryland symbol on their home field, everything bugs me about the Ravens, lol. Kind of like the current day, Oakland Raiders of the past. I've always hated the Ravens for some reason.
  9. Kinda like Tony Dungy hearing griping this year when he made the Colts practice outside the entire week in 20 degree temps the game before Cleveland. Kinda like Tony Sparano's comment yesterday that they no longer have room for guys that like to sit in the training room every week instead of getting better on the practice field with the real guys who wanna play. Meanwhile, we have lifeless Dick. It's just unbelievable really. Such is our life as a Bills fan.
  10. I'm not sure I've ever seen a better tackler than Winfield. I KNOW I've never seen a better tackler in the secondary as Winfield. If he just had a little bit better hands.......of course, that's why he's on defense most likely. lol
  11. Antoine Winfield. This guy can flat out play football. I would take Winfield over Nate Clements any day of the week. Antoine brings it every week, every down. He's an awesome football player in almost every phase of the game at this required position. I also miss Pat Williams, although he's hurt. But one guy I wish and feel the Bills should have kept is Winfield. The guy is worth the price of admission.
  12. I also agree 100%. I'm not sure why everyone continues to bow down to ND. Nobody really cares about their basketball, and their football team is becoming more irrelevant each season. As a Notre Dame hater myself, I used to be one of those who watched just hoping they would lose. Now, I don't even care about that anymore. I haven't watched a Notre Dame game in 5 years. I also wish the Big East would have some nuts and do this.
  13. Cincinnati was a mid major nobody just a short time ago with seemingly nothing to offer and they are now starting to blossom. They still haven't really turned the corner yet, despite this years bowl game vs. Tech, but this most likely has let people know they are in D-1 to stay as a serious player. THey have to do it again, IMO, if they will be taken seriously. THe Big East is still pretty weak right now, and so was Tech, and Cincy lost. However, CIncy is blossoming now as we speak. UB could do the same. Like UB, CIncy already has a great coach, also from the MAC. Central Florida would be a huge boost and would also blossom in the Big East, while giving S Fla a major rivalry game. Central Florida also has a good stadium, and are on the verge of exploding should they ever get into a BCS conference. I don't know much about Memphis as a football school, but I do know that while Central Fla was in the MAC, they had a very aggressive and committed athletic dept to move to a bigger conference. Marshall would maybe be a decent add, as they already draw well despite having a relatively non-attractive schedule every year. They would fit with WVU pretty well. But I'm thinking UB and C Fla would bode well for the Big East at the present.
  14. should be in the Big East. Just as a side note, I could care less about the Big East or UB, but I do follow MAC football closely. So, here we are today in a classic "who cares" bowl game that drew 40,000 plus fans between two northeastern cities. THis bowl game had more crowd enthusiasm and energy than 75% of most on the non-bcs games. THis game was pretty much just as well attended too. To those who think UB couldn't add to the Big East are crazy. If UB could get in, they would double their home crowds almost immediately. They could play all, or a portion of their games at the Ralph, and raise ticket prices to pay coaches. A schedule with Pitt, Cincy, WVU, Louisville, Rutgers and most important their natural rival Syracuse would be off the hook. I think UB, especially if the Bills were to keep struggling and eventually leave, could become another Cincinnati in a few years, and surpass what Syracuse has done in the past within 5 years. For the Big East, they would pick up a HUGE TV market that would turn into a great college town, IMO. Buffalo already fits that with the Bills. They would also add another NFL facility to their league. They would have games pitting teams where visiting fans would be able to travel easily to Buffalo for games. As a BCS school, UB would be able to attract some mighty big non conference games to RWS, and dare I say, sellout games. Taking say, a 2 for 1 deal with a Penn State type of team would give UB a game with 73,000 fans every 1 out of 3 years at the Ralph. UB would rise to prominance quickly, IMO. THis post has nothing to do with UB's recent success in football. Nobody really still takes the MAC seriously even if a team is having a great year. And, wIth the way the MAC has shown this year in it's bowls, UB would most likely be average at best in this year's Big East. BUT, they fit the Big East, and I think it would be cool if they made a run at it. They could also then recruit as a BCS school. I think the city of Buffalo would embrace the Bulls if they entered the Big East. It would also add yet another needed shot of money to it's local economy. I, for one, hope the best for UB if they ever try to enter the Big East!
  15. 95% of the time things happen almost EXACTLY like they say in the police report. It's amazing in today's world that so little people have respect for authority. Most of the time it's the perpetrator that is being the !@#$. I have almost no doubt Ko Simpson was the !@#$ in this situation. Anyone can go anywhere around the country, on almost every weekend, in a bar area, and see this exact same thing happen to numerous people. There are almost always a few dumbasses out there who are determined to not listen to authorities. There is also usually some dumbass who wouldn't be in trouble if he/she would just keep their mouth shut and stay outta the way. Ko seems to be "that guy" in this situation. I guess next we'll also say the weed found in the other guys pocket was planted by the police too. Cuz police just LOVE altercations where they have to write up reports over stupid schitt like this. Cmon man!
  16. Oh, oops. lol I just didn't want to hear another "the douchebag deserves a defense of his actions" plea. Sorry!
  17. Yeah, cuz police most of the time just make up sh-- this stupid and then file a report on it. Gimmie a break. He acted like a buffoon, and thought he could get away with being a dickhead because he has money. It's a minor offense, but that doesn't excuse him for being a dickhedd. What an idiot.
  18. Jumping off the bridge? Well damn, I didn't think we were all lined up to jump off of the peace bridge over this. I just thought everyone jumped on the bandwagon to celebrate Ko being a total douchebag in exclaiming that he's worth millions and is a Buffalo Bill. Well damn, if Ko has all that going for him, imagine what a good NFL player on a playoff team should be able to get away with. I mean something like "Hey, I'm LT, and I'm worth 10 times as much as Ko Simpson who is a Buffalo Bill." Hell, you outta be able to get away with murder for that. When you act, and speak like a total douchebag, you should get ridiculed. What an idiot this guy is. But no one is jumping off of a bridge. That being said, I hope he plays some better football next season.
  19. Boy he was all dressed up for a New Year's night out huh? lol. He may worth millions, but his shirt looks like it came from the 50% off rack at the Bills store! Probably a Losman Rules T-Shirt!
  20. Well, we finally know Ko has been posting as SKOOBY on here. Except they didn't say anthing in the report about an expensive, more than your house costs, kinda car being towed.
  21. It was soldout, it just didn't sellout in time to lift the blackout.
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