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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. 1. Lynch - Ran hard, and has a nose for the goal line 2. Jackson - Flashes of brilliance and contributed to wins 3. Greer - Made plays....we really need to keep this guy 4. Stroud - Has absolutely ZERO help around him, and still was solid 5. McGee - Stable CB, not elite, but very stable when healthy 6. Mitchell - The only player on defense to take over games twice this season - avg outside of that 7. Evans - Lee is Lee. See Stroud! 8. Whitner - I think we'll see this guys worth as soon as the Bills figure out the Dline is important 9. McKelvin - Started to blossom at the end 10. Parrish - ST ace set us up many times to be successful, to bad we hardly ever took advantage It's actually hard to make a list like this, because our team is so mediocre all over, with no real superstars.
  2. You've gotta be kidding me. Do you even watch football and see how guys like Fitz and Steve Smith go after the football whether it's a bad pass or something that's thrown perfectly to them? If Evans played opposite of "Q", the only thing that would happen is that "Q's" stats would go up. I don't know why it's so hard for people here to just realize that Evans is a good WR, but he's not a superstar. You can tell by watching him. Guys like Fitzy and Smith make things happen............guys like Evans sometimes are the happening WR because everything goes perfect during the play. I'm not even sure Evan's fantastic helmet catch would be in Fitzgeralds top five plays. Evans is not Fitzy, never will be. Ever. That's not really a bad thing. I just can't come to grips why Bills fans can't deal with it. Evans is still good. By the way, Fitzy had 20 receptions, for 362 yards and 6 TD's in 3 1/2 games while "Q" was out this year. And I'm positive he most likely received more attention than Evans in the opponents gameplan.
  3. Pride and Prejudice or whatever the hell its named and however the hell it's spelled
  4. at all of the replies to this point!
  5. I'm enjoying Crayonz posts in this thread, well, because that's what he does. But this post about takes the cake for stupidity. Maybe after watching one of Jim Kelly's games in the 90's at Pittsburgh, all of the hall of fame voters should have not voted him in the hall either. I mean, seriously, every game every starting QB in the NFL has in college I guess he throws for 375 yards, 3 TD's, and no INTS.
  6. Alright, let's clear this up. Because alot of the things being said about Davis are about as dumb as it gets, including the statement above from PTR. And yes, I actually do have inside info on Davis, as I played sports at BSU, as well as persoonally knowing two coaches on their staff.....one of which was my roomie in college and a former player, and one of which I actually coached in High School. Davis has a learning disability. He has trouble in school, not in his playbook. He knows the playbook fine. He also does slightly above average in school, but has to work twice as hard as anyone else at school just to stay in OK shape. He has no troubles with his playbook. Second, Davis has a ton of skills that many pro scouts covet. He had a two year run at BSU where he did almost nothing wrong. He never turned the ball over. He has a rocket arm. He was a good teammate. And he moves enough in the pocket to buy himself time to throw. The fact that he had an incredible season with Dante Love gone, made him even more marketable this season. Then came the last two games. He was flat out awful. The only defense he has was that he actually contracted the flu the day before the Buffalo game. But the turnovers were flat out awful, and he started to looked non-confident for the first time ever. So, everyone waited to see how he would handle the bowl game, and he played just as bad as the game before. So, there you have it. A sure fire QB with all the right skills to have an impact as a 1st or early 2nd round QB in the NFL draft, and who's body of work over 95% of his career was flat out almost perfect. And now, just because things are never perfect, you add two end games to his legacy that are absolutely pathetic. Just enough to make you wonder. My thoughts: I thought Davis should have waited another year to go pro. He looked like to me, that he lost all of his confidence in those last two games, and you have to wonder that if he doesn't have early success in the NFL, if that would ruin him or not. If it wasn't for those two games, this kid was golden. Now, that small sample of playing time, could be killing him. Not a smart time for him to enter the draft, IMO. I personally wouldn't touch Davis until round 4, but that's me.
  7. He had one long carry. The huge run. What was Parker that year, a rookie? So, Willie Parker carved up Pat Williams, Sam Adams, Takeo Spikes, London Fletcher, Nate Clements, Antoine Winfield (Was he still here then?), Aaron Schobel and the rest of the Bills? So, that's acceptable? James Harrison also played on that team. He was being bounced back and forth between linebacker and DE at the time. Tommy Maddox was the QB and even TRIED his hardest to give us the game by throwing the pick to Clements for a TD. Hell, if I'm not mistaken, didn't Antwaan Randel El have a career game at wideout that day against us? I guess now someone wants to tell me he was good too. Not to mention that if Randel El was in there, who in the hell the other buttplugger was on the opposite side of him. Gimmie a break. Hell, Parker isn't even that good today as he was in that game. We were at home. We had to win to get in. The Jets were losing the whole time we were playing. And the Steelers had their starters on the BENCH. PATHETIC.
  8. Ahhhhh, finally someone who remembers the cowbell. When almost every avatar was a cowbell for a week straight. That, and the linkage the Satruday Night skit that actually showed some cowbell. And then, Tommy Maddox and the boys took it away from us. The Bills curse even killed the cowbell.
  9. No, for real, almost the whole board displayed cowbell! And the cowbell, that started here, even spilled over to the airways on WGR, and then they had cowbell. And then, most of felt stupid when we lost at home to Pitts 9th stringers. But......for one week.....MOST everyone here had cowbell. We really did. The problem is, we will probably will never have cowbell again, because of two things..... 1. We suck, and there is really no end in sight. 2. Cowbell didn't work the first time. But for those magical 7 days, cowbell spread throughout TBD, like herpes through the Bunny Ranch.
  10. by the Steelers 9th stringers? In that magical week before week 17, about 70% of the board had cowbell. They even took the idea, and WGR had cowbell. Man, we suck.
  11. Shouldn't we be rooting for the Cardinals because ummm.....well......they kinda suck too, just like us? Well, except not quite as bad as us anymore? Or, something like that? Go Cards, they are fun to watch.
  12. Run, run, run......try a long FG into the fuggin wind for the win! Brilliant coaching. And then Cleveland proceeded to not score an offensive TD after that game, for what, like 5 or 6 games? What a tard!
  13. I haven't read a realfootball365 article in about 2 or 3 months and I swear, unofficially, it's helped me live a much calmer and less sarcastic life. However, I must admit, I do read the little preview paragraph on the front page of TBD (which I do for every article) and then decide what to read or not to read. I do, almost always read the 365 preview paragraph, so that I can chuckle, and then move on to the other "credible" newsworthy articles. From past experience, I must say it seems this is the time of year that the high school interns at 365 have to pump out a 150 word arcticle daily or not receive their $5 for their column. I mean seriously, why are they on the front page of TBD. I know we'll never get an answer to this, but my god. I mean, here are the articles and their translations from this week so far (albeit, no quotes or sources from anyone): WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS, DEFENSE FAILS LESS - I'm guessing the translation to this blog/article is saying the the mediocre defense was a little less miserable than coaching or offense. I don't know. BILLS GAINED ALOT, WITHOUT GAINING MUCH - Maybe another blog / opinion about the Bills ground game having some nice numbers but never really taking over a game, or not ever given the chance to take one over. Hell, I don't know, didn't read it. HARRISON WOULD BE PERFECT AS SECOND - BEST WIDEOUT FOR BILLS - Where wouldn't Harrison be perfect if he wasn't considered the #1? Arizona and Dallas, maybe? Although, Boldin will be gone this year, and Dallas might actually be better with Jones as a #1 and Harrison as a #2, while T.O. sits on waivers. Who knows. But I mean, ask yourself this.......are you a more informed reader by having access to 365 or do they simply make your website look worse by crediting them as a news source on your front page? Come on, someone fess up, who's kid works for realfootball 365? Its gotta be someone's. And I know, I know, don't read it blah blah blah.......or, why do people feel like picking on 365 constantly? Well, because they are worth being picked on. If everyone can't stand WGR or Sully, well then geez, what should be left.......a web of RF365? SHEESH!
  14. Jesus. With the state of our team, does a record with the Colts of 92-33 not look unreal to some of you? I look at that and flat at marvel at how good they have had it under Dungy. And now back to reality.........
  15. Could we take out the nightlife part of this article, replace it with pulling a gun on someone, and then replace Thomas' name everywhere in article with Hardy? I'm just sayin.
  16. They didn't change jack squat. While I could care less about the Cowboys, Arizona is a ton better than Buffalo. Arizona actually has playmakers all over the offensive side of the field. The Bills, well, they kinda might have one in Marshawn. Maybe. Actually, probably not. The Cards are a damn good football team at home, and their stars are producing so far in the playoffs. The only shock is that the Cards have finally played well on the road. IF, the Eagles beat the Giants tomorrow, the Cards, at home, could easily be in the Super Bowl.
  17. And that would be bad, why? I wouldn't mind watching a game including Warner, Fitzgerald, Boldin, newly reborn Edge, Breaston and The AFC's best QB this year, Phillip Rivers, LT, Sproles, Gates, Vincent Jackson. Yeah, that would be terrible. I actually like watching the Cards play, and hope Boldin comes back next week.
  18. The fact that the Giants have the three headed monster running attack makes their pass offense that much better. That fact that they had Plaxico Burress with Toomer on the other side made the field wide open for TE's. The fact that Boss is nowhere near as athletic as Shockey or Winslow makes him about useless in the sense that he probably wouldn't be that much better anywhere else in the league except NY. It's amazing anyone would even attempt to compare the slow ploddering Boss to Winslow. It's totally stupid. Winslow played 1/2 season this year on a HORRIFIC offense and still outproduced Boss. There is absutely nothing to back up the point that Boss could even sniff Winslow's jock right now in the NFL. Nothing.
  19. In an injury plagued year. Boss plays for the world champs on what was a stacked offense. Anyone who wants to compare Boss to Winslow needs to have their head examined or get a job in the Bills front office. Like I said before, if you don't want him because he's usually as angry as Larry Johnson, that he's head case, or that he has shown some injury issues, then fine. But this is the guy who: Caught 89 passes for 875 yards in 2006. This is also the guy who caught 82 passes for 1106 yards in 07.....in 14 games. And yes, this is the guy who caught 43 balls for 428 last year, in EIGHT starts. On an offense that was putrid all year. Winslow can play the game. Kevin Boss most likely wouldnt' amount to crap on mediocre teams. He's lucky he plays for the Giants. I'm not sure I would want Winslow with a young QB, but don't try to tell me the guy can't play the game.
  20. Thank god somebody else actually watches some other NFL football. By reading some of the responses to this topic, I was beginning to think that people have lost their mind. Tell me you don't want him because he's a headcase, and ok, I'll buy that. But don't tell me this guy can't play. When, and that's been a question mark, but when he's on the field, he's a stud at the TE position. Period. Hell, Winslow in a Bills uni for a half a season is still better than all of our TE's combined for a full season. Easily. However, again, will he implode? That's the question.
  21. I hope the MAC can stay affiliated with this bowl. The Internaional bowl has appeal because it's a chance for people to see the American Game and of course, it's a nice city for the two teams' fan to travel to. This game, for a ho-hum nationally appealing matchup has already done well before UB got there. The first year for the bowl drew 27,000. Last year, it drew 32,000. This year it drew 40,000. UB obvoiusly helped, but the game is actually getting it's legs under it pretty well already. Especially for having ties to the MAC and the BCS weakling Big East. I think this is a fantastic bowl for the MAC, but let's just hope it isn't too successful in the near future to cut ties with the MAC and switch to a bigger conference.
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