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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. I feel ya on that one! And I fixed the comment for ya.
  2. There isn't a person in his right mind today.......that if they were offered ownership of the Bills from Ralph himself.....if their team scored a TD vs Pittsburgh, and they only had one drive to do it, and they had to take one of two lineups to do it, would not pick this lineup: WR Boldin WR Evans WR Reed RB Jackson TE Free Agent QB Edwards over this one..... WR Evans WR Reed WR Parrish / Hardy RB Lynch TE Free Agent QB Edwards Its not even close. The ONLY place I might miss lineup #2 is at the 3 yard line on first and goal. That's where Lynch is valuable, comparibly, in these two lineups. However, we've also forgot what's it's like to throw a ball up for grabs and have a stud go up and get it. That's what Boldin gives you there. Ummmmm, yeah,.......I take lineup one....as I don't even think lineup two would make it past the fifty.
  3. Let's look at the top 5 WR's in football, and then let's rush you to the doctor to get your head examined. If you think Warner made Boldin and Fitzgerald, you must be crazy. If you think any of the Detroit QB's this season made Calvin Johnson, you must be crazy. If you think Matt Schaub or Sage Rosenfels made Andre Johnson, you must be crazy. If you think the only reason Steve Smith is Steve Smith because of Jake Delhomme, well......well.....you know. Please!
  4. No one will admit this. You know why? Because Marshawn is the only player that we have that comes close to being a top notched player in this league. So, despite having a capable, PROVEN #2 take over a position that is the most easily replaced in the NFL with a stud WR, they won't do it. This team is so void on superstar talent, that everyone thinks Lynch is not expendable just because he is our only "name" player. This logic is the same reason we are the Buffalo Bills (the new replacement for the old Arizona Cardinals). This type of stuff, is Bill Polian type of Buffalo Bills guts. Love Marshawn.......but in this one......he would lose, IMO. Easily.
  5. No, you actually need to re-read, it actually makes sense to a few more. And at least while we've xcited examples of our positions succeeding in multiple places, you seem to only hang your hat on how bad Trent is at QB.....which is grossly exaggerated by you.
  6. Yeah, cuz Jim Kelly's teams never threw the ball, ever. We need to run the ball, because we haven't had a decent WRing corps since the 90's. You have to run the ball in Buffalo when your WR's suck. Moulds had a good opposite one year, and Peerless turned out the be a fluke. Funny that passing the ball never seemed so damn scary until Jim Kelly and the boys were all washed up.
  7. OK great.....you know what.......we need someone on this team who actually wants the damn ball. I'm so sick of the goody two shoes crap that goes on. Seriously, that's what you get when have playmakers. Reed bitched. Thomas bitched. Kelly told everyone to shut up, and the Bills dominated games. You know why, cuz those guys wanted the ball. Boldin's timing was awful on Sunday, but jesus, isn't anyone else sick of seeing the Bills without some friggin attitude on the field. Boldin opposite of Lee Evans would be sick. SICK. Marshawn with Lee and Josh and the boys would continue to be anemic. I want to actually win football games again. An offense with Boldin and Lee would be sick. Especially if have a guy waiting in the wings, who can play........Fred Jackson. Add a pass catching TE in FA'cy and that offense would be devastating.
  8. Then you obviously don't watch football if you don't think Boldin could get 5 catches a game in ANY offense. Happen to see Boldin's double digit catch games this season? Better yet, see.....Johnson, Calvin in Detroit. See his year, with maybe the worst Qb play in NFL history. Those are what studs do for your team. Boldin is a stud.
  9. You are missing the point. BOLDIN IS A STUD player. He's a playmaker. He's a gamebreaker. Period. It's not totally about improving the WR's. He'd improve our WR's to the point where it would create tremendous pressure on defenses to defend us. Amani Toomer would also improve our WR corps. However, he would not improve us to the point where it would make us explosive. Big difference. When you add in Fred Jackson, and his body of work over the last two years, you start to think that maybe a deal like this could work. Then, you look around the league, and you see that RB's are the most easily replaced position in the NFL, and you really start to warm up to the idea. Marshawn is a fantastic player, and would be a great fit in Arizona. Boldin is a stud and would be a great fit in Buffalo. Both teams have sufficient help in the areas they would be losing talent, while SIGNIFICANTLY upgrading the position they would be acquiring. I've gotta say, this makes way too much sense to actually happen. You usually see some dumb things proposed about trades, but this one has legs. I gotta give it to AD on this one. Deifinately worth the discussion.
  10. Bingo. LMAO. Gotta love the what if X player gets hurt stuff. Hell, what if Evans gets hurt in the current offense. I'd be hard pressed to think we could actually complete more than 5 passes per game to our WR's. With Boldin, he would have 5 catches automatic.
  11. Trent wasn't terrible. And the fact that he had a HUGE part in winning those games at the beginning....what should we do, jsut throw that out? The more and more I look at it, Trent, is about right on par with Joe Flacco, but Flacco gets all of this pub. I'm not saying Trent is an all pro, but the fact that' he's young and has shown flashes means he has the talent. I'm not fixated on Boldin, I'm fixated on a STUD player. And yeah, I think Jasckson could be the next Michael Turner in terms of success. Not with the same type of power running game, but in terms of success, yes. Again, which has been proven over and over and over, it's much easier to find RB help than WR help. I'd take Boldin, in our situation.
  12. Well, I don't. Our WR's suck. I can't, for the life of me figure out, how some of you can actually watch pro football, and not figure out that our WR's suck. Evans is above average. And the crap after that is pure pathetic. When you watch guys like Boldin, Fitzgerald, Steve Smith, Hines Ward, and some of these other elite WR's go after the ball, it should show you that we have bad WR's. Now, Joe Flacco on the other hand has pretty much done nothing as far as I've seen. He stares at Derrick Mason constantnly, and throws incomplete deep balls every now and then. But that makes him good I guess. The Ravens lost because they have ZERO offense. Yet, Trent, who has shown flashes of very good play, is terrible. Give Trent weapons, and he's above average. Hell, Give Flacco better weapons and he's above average. Boldin is a game changer. We don't have one of those. Period. Anytime I have a chance to get a gamechanger in his 20's, that isn't a RB, I do it.
  13. And this is the kind of backwards ass, gutless logic that I hate. Because while you could name me 3-4 games last year where our QB coudln't get Jesus Christ the ball, I can name about 8 games where our QB's did get a below average WR corps the ball....meaning Evans, Reed and Parrish. Now, imagine if that WR was lead by Boldin......bad things man, bad things. You all act like Edwards was horrible every game. He has started a handful of games in this league and has shown flashes with a crappy supporting cast. Give him some weapons, and see how those mediocre games become more than solid. Curt Warner could have been the Bills QB last year, and you bet your ass he'd have about 20 INT's and would be retiring this season, with the subpar skill people around him.
  14. Again, BS. The passing game isn't all the effective because it has Lee Evans, Josh Reed, and Roscoe Parrish as it's options. Period. This is Anquan Boldin. The guy makes plays with any QB. And Evans would be that much better. Hell, Calvin Johnson makes plays in Detroit, because he's a stud. The same would happen here.
  15. And this was thrown right out the door this year with Arizona. Last year, the Pats went 18-0 before losing a close game to New York with an explosive passing game. And there's no way in hell, Indy goes anywhere without Peyton Manning throwing the ball. And New England was an explosive passing team last year, and they are the poster child for subbing in bad RB's, making the case even more for a Boldin for Lunch trade. Lamont Jordan, Sammy Morris, Maroney, Faulk, Dillon, Green-Ellis, and all the other stop gaps they have ran out there. RB's are a dime a dozen. About the only unstoppable guy in this league at RB is Adrian Peterson. Not saying there aren't others, but he is about the only guy that can be counted on every week to win a game for you. And even that doesn't bode too well for the Vikes as their record has shown.
  16. No way in hell. Did you ever see Boldin run after the catch? It has been so long that we've had any kind of talent in here that people's brains have warped I think. Boldin makes plays anywhere on the field. Deep, short, over the middle, screens, period. He's a stud. Period. Evans would then benefit tremedously from this. THEN, Reed goes in over the middle as the possesion guy. Turk would be like a kid in a candy store with those guys. Add Jackson's hands out of the backfield, and then a pass catching TE to the mix. Now, tell me, what team in our division could cover all those guys on one 3 WR, 1 RB, 1 TE set? I know the Pats and their aging assed LB's couldn't. The Jets? Ummm no. The Dolphins? Not at this time. We would actually have teams in our division having to adapt their defenses to stop all of our options. Those 3-4 rush LB's could easily get burned if Edwards was up to the task with reading coverages. I like it more and more. Plus, Arizona needs a RB. I love Lynch, but in this case........see ya
  17. BS.....Jackson is already capable. Boldin is a stud. Evans would be better, and Reed would be the Wes Welker type. Unstoppable combo there. Jackson would handle the load and we could find the backup RB, much easier than adding another crappy medicore WR. Since this would be a trade, the Bills could still spend money on a pass catching TE, and this offense would be explosive. This is actually a great deal for both teams.
  18. If you had defenses worrying about covering that offense, the running game would open up immensely. Offense is offense, it can be built many different ways. I think it has snowed and has been just as sh------- in NE over the last few years than in Buffalo, and they built an unstoppable passing game two years ago. We could do the sa,me.
  19. I even have to reply to myself here......lol......if you added a Free Agent, pass catching TE, to the Boldin, Evans, Reed, Jackson and Edwards offense....I would almost dare to say that would be a damn near unstoppable pass offense to cover.
  20. I'd do it in a minute. Boldin, Evans, Reed, Jackson, and Edwards > Evans, Reed, Parrish, Lynch and Edwards Love Marshawn, but RB's are the easiest to replace, especially if the Bills would address the line.
  21. It could? What next, Chris Watson interviewing for our DB's coach?
  22. No, I think Arizona answered that question when they hammered us earlier this year.
  23. And this last paragraph is exactly why the Bills are the Bills. Instead of paying a guy to stay and making a strength out of their CB's to match up with say......NE, they'll let a guy go away and continually get burned by NE's third WR, or pretty soon Miami's 3rd WR, or NY's. I don't get it...you can be so far ahead of the game with a good nickel corner, OR a fantastic third WR, but the crappy teams just don't seem to get that. Just think......Steve Breaston vs. Reggie Corner. I'll take Breaston to win that matchup. Hell, let's say McGee goes down again, and then Youbouty is shifted into the nickel role. Then, it's Gaffney from Pats vs. youbouty. Again, I'll take Gaffney. Now, sign Greer and you have three very solid corners. Something of course we won't do, even with having about 4 trillion of cap money to spend. Of course, this is after we DON"T go out and get any D-Line help either.
  24. What team doesn't have raw and promising players? We have ZERO superstar talent on this team. None. Lynch is the only guy that could even be mentioned. Even at that, our tandem of Lynch and Jackson would be the only thing the Buffalo Bills could boast that might, and I stress might, be one of the best tandems in the league.
  25. It's amazing that people here can't get what troubles the Bills.......let's try this, although I know it won't work..... WE NEED A DEFENSIVE LINE Until that problem is addressed, it doesn't matter if Reed and Polamalu are back there. They can only cover for so long, and would be making tackles 8 yards downfield. LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE
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