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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Even though this posts stinks of more douche-ness from you, trying to again make yourself pathetically look important, I must answer. In most years I would turn down the trip, I think I would go tonight just to hear Springsteen. I think he puts the hassle of actually going to the game over the top. Other than that, I've always said the AFC or NFC Championship games at your home stadium are much better than being at the actual Super Bowl. 3/4 of the people at the Super Bowl nowadays probably haven;t been to a game all year. Springsteen would be the wild card for me, as I could care less about either team.
  2. Another words, like I said, we all already know...... We have no pass rush. It's yet another way to state the obvious.
  3. ONE. The number assigned to the only moron who posted this today. We all know most of this already.
  4. We did all of our stuff this morning, hoping that Ralph would join Bruce and it happened. Canton is really a pretty boring place outside of the hall of fame festivities that take place. We all booked seven rooms at a brand new Sleep Inn 10 miles from the Hall of Fame for $70 a night. We also ordered our tickets on the phone today, and got row E in Section 5. Just need game tickets now. The packages are a rip off, and most of the festivities are pretty boring and a ripoff in those packages. The reason is pretty simple.....most people pay for the packages to get autographs or talk to older players.....trust me, you'll see old hall of famers anyway, because they freely walk around all of the Hall of Fame grounds. Take 30 minutes and book everything yourself. If you buy one of the packages, you'll have fun, but you'll wonder why the hell you spent all that money on it once it's all said and done. And seriously, stay 10 miles out, and save yourself about $300 a night in hotel fees. It'll be just as fun. The manager at my hotel said about half of the rooms are to Buffalo Bills fans for Saturday and now Sunday night. Kelly's induction was insane, this one will be also. There will be THOUSANDS of Bills fans, I have no doubt. Enjoy!
  5. This kind of evaluation and logic are the reasons teams like the Bengals and Lions exist. Yes, because people can actually convince themselves that this may indeed be the case. I'll come back and eat my words if you are right......but I'm more inclined to think you've hit the crackpipe today!
  6. I'm watching the actual broadcast of the Steelers - Cowboys Superbowl. It's pretty cool, I gotta admit. To see how good the players we always here about is pretty neat, IMO. I think....what would be cool on the NFL Network, is if they actually replayed, IN FULL, an NFL season from start to finish from a year from the past. How cool would it be if they replayed say....1980, had games on each sunday, same halftime shows, etc. All the way through the playoffs. I'd most likely watch alot of the games every week. IMO, it would be a great way to kill an NFL offseason. Anyone?
  7. Ask him if he realizes that if the Bills ever become a serious contender in the NFL again, that he'll be looking for work again as bounced around camp fodder?
  8. Awesome, now Sam can back up Roscoe as the third down WR and backup PR. We're on our way boys. You just watch Belicheck and Parcells panic and make moves to nuetralize these two players. Nix is already working. Superbowl.
  9. They can laugh all they want with their Superbowl rings. There are a hell of a lot of owners that don't have one of those.
  10. Gee, what a genius here. Do you think he had great numbers at the time? Reed was a the 2nd best WR of all time when he retired, WHICH IS THE ERA HE SHOULD BE COMPARED AGAINST. Again, your arguments are weak for Reed vs. Carter. Carter enjoyed very good QB play during his career, despite you inferring that his QB's were bad. So, then you switched from that argument to "Carter is 2nd all time right now" case closed crap. Again lame, because Reed was second when he retired. But I guess that doesn't count. As pretty soon, Carter will slide down the ladder. Carter also hit the pass happy era of the NFL more than Reed. So much so that I give you this stat......over their careers, minus each one's last year in which they were with Miami and Denver........this is Carters advantage, numbers wise over Reed....... During Carters career, his teams threw the ball 8,215 times. The Bills threw the ball 7,462 in Reeds games. A difference of amount 750 balls or so. Think Carter should have more catches and TD'S? I certainly do. Think that makes their stats much more alike? I KNOW it does. Give Andre the extra 750 balls up in the air, and see how things come out. His postseason numbers are ALREADY better, now let's add the extra 750 passes.
  11. OK, Lets clean this up, and state fact. Randy Moss played alongside of Cris Carter for 4 full years. Reed has better postseason numbers than Cris Carter period. More catches, more TD's, and maybe most importantly, a higher YPC average in the postseason than Carter. Reed also played in 5 more postseason games. Reed and Carter both came up lame in their conference championship games, but Reed played fairly well in SB's. He had 27 catches in 4 games. Carter never got to a superbowl. Reed had 5 100 yard games in the playoffs, spread out over the course of his playoff career. Carter had two, and they came in his first 4 playoff games, and he never sniffed another 100 yard postseason performance in his final 10 games. The QB situation....And yeah I feel real bad for Carter......(sarcasm on) 1987-1990 He sucked. Not even worth mentioning. 1990-92 Carter also had Rich Gannon - 4 time NFL All Star, and 2 Time All pro, and one time NFL MVP 1993 Jim Mcmahon who went 8-4 and lead them to the playoffs. 1994-96 "Old Ass" Warren Moon was a pro bowler in 94 and 95. 1997 Brad Johnson was 8-5 with 20 TD's and 12 INT's / 2 time all pro in his career. 1998 Randall Cunningham was an first team all pro and pro bowl starting QB 1999 Jeff George went 8-2 as a starter, won a playoff game, was a pro bowler, and threw 23 TD's to 12 INT's 2000-end - Culpepper took over and was ridiculously good, except one year.
  12. Buffalo Bills Pittsburgh Pirates LA Clippers NY Islanders That High School Basketball team that lost 100-0. Sound about right?
  13. So tell me again why Cris Carter is a lock for the hall? Because, B through E, he lacks any of these, and he played in a better passing era than Reed. He also had Randy Moss on the other side of him. I don't get the fascination with Cris Carter.....at all.
  14. imagine how our off-season would've shaped up so far. News on Grudens Firing The Bucs actually like their fans. Neat concept, even if it's just lip service. Smart. Think Dickie Boy would still be here? Of course though, then the Bills jinx kicks in again, and we'd probably hire the fired D-coordinator in New Orleans, or someone else unproven and mediocre at best, as the new head coach. And the circus goes on.....and on......and on!
  15. Usually when you have a guy like this, and you have to ask.....then no, he isn't. No matter how many times you watch ESPN, and listen to people who think they are being trendy by saying you need a mobile QB.....it's all bullschitt. See this years Superbowl. And last years, and the year before, etc, etc, etc. This game still needs a pure passers to win them......Pat White is a fad.
  16. He was a lazy high school player. I know, I personally coached against him. His high school program was also terrible, so I don't think they instilled any kind of work ethic in him. Then, reports continued that he was very lazy in the beginning at NC State. He supposedly turned that around toward the end of his career there. Then, supposedly trends continued in Buffalo. I'm thinking John McCargo is John McCargo's problem......not the coaching staff.
  17. Well, let's guess ourselves...... QB - No RB - Yes WR - No TE - No OL - No DL - No LB - No CB - Yes S - No ST - Yes So, nahhhh, we don't have the best talent in the division. And, you are right, we also don't have the best coaching in the division. Not a good combo, IMO.
  18. Very lame. It just shows, at the very least, they relied on the pass as much as the run. Oh, so there CAN be a passing game in Buffalo huh? Wow, and so many act like they never knew this.
  19. Whoa......52% to 48%. So, it was a balanced attack, and that's assuming that you are telling the truth. I remember Andre and Lofton running into the endzone many times, along with Thurman out of the backfield. So, in all, yeah, the Bills threw the ball a ton. Especially considering that the Bills were killing the clock many times because they were totally dogging the opponent. That attack was evenly balanced, which means the PASS was just as important to them as the RUN. Look that up Thurman.
  20. I don't know anyone who was labeling Thomas Jones a bust. He's actually pretty damn solid. Many Bears fans were kind of pissed they got rid of him. That being said, I personally would take Lynch. The Lynch/Jackson combo is pretty strong, IMO. At the very best, Jones would be a lateral talent swap, and I still don't think that would be equal.
  21. And in 2005-06, Warner started in less than half of the teams games over the two year span. He didn't seem to want to include that.
  22. You did state that Warner played in, not even start in, 10 games in 2005 right? Oh, and he played in 6 games, not starts, in 2006 right? I'm just checking? You also wanted to state that Anquan had 101 RECEPTIONS in 2003 right? Ummm, Warner wasn't there in 2003. Or, did you conviently forget?
  23. Ummm yeah ok. How do think the Hall of Fame QB would have looked anywhere else this year than in Arizona? I love Warner, but he's in about the only spot in the NFL this year where he could succeed. And that's because Fitz and Boldin are there. Calvin Johnson is an elite WR. Already. Done deal. That's known by anyone who watches the NFL from scouts to fans to GM's to well......canadian fans know this. What he did this year with the crap they had on offense is beyond disgusting. You failed to answer Andre Johnson. And yeah, Steve Smith was good with or without Delhomme. About the only guy Smith was hampered with was Vinny Testerverde, the year Delhomme went down. Even at that, he caught almost all of their passes, although it was far less. I also think Smith inujured his hammy that year if I'm not mistaken. If you want to tell me Manning made Reggie Wayne. OK, I can live with that. If you want to tell me Brady revived life into Moss and Welker.....OK....I'll buy it I guess. Don't tell me that the likes of any Detroit QB, Delhomme, Schaub, Rosenfels, or Warner made any of these guys. I don't think many would buy that. Smith - Best player on his team. Johnson - Best player on his team Fitz - Best player on his team. Boldin - 2nd best player on his team. Johnson - Best player on his team On the other hand...... Manning - Best player on his team Brady - Best player on his team
  24. And I hate to defend Boldin's behavior, but the only reason Boldin is disgruntled is because he was a stud before Fitz got there. A mighty stud. And they chose to re-up Fitz over or before Boldin. Seems legit to me to be angered by that somewhat. That being said, to do what he did Sunday, was just stupid. The timing was awful. Make no mistake about this though......If the Cards lose Boldin (which they will), and while Warner gets one year older.......they will NOT be the same team next year. Fitz is probably the best WR in the league. But, Boldin is easily top 5 and maybe top three. The Cards will struggle. They are the Cardinals because they have Fitzy AND Boldin. Without Boldin, and unless they change their philosophy to a more power running attack first, pass second, they Cards will not be the same next year. Write it down. They are who people think they are......Fitzy, Boldin and an aging QB just barely capable and smart enough to get them the ball.........next year though.........does Warner hit the wall, and struggle when he has only one automatic ooption in Fitzy? Boldin is the real deal.
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