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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Not a tough choice? I'm thinking people are on a bit of crack when they compare these two players. I voted for Thurman, and I think he was the best weapon in the NFL for about 5 years in a row. Many coaches thought that way too. Many thought the key to stopping the Bills attack in the 90's was predicated on stopping Thurman. But not even close you say? Ummmmmmmmmmm.... Total Yards Rushing: Thurman 12,074 OJ 11,236 Rushing TD's Thurman 65 OJ 61 YPC Thurman 4.2 OJ 4.7 Receptions Thurman 472 OJ 203 Rec Yards Thurman 4458 OJ 2142 REC TD's Thurman 23 OJ 14 PLAYOFFS (This is in addition to the regular season) Thurman 1442 Yards / 21 TD's / 4.3 YPC / 76 REC - 672 Yards OJ - 49 yards, 1 TD / 3.3 YPC / 3 REC / 37 Yards THen, add that Thurman Thomas may have be the best blocking back in the history of the game. He was fearless picking up the blitz. I have to honestly say I don't know much about OJ in this dept. I'm tending to think OJ was the much more pure runner but Thomas was overall the better player. I had ZERO problem voting Thomas over OJ, and it had nothing to do with off field issues.
  2. In all honesty, I don't want anything. I just want the service done right. For some reason....I've had DTV for 6 years now, and they have been awful this past year for me. And again, in Lowe's case, I just wanted the problem fixed without me having to wait around another day or taking a day off of work for them to fix it. Thing is, they fixed it for me, right away, and without me having to do the leg work. That hasn't been the case with DTV. Some of the subcontractors suck. There is no doubt. The guy who came to fix my HD DISH, said the first guy was in idiot. OK, that's great. My problem is that DTV said they would remedy that for me, and they didn't. They also didn't help solve the problem, period. When one goes through things like this, this is how you lose customers. Now, I'm only with them because I'm a schmuck fan of the NFL, and only they have what I need. If that ever changes, I will change in a heartbeat. All customer service sucks nowadays, so you just want a company to be solid so that hopefully you don't have to call their customer service. Unfortunately DTV ruined that for me this past year. I'm not one looking for a handout. I don't mind paying for good products. I'd rather pay for it, and have it done right, then have to call and battle customer service for credits. Oh well, life goes on, but it sure reamins a sore spot with me indeed!
  3. Igonorant ass in this thread, because DTV is subpar in customer service, and they like to try to pass off their mistakes because they have subcontractors installing their equipment for them. And some morons buy into that excuse. To me, it's not an excuse. Again, I don't give a rats ass if their subcontractors are bad, it's still DTV who is responsible. And yes, I'm irritated with this crap. If I order carpet or a hot water heater from Lowe's (which I did) and have it installed by Lowe's (which I did), they are responsible for every part of the installation and it's success along the way. They call you within 48 hours to see if the installer has contacted you. They call you the day of installation to see how it's going and if the installer is there. They call you the day after installation to see how it went. For a gas hot water heater, my county in VA requires a building inspector to take a look at the job when it's over. The installer forgot to add some kind of clip to one of our pipes so it failed inspection. I called Lowe's.....not the sub-contractor.......and Lowe's had that subcontractor out there the same day and the re-inspection from County done the same to completion. I had to do NOTHING. Now, compare this to DTV. DTV likes to blame their mistakes on their sub-contractors, which shouldn't matter one bit. If that is how DTV chooses to to install DTV's product, that's on them, not me. So, in my case, my DISH was fugged up, period. And even though they fugged it up, thier answer to get me up and running was to be there in TWENTY DAYS. That isn't acceptable. So, they messed up my DTV, which worked fine, and their answer to fix it was they would be there in TWENTY DAYS. Not gonna happen. Especially when the guy I called did the work in about 15 mintues the same day. So, in short, I fixed the problem better than manager at DTV. What kind of sense does that make? It doesn't. The manager there was a lazy ass, worthless, POS. Period. Dish stays in business because they are cheaper than DTV.....period. If you aren't an NFL fan, why wouldn't you have DISH? It's really no more complicated than that. And again, the NHL package thing is a nuisance. I've had to go through about 5 phone calls, just to re-iterate to them that i cancelled the package multiple times. Those are typical things that get people irate. As for Comcast, I really could care less. Before FIOS and DTV I had Comcast, and they had a monopoly on our whole area. They raised rates every year until FIOS came along. Comcast high speed internet also had many outages and times where the internet was down. However, the cable feeds in additional rooms were free, whereas, DTV you have to pay 4.99 a month per room to have a signal in that room. FIOS was truly the savior. The product is awesome. The internet is the best ever. The TV is right there with it. And the phone is flawless. The best part about FIOS is that the product is so good, that you never really have to call customer service and battle with them after installation. With DTV, you have weather outages. There always seems to be problems with sports packages (minor, but enough that you have to call to get them to fix/justify things. There also always seems to be problems with their subcontractors. It gets old. The reason I say that DTV would go out of business is simple. If FIOS had the NFL package, why would anyone in their right mind stay with DTV? There really would be no reason. None. All I want out of my TV, is for my schitt to work. Period. I don't want to spend time on the phone talking to anyone or getting credits, or begging for free stuff. I just want my junk to work. Period. In our house with FIOS, it works flawlessy. I only have DTV on one receiver now in our gameroom (only for the NFL package), and FIOS everywhere else. DTV has become a pain in the ass. It's a shame, because I actually like DTV, I just don't like dealing with all of the BS that goes with it. If FIOS ever gets the NFL package, which I'm sure they won't, DTV will be in major trouble.
  4. And to swing this back to the players coming in..... I can't tell you how excited I am to see Washington coming in. He's averaging 9 games played and 5 catches per season over the last 4 years. SUPERBOWL!
  5. Gord, Just out of curiousity, what kind of car do you drive?
  6. From eastcoastsportsnews.com via the Baltimore Sun "Baltimore Ravens center Jason Brown will likely test the free-agency waters on Friday since it's believed there is a gap in negotiations between Brown and the Ravens...Brown excels against top nose tackles, but struggled in space against 4-3 defenses...Since the Ravens play two 3-4 defenses in the AFC North, they might want Brown back. Baltimoresun Sounds like a good player for teams vs. our division.
  7. It's amazing to me how much they always miss the boat on being able to do something cool. I mean, it's just a one year logo/patch, but it could be so much cooler than it is. From the current god awful uniforms to this. Is it any wonder? I swear they put interns on these projects. Who in the hell is gonna buy that stuff?
  8. Again, wrong as usual. I called DTV (1-800-directtv or 1-888) whatever it is and setup a change to a HDTV dish with DTV not a local installer. DTV set up install. DTV scheduled my time. DTV took all orders for the HD receiver and to change my dish. I don't give a rats ass HOW or WHO installs my dish and gets the service up and running. I didn't call a local installer. I called DTV and they handled (mishandled) everything about it. The fact that they don't have their own installers is of no concern to me. I called them for their service, they handled it, and it was botched. When that happens THEY need to correct the problem. I don't give two schitts that they contract out their work. And let's go even further into DTV customer service. I'm a pretty big NHL fan. So, every year, after football season, I order the NHL package when it is discounted. Of course, the package renews itself automatically every year, so you have to call and cancel it every year, so you won't incur the full package price at the beginning of the new NHL season. So, TWO years in a row, I call and cancel the package after the playoffs are over, and TWO years in a row, I get charged the full package price in Sept (?) or whenever the new season charge appears. The first year, no big deal. Just a mistake right? The second year, I cancel it TWICE, yet it appears on my online statement come Sept or Oct whenever the renewal is. I called them AGAIN and went ballistic and told them to cancel it. THen, the moron lady tells me that she can't cancel it becaue it's past the deadline of being able to back out of the deal. Ummmmm, yeah ok. THat's gonna happen. So again, I'm on the line with DTV managers......irate.......telling them to take the schitt off of my bill and cancel the NHL package. So, yes, they would be out of business. DTV, without the NFL package is nothing. I like DTV because I can get the package, however, they would fold if the package was ever offered on cable.....or better yet FIOS. The fact that they are behind the times with their DVR and that you have to pay for a receiver in every room is garbage. DTV has a customer base solely because of the NFL. Otherwise, why in the world would you have it? Especially now that FIOS is here. Sorry DTV, your customer service blows. Period. Love you for the package, but that's all.
  9. Their cutomer service is NOT top notch. I had a moron come install a HD dish, and he didn't secure it properly (And I don't give a schitt if it's an outside contractor or not, it's DTV's resonsibility to get it done right - however they choose to get it done). Well, my dish isn't secure and loses it's signal within 7 days of installation. So, I call DTV, and their answer to get me up and running is getting someone to my house within 20 days. TWENTY DAYS. So, I call and get a manager and he says that's all he can do. Idiot. He then tells me to call a number and try to get on a cancellation list and see if someone can come out sooner if there is a cancellation. He gives me the number. I then tell him to do it, since DTV didn't get the install right. He says he tried and 20 days is all they could give him. So, I hang up more than pissed off, and I call the local comany who handles their installs for DTV. They come out THE SAME DAY and fix my problem for $75. So, I call the nimrod back from DTV and want them to credit me $75 for RE-INSTALLING a dish that should have been done properly 7 days earlier, and after a 15 minute battle, he finally gives me the credit.....or so I think. This was December 27th, and to this day, along with 6 more calls, I still haven't gotten my credit. Yeah, they are great with customer service (sarcasm on). If it wasn't for the NFL package, they most likely would be out of business. And let me tell you, I'm not real fond of Comcast either, but at least their CS seemed ok. THey just raised fees every year until FIOS got to town. DTV customer service sucks ass. For the FIOS question..........I've had it for two years (internet and phone only), and it has worked fast and flawless every step of the way. Never had a problem.
  10. Did I say I cared, or did I try to make a point about us being relevant? Oh, yeah.
  11. No way, they will be there to stay. I mean really, they had what.....the Rams and Raiders? Nobody wants the Raiders. The Raiders couldn't have been a worse fit in fancy LA than any other team. That brings us to the Rams. Weren't they a mess when they were there? I have no idea why they moved, but they didn't have a venue like they would have now, and again, the NFL is the most popular thing going in the United States BY FAR. Popular and LA like to go together. The next team in LA will thrive.
  12. Even worse, I have found that most common NFL fans don't really laugh at us, because we are so irrelevant in the NFL. 90% of NFL fans don't even know we have Kelsay, Dockery and Walker on our roster, let alone the ignorant contracts we've given out to some players. Yeah, they laugh at Ralph, and now Marshawn is stirring the pot again, but we are so damn irrelevant, that I really don't think most people even care. We aren't really quite bad enough to be the new Bengals, and we aren't nearly good enough for anyone to care about. Talk about apathy.
  13. And some of you must be on crack if you think there aren't people out there who can't make an NFL team happen in LA even in this market. The part that kinda caught my eye is where they said they will contact some NFL teams about a possible move. I've never seen that actually said before. However, if some of you want to hang your hats on the economy as the reason to not be able to attract an NFL team, well ok, go ahead. However, there are a number of billionaires out there who can get this done. It is not going to be hard to get a team in LA again. The NFL is a whole different animal these days as it was when they were there last. Minnesota, SD, and New Orleans, I would think, would be real interested in hearing what they had to say.
  14. Wow. This sounds like its got legs. New team in LA? Sorry if it's been posted already, but it's the first I saw of it. LA Chargers?
  15. Unreal stuff. Holy crap. I just bought 9 things and it came to a total of 44.75. Gotta love it. Some serious gameroom and sweatshirt shopping right there.
  16. LOL. My season ticket rep contacted me about two weeks ago to get our feelings on renewal for next season. He went on to say all the great things that will be happening with the 50th year stuff, blah blah blah. I told him that I would turn in my renewal form as soon as I see the commitment that is made by this franchise in the free agent market. I told him that obviously having Dick Jauron back is a smack in the face. I also told him that the owner says that Jauron is OK, but has no talent. So, let's see everyone at Onebillsdrive put their money where their mouth is. He wasn't quite sure what to say. LOL. And yeah, the season ticket rep has no say in anything that happens player wise, but it sure was fun to vent to someone who works there. My expected result: The Bills will make a minimal impact in free agency, and I'll renew anyway, scared that I'll finally miss the one good season that we may ever have again. And the vicious cycle continues......
  17. Ummmm, I would love to see an actual NFL player come in here and say something like this. It would just reaffirm what most of us already know.
  18. It's not an accounting "trick". The Bills announced they would be doing this when Marv came aboard. Ralph Wilson didn't try to fool anyone. We all knew it kind of meant that we would be out of the big name free agency players, but he never tried to "trick" anyone into thinking we will spend like the big boys.
  19. LMAO. I was also gonna type this, but I read on because I knew someone would have beat me to it. The Bills have to be legendary in large parts of the underdeveloped world. LMAO. Dynasty.
  20. LMAO, you've gotta be kidding me. The music of today is the EXACT reason Bruce Springsteen in concert is still as popular as he is. Today's music and concerts are so dreadful, Bruce is a throwback. Your comparisons for him are so far off the mark it's hilarious. I respect your opinion, but this one's easy to take because it's so stupid compared to how many people enjoy him, it's utterly ridiculous. Now, back to the fuggin game........I hate the Steelers.
  21. And again, Bruce is the best act going. I'd love to see what your ideal of a concert is. I've been to three Petty concerts, and a ton of Bruce. I love both actually. But the ignorance of saying that Petty is better in person than Bruce is about like the saying that the atmosphere at a UB football game is just as good as a Bills game. It doesn't even compare. See: Bruce Springsteen STILL sells out his concerts, in any size stadium or arena, ALL OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD. Enjoy the show, your missing a legend.
  22. You must be on crack. That was an awesome halftime show. Energy, and you could hear the whole stadium singing parts of the songs. Also, with lighters the fans had, you could see the whole upper deck swaying back and forth. 10th Avenue Freezeout is one of his most popular songs in live concerts ever. Born to Run is his signature song for sure. Glory Days was for the margingal fans because everyone in America knows that song, and he did his new song. That show was terrific for the Superbowl. Finally an actual American legend got to perform at the half. Way to go Bruce.
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